• Have your own word
    #kïng Arímåtîa
    Have your own word #kïng Arímåtîa
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    1. The ønly män whø çan çontrol a lädy withøut argumënts is a Çamera män... He will be likë “Madam do as if you wänt to çlimb Irokø tree”‚ “Bënd døwn as if you wänt to seleçt okirik䔂 “Do as if you wänt to crøss guttër”‚ “Smile as if you lovë Tinubu”...
    This people will nøt k!ll me

    2. Sister‚ if your ëngagement rïng päss 2 yeärs withøut marriagë. Use it as key holdΔ“r insteäd.

    3. My neighbour’s 6 yrs relatiønship endëd because of genotypë. Something you would have askëd one the 1st datë but cöld StarRadler & Süya nø alløw you

    4. No be säy I no get riçh unçles & auntiës to livë with in Lagos‚ the prøblëm is that smäll tea and 2 sliçes of bread no dey do me

    5. She saïd “Faith plomisë me and givë me assurelançe that you wïll malï me...” guess wherë she’s fröm ?

    6. Dëar ladiës‚ the silençe you keëp when you fïnd møney in your bøyfriends’ poçket‚ kindly do the samë when you fïnd him çheating

    7. You seΔ“ those who dey nød heäd when Pastor dey tälk‚ na dem nö dey heär one thïng

    8. So Eve säw a talkïng snakë and didn’t rün ?
    My brother feär womën oo

    9. Whenevër I seë gïrls who beär the namë “Natash䔂 I always get sçared because Natashä when spëlt baçkwards says “Ah Satän”
    Wisdøm oo

    10. You’ve been takïng sçreenshots of clothës and shoës sincë läst yëar. We’ve ëntered Deçember alrëady *
    * When wïll you büy them ?*

    11. Meanwhilë some ladïes be likë... I neëd a män that wïll øpen the doør for me and shøw me wherë to sït... A män that can stând by my sidë and handlës a løt of çash ! Çome to thïnk of ït‚ aren’t this the qualitiës of a bus çonductor ?

    12. Abëg‚ who töld Nïgerians that when they eät stonës in bëans‚ they should loøk at the përson that çooked it

    13. Interviewërs: “If you leavë Nïgeria whät wïll you mïss ?”

    Me: “I wïll mïss my flïght to çome baçk”

    14. The wäy we becøme brøkë aftër fΔ«nïshing school‚ you might thïnk we werë studyïng Bachelør of Povërty and Appliëd suffëring

    15. Are you going without liking my post and following my profile? If i slap u Eyii na joke Oya followπŸ§‘πŸ½β€πŸ¦―

    You love jokes right? If you haven't followed my profile below, that means you are missing alot.
    🧑 LAUGH BEFORE U SLEEP πŸ˜‚ 🀣 1. The ønly män whø çan çontrol a lädy withøut argumënts is a Çamera män... He will be likë “Madam do as if you wänt to çlimb Irokø tree”‚ “Bënd døwn as if you wänt to seleçt okirik䔂 “Do as if you wänt to crøss guttër”‚ “Smile as if you lovë Tinubu”... This people will nøt k!ll me πŸ™†πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ 2. Sister‚ if your ëngagement rïng päss 2 yeärs withøut marriagë. Use it as key holdΔ“r insteäd. πŸ™†πŸ˜‚ 3. My neighbour’s 6 yrs relatiønship endëd because of genotypë. Something you would have askëd one the 1st datë but cöld StarRadler & Süya nø alløw you πŸ€·πŸ˜‚ 4. No be säy I no get riçh unçles & auntiës to livë with in Lagos‚ the prøblëm is that smäll tea and 2 sliçes of bread no dey do me πŸ™„πŸ˜‚ 5. She saïd “Faith plomisë me and givë me assurelançe that you wïll malï me...” guess wherë she’s fröm ? πŸ€” Anambrä πŸƒ‍β™€οΈπŸ˜‚ 6. Dëar ladiës‚ the silençe you keëp when you fïnd møney in your bøyfriends’ poçket‚ kindly do the samë when you fïnd him çheating πŸƒ‍β™€οΈπŸ˜‚ 7. You seΔ“ those who dey nød heäd when Pastor dey tälk‚ na dem nö dey heär one thïng πŸ˜‚ 8. So Eve säw a talkïng snakë and didn’t rün ? My brother feär womën oo πŸ˜•πŸ˜‚ 9. Whenevër I seë gïrls who beär the namë “Natash䔂 I always get sçared because Natashä when spëlt baçkwards says “Ah Satän” πŸ€­πŸ˜‚ Wisdøm oo 😜 10. You’ve been takïng sçreenshots of clothës and shoës sincë läst yëar. We’ve ëntered Deçember alrëady * * When wïll you büy them ?* πŸ™„πŸ˜‚ 11. Meanwhilë some ladïes be likë... I neëd a män that wïll øpen the doør for me and shøw me wherë to sït... A män that can stând by my sidë and handlës a løt of çash ! Çome to thïnk of ït‚ aren’t this the qualitiës of a bus çonductor ? πŸ˜‚ 12. Abëg‚🀨 who töld Nïgerians that when they eät stonës in bëans‚ they should loøk at the përson that çooked it πŸ˜‚ 13. Interviewërs: “If you leavë Nïgeria whät wïll you mïss ?” Me: “I wïll mïss my flïght to çome baçk” πŸ˜’πŸ˜‚ 14. The wäy we becøme brøkë aftër fΔ«nïshing school‚ you might thïnk we werë studyïng Bachelør of Povërty and Appliëd suffëring πŸ₯²πŸ˜‚ 15. Are you going without liking my post and following my profile?πŸ™„ If i slap u😁 Eyii na joke Oya followπŸ§‘πŸ½‍🦯 You love jokes right? If you haven't followed my profile below, that means you are missing alot.
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  • Funny jokes

    1. When your partner is bathïng, just shöut “baby you thought I don’t know your passwörd, so what’s all this nönsense in your phone”...

    My Brother, you will make someone to stay in the bathroom the whole day thinking of answers to give you

    2. Welcome to Nigerïa, where Only black people will mute the TV to smëll what’s bürning

    3. I decided to gist with this my stübborn girlfriënd today...
    Me: “What is your Favourite colour?
    Favour: “Stop asking me stüpid question, ask me something logical and mature instead...
    Me: “How many moles of Sodium Bicarbonate (III) are needed to neutralize 0.8ml of Sulphuric açid at S.T.P?
    Favour: “My favourite colour is Pink...
    Abeg wetin dey happen???

    4. The strength we use to stand up from our chairs and shöut GOAL when watching a football match is different from the one we use when shouting AMEN in the church.

    I really don’t know what is wrong with boys at all.
    5. If you don’t want to visit me, then tell me straight forward...
    Favour, Which one is “I don’t know if I can come again oo, my father is ängry with my mother”

    6. If you see the way your girlfriënd is busy telling another guy she doesn’t have a boyfriend, you’ll know it’s only God who loves you.

    7. I stöpped reciting Nigeria pledgë since a cup of rice became #15O.
    Serve Nigeria with which strength. Me that have not eaten since

    8. You bought a freezer of 15Ok for only 12k and you are now complaining the freezer is shockïng you, My Brother the time you are buying it the price no shoçk you?

    9. My problëm started with Calabar people when I heard one Calabar womän singing “ekwueme” like this:
    “Ekwueme, Ekwueme
    Ekwueme, Ekwueme
    We are the living God oo
    Eze no one like us.

    10. For those guys that are calling their girlfrïends “their world” , but if that “world” asks for #10,OOO, the moon will vanish, all the rivers and seas will dry up and the sun itself will
    Funny jokes 1. When your partner is bathïng, just shöut “baby you thought I don’t know your passwörd, so what’s all this nönsense in your phone”...πŸ™„ My Brother, you will make someone to stay in the bathroom the whole day thinking of answers to give you πŸ€­πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ 2. Welcome to Nigerïa, where Only black people will mute the TV to smëll what’s bürning πŸ€­πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ 3. I decided to gist with this my stübborn girlfriënd today...πŸ™„ Me: “What is your Favourite colour? πŸ₯° Favour: “Stop asking me stüpid question, ask me something logical and mature instead...πŸ™„ Me: “How many moles of Sodium Bicarbonate (III) are needed to neutralize 0.8ml of Sulphuric açid at S.T.P? πŸ˜’ Favour: “My favourite colour is Pink... πŸ™„πŸ€­πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ Abeg wetin dey happen???πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ 4. The strength we use to stand up from our chairs and shöut GOAL when watching a football match is different from the one we use when shouting AMEN in the church.πŸ™„ I really don’t know what is wrong with boys at all. πŸ˜’πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ 5. If you don’t want to visit me, then tell me straight forward...πŸ˜’ Favour, Which one is “I don’t know if I can come again oo, my father is ängry with my mother” πŸ˜³πŸ™„πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ 6. If you see the way your girlfriënd is busy telling another guy she doesn’t have a boyfriendπŸ™„, you’ll know it’s only God who loves you. πŸ₯²πŸ€­πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ 7. I stöpped reciting Nigeria pledgë since a cup of rice became #15O.πŸ₯² Serve Nigeria with which strength🚢. Me that have not eaten since πŸ˜’πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ 8. You bought a freezer of 15Ok for only 12k and you are now complaining the freezer is shockïng you, My Brother the time you are buying it the price no shoçk you? πŸ™„πŸ€­πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ 9. My problëm started with Calabar people when I heard one Calabar womän singing “ekwueme” like thisπŸ™„: “Ekwueme, Ekwueme Ekwueme, Ekwueme We are the living God oo Eze no one like us. πŸ˜³πŸ™†πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ 10. For those guys that are calling their girlfrïends “their world” 🌍, but if that “world” asks for #10,OOO, the moon πŸŒ• will vanish, all the rivers and seas will dry up and the sun itself will
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  • 1. Welcome to Àfrica! Where you will open fridge and see ice cream container with egusï soup inside.

    2. Nobody has a better eyë sïght than a marrïed man coming out from a lodgë with his side çhick... He can even seë next week

    3. Some girls know very well that they have bïg tümmy yet they’ll wear high waïst troúser and be looking like GOTV remote

    4. Yesterday‚ I wanted to fïght one lady in my compound‚ but people sepärated us. Just this morning‚ I saw the same lady trainíng people in karatë.

    5. Hatërs will be zóóming your piçtures‚ they will zoom to the shoes and be like “I tälk am‚ na Abä he dey wëar”.

    6. How can a man withöut an international passport tell you that you are the most beautiful girl in the wörld and you believe him; where in the wörld has he ëver been to?

    7. Some ladïes be like “he is not my type!”
    My question is...
    “Are you looking for a Blöôd dönor?

    8. If your hüsband is tall‚ därk‚ speaks yorúba flúêntly and drives a Lexus ES350...
    He is in our compound now cookïng and washïng platë for one femalë corpër oo

    9. Datïng a Jehovah Witness girl is all fun until she saves your contact as “Dear Brethrën”
    Please oo na play

    10. Only pöor people are possessëd by demöns‚ you can never seë Rïch man rolling on the flöor in church.

    11. What a shāme some boys are somewhere busy booking hotels to go and do their 2mins ..... Wâstè of resources 🚢🏼🚢🏼🚢🏼🚢🏼🚢🏼

    1. Welcome to Àfrica! Where you will open fridge and see ice cream container with egusï soup inside. πŸ˜³πŸ™†‍β™€οΈπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ 2. Nobody has a better eyë sïght than a marrïed man coming out from a lodgë with his side çhick...πŸ˜’ He can even seë next week πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ 3. Some girls know very well that they have bïg tümmy yet they’ll wear high waïst troúser and be looking like GOTV remote πŸ™„πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ 4. Yesterday‚ I wanted to fïght one lady in my compound‚ but people sepärated us.πŸ˜’ Just this morning‚ I saw the same lady trainíng people in karatë. πŸ˜³πŸ™†‍β™€οΈπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ 5. Hatërs will be zóóming your piçtures‚ they will zoom to the shoes and be like “I tälk am‚ na Abä he dey wëar”. πŸ™„πŸ˜’πŸ€­πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ 6. How can a man withöut an international passport tell you that you are the most beautiful girl in the wörld and you believe himπŸ™„; where in the wörld has he ëver been to? πŸ˜’πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ 7. Some ladïes be like “he is not my type!”πŸ˜’ My question is... “Are you looking for a Blöôd dönor? πŸ™„πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ 8. If your hüsband is tall‚ därk‚ speaks yorúba flúêntly and drives a Lexus ES350...πŸ˜’ He is in our compound now cookïng and washïng platë for one femalë corpër oo πŸ™„πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ 9. Datïng a Jehovah Witness girl is all funπŸ˜‡ until she saves your contact as “Dear Brethrën”πŸ˜³πŸ™†‍β™€οΈπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ Please oo na playπŸ˜©πŸƒ‍♀️ 10. Only pöor people are possessëd by demöns‚ you can never seë Rïch man rolling on the flöor in church. πŸ˜’πŸ€­πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ 11. What a shāme some boys are somewhere busy booking hotels to go and do their 2mins ..... Wâstè of resources 🚢🏼🚢🏼🚢🏼🚢🏼🚢🏼 FØLLØW ME OR SEND ME A FRIEND REQUEST FOR MORE JOKESπŸ™πŸ‘‰ BoohEmpire Diary
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