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  • On a scale of 0 - 10, how healthy is your lifestyle and diet?

    #doctorofthefuture #fitness #healthylifestyle #hypertension #foryou
    On a scale of 0 - 10, how healthy is your lifestyle and diet? #doctorofthefuture #fitness #healthylifestyle #hypertension #foryou
  • Dangers of marrying an ALREADY MADE man?

    You see many girls are more interested in marrying boys who are doing well financially.

    To them husband material is one with a good job, car and house.

    Most of them do not realize that very few successful young men will bend for marriage.

    They do not consider the dangers of marrying a man who’s life you have not contributed anything.

    You just want to enter there and enjoy all the good things. What a shame !

    Dangers of marrying already made men ;
    1. They don’t change for any woman. If you found him taking alcohol, he will continue.

    If you found him womanizing he will continue womanizing that comfort zone cannot be abolished by marriage.

    2. You will have little say on what he has. When an already established man marries you, he doesn’t consider you as a person to value but a property to keep.

    He will be counting you among the things he owns.

    Many girls are treated like things and not humans because they love material things.
    With his money he bought you, with his influence he married you instead of other girls so he chooses to treat the way he likes.

    3. You will be eating crumbs.

    Have you heard girls saying it’s better to cry in a Benz than smile on a bicycle?
    Those are wives with cosmetic riches.
    Broken inside but intact outside.
    Hypertension kills them, they dies of depression.
    They drive cars but they have no drive within them. No hope no faith.
    They fail to step out of those abusive marriages because the day they will go is the day the cosmetic beauty will go.
    They are just keeping up appearances.

    4. Your efforts will never count.
    You'll try in as much as the relationship goes on between both of you,but what you'll ever done will not be seen, because areas in his life counterpart that needed that was already fixed, before you came into picture.

    5. You'll never demand his attention but earn.
    My dear he may or may not have time for you, you'll always craving for a quality time together but to no avail except he see's genuine reasons why to spend time with you then you earned the attention.

    6. He may has a very low libido. You'll encounter challenges of reaching cloud nine,of travelling to the moon on a long run and return with your two legs shaking while reaching your climax,if you as a young lady really want consider marrying a rich man,imagine with your high libido sister, alternatives will not solve that problems throughout your lifetime.

    7. You'll have some girls to contain with.
    When desperate ladies sense fragrance of money from either directions they'll always fly like bee's towards that route. You'll have to fight sweet, sexier and younger than you to keep him,Alot of them even without meeting his acquaintance will want to show their admiration even at your presence.

    8. You'll always be insecure.
    İnsecurities will arises in every line of an argument and he'll never change forcefully but willingly and if forcefully you'll be asked to choose between in or out of the house,been that you never wanted poverty of your father house to repeat second time

    9. They hardly stay married.
    Most of them hardly prioritize a woman, thereby don't care who stays or leave ''in as much as the money stays they called it more life'' most of them will never let you experience true love but more gadgets and brand new cars will be given to you as a medium of apology.

    10. They may never admit they're wrong.
    Simply soft words whispering to your ears I'm sorry would hardly be heard from them,no remorseful,no apologies, always right, because they knew your loyalty and sweet names calling stops where money stops because if really they were broke or poor you wouldn't be there and you're there because he's rich, famous and successful.

    Marry a man who is just building himself up. A reasonable and sober man.

    A vision driven man, when you build together, the chances of breaking apart will be very low.

    Look for the brothers in Zion who are trying to put their lives together and build with them.

    It’s good to marry a visionary Christian especially if he has shown love for you even though he has nothing yet.

    There's no grass that's greener at the other side,every green grass had a consistent gardener who refuses to give up on it so use your hand,hoe and wisdom build into future whom and who you choose, because forever is too long to be unhappy.....

    Note: This post is not suggesting that every built up man is the same, it means tread cautiously when confronted by an already made man and be careful not to lust after already made men, most of them belong to every girl you see on the streets.

    Think twice after reading before taking decisions......

    Good night fan #prettyflexz @highlight
    Dangers of marrying an ALREADY MADE man? You see many girls are more interested in marrying boys who are doing well financially. To them husband material is one with a good job, car and house. Most of them do not realize that very few successful young men will bend for marriage. They do not consider the dangers of marrying a man who’s life you have not contributed anything. You just want to enter there and enjoy all the good things. What a shame ! Dangers of marrying already made men ; 1. They don’t change for any woman. If you found him taking alcohol, he will continue. If you found him womanizing he will continue womanizing that comfort zone cannot be abolished by marriage. 2. You will have little say on what he has. When an already established man marries you, he doesn’t consider you as a person to value but a property to keep. He will be counting you among the things he owns. Many girls are treated like things and not humans because they love material things. With his money he bought you, with his influence he married you instead of other girls so he chooses to treat the way he likes. 3. You will be eating crumbs. Have you heard girls saying it’s better to cry in a Benz than smile on a bicycle? Those are wives with cosmetic riches. Broken inside but intact outside. Hypertension kills them, they dies of depression. They drive cars but they have no drive within them. No hope no faith. They fail to step out of those abusive marriages because the day they will go is the day the cosmetic beauty will go. They are just keeping up appearances. 4. Your efforts will never count. You'll try in as much as the relationship goes on between both of you,but what you'll ever done will not be seen, because areas in his life counterpart that needed that was already fixed, before you came into picture. 5. You'll never demand his attention but earn. My dear he may or may not have time for you, you'll always craving for a quality time together but to no avail except he see's genuine reasons why to spend time with you then you earned the attention. 6. He may has a very low libido. You'll encounter challenges of reaching cloud nine,of travelling to the moon on a long run and return with your two legs shaking while reaching your climax,if you as a young lady really want consider marrying a rich man,imagine with your high libido sister, alternatives will not solve that problems throughout your lifetime. 7. You'll have some girls to contain with. When desperate ladies sense fragrance of money from either directions they'll always fly like bee's towards that route. You'll have to fight sweet, sexier and younger than you to keep him,Alot of them even without meeting his acquaintance will want to show their admiration even at your presence. 8. You'll always be insecure. İnsecurities will arises in every line of an argument and he'll never change forcefully but willingly and if forcefully you'll be asked to choose between in or out of the house,been that you never wanted poverty of your father house to repeat second time 9. They hardly stay married. Most of them hardly prioritize a woman, thereby don't care who stays or leave ''in as much as the money stays they called it more life'' most of them will never let you experience true love but more gadgets and brand new cars will be given to you as a medium of apology. 10. They may never admit they're wrong. Simply soft words whispering to your ears I'm sorry would hardly be heard from them,no remorseful,no apologies, always right, because they knew your loyalty and sweet names calling stops where money stops because if really they were broke or poor you wouldn't be there and you're there because he's rich, famous and successful. Marry a man who is just building himself up. A reasonable and sober man. A vision driven man, when you build together, the chances of breaking apart will be very low. Look for the brothers in Zion who are trying to put their lives together and build with them. It’s good to marry a visionary Christian especially if he has shown love for you even though he has nothing yet. There's no grass that's greener at the other side,every green grass had a consistent gardener who refuses to give up on it so use your hand,hoe and wisdom build into future whom and who you choose, because forever is too long to be unhappy..... Note: This post is not suggesting that every built up man is the same, it means tread cautiously when confronted by an already made man and be careful not to lust after already made men, most of them belong to every girl you see on the streets. Think twice after reading before taking decisions...... Good night fan #prettyflexz @highlight
  • So Katrin, if there is history of dementia in my family, should I be worried that I might get it too? And what can I do to prevent it?

    KS Usually, dementia is not passed down within families. But what you might share with family members are conditions that make you more likely to develop dementia. Such as having hypertension or diabetes, or smoking, unhealthy diets or living in an area with high air pollution. Unlike with genes, there are things that we can do to prevent or reduce our risk of developing dementia. What’s good for your heart is good for your brain. So be physically active, eat healthily, treat conditions such as
    So Katrin, if there is history of dementia in my family, should I be worried that I might get it too? And what can I do to prevent it? KS Usually, dementia is not passed down within families. But what you might share with family members are conditions that make you more likely to develop dementia. Such as having hypertension or diabetes, or smoking, unhealthy diets or living in an area with high air pollution. Unlike with genes, there are things that we can do to prevent or reduce our risk of developing dementia. What’s good for your heart is good for your brain. So be physically active, eat healthily, treat conditions such as
  • hypertension or diabetes. And the other important message is, throughout life, train your brain and protect it from injuries. So, for instance, learn a new language, meet friends or go dancing. All these activities stimulate your brain and help formulate new and stronger and more connections between nerve cells and ultimately help you fight off disease.

    VGS Well thank you very much for sharing that with us, Katrin. Until next time then, stay safe, stay healthy and stick with science.
    hypertension or diabetes. And the other important message is, throughout life, train your brain and protect it from injuries. So, for instance, learn a new language, meet friends or go dancing. All these activities stimulate your brain and help formulate new and stronger and more connections between nerve cells and ultimately help you fight off disease. VGS Well thank you very much for sharing that with us, Katrin. Until next time then, stay safe, stay healthy and stick with science.
  • Lowers blood pressure: Regular exercise helps manage blood pressure, reducing the risk of hypertension.

    Lowers blood pressure: Regular exercise helps manage blood pressure, reducing the risk of hypertension.
  • Hypertension: High blood pressure is a leading risk factor for heart disease and stroke, affecting over 1 billion people worldwide.

    Hypertension: High blood pressure is a leading risk factor for heart disease and stroke, affecting over 1 billion people worldwide.
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  • Garlic and Onions
    Allium vegetables, which include garlic and onions, have been shown to reduce inflammation in the body. They have also been shown to open up blood flow and improve circulation.

    This may be why a 2017 study published in the Journal of Hypertension found that adult men and women with a higher habitual intake of allium vegetables had a 64% reduced risk of cardiovascular disease over a six-year period.
    Garlic and Onions Allium vegetables, which include garlic and onions, have been shown to reduce inflammation in the body. They have also been shown to open up blood flow and improve circulation. This may be why a 2017 study published in the Journal of Hypertension found that adult men and women with a higher habitual intake of allium vegetables had a 64% reduced risk of cardiovascular disease over a six-year period.
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