Suuratul Baqorah 2:154
وَلَا تَقُولُوا لِمَن يُقْتَلُ فِي سَبِيلِ اللَّهِ أَمْوَاتٌ بَلْ أَحْيَاءٌ وَلَٰكِن لَّا تَشْعُرُونَ
And do not speak of those who are slain in Allaah's way as dead; nay, (they are) alive, but you do not perceive.
They were slained in Allaah's way because they already had the intention from the onset that, if not Allaah's way, no other way. Why the very powerful decision ? because they knew the reward that was awaiting them, they knew then that it was an opportunity for them to secure their final abode. They had no idea what could happen in the next minute. So they had to put all their strength and energy in making sure Allaah's will come to reality with their limited resources. We should be aware that it is forbidden to refer to those who are martyred for Allaah's sake as "dead" because the very word "death" and its thought can be discouraging, and kills the spirit of self-sacrifice and the urge to fight in the way of Allaah. Instead, the Muslims are told to believe that those who fall martyrs in the way of Allaah in fact enjoy eternal life. This is a reality that revitalises and keeps alive the spirit of courage and valour. This belief are not just to be uttered merely with the tongue, but we would believe sincerely from the core of our hearts that "We belong to Allaah and to none else." Thus, if anything is sacrificed in the way of Allaah, it is spent rightly because it has gone to His service to Whom it really belonged. For these set of people that were slain in the cause of Allaah, life passed away from them in this world, but they have already arrived at eternal life in the end. They are in truth living in all kinds of special gifts from Allaah. They knew that out of the numerous way to secure ones' hereafter, this is certainly one of it. Let us all ask ourselves, in what are we striving that the word of Allaah prevail in all that we do ? What is our intention behind all the supposedly acts of kindness that we do ? This could be your last Ramadan too, would you want people to actually say you are dead when you are no more or you want to continue to be alive after death has taken you away ?
إلهي سيدي ربّي أغثني..... فخذ بيدي ومن بعد أجرني
Oh My Lord And My Master, Salvage Me, Hold My Hand then Save Me.
May Allah affirm Our Feet On His Path. May He Make Practising His Religion in the best way easy for us. May He accept all that We plan to put forth to Him as a rewardable act. May He grant us all our innermost desires. May He grant us the strength to maximise all the reward in Ramadan.
Suuratul Baqorah 2:154
وَلَا تَقُولُوا لِمَن يُقْتَلُ فِي سَبِيلِ اللَّهِ أَمْوَاتٌ بَلْ أَحْيَاءٌ وَلَٰكِن لَّا تَشْعُرُونَ
And do not speak of those who are slain in Allaah's way as dead; nay, (they are) alive, but you do not perceive.
They were slained in Allaah's way because they already had the intention from the onset that, if not Allaah's way, no other way. Why the very powerful decision ? because they knew the reward that was awaiting them, they knew then that it was an opportunity for them to secure their final abode. They had no idea what could happen in the next minute. So they had to put all their strength and energy in making sure Allaah's will come to reality with their limited resources. We should be aware that it is forbidden to refer to those who are martyred for Allaah's sake as "dead" because the very word "death" and its thought can be discouraging, and kills the spirit of self-sacrifice and the urge to fight in the way of Allaah. Instead, the Muslims are told to believe that those who fall martyrs in the way of Allaah in fact enjoy eternal life. This is a reality that revitalises and keeps alive the spirit of courage and valour. This belief are not just to be uttered merely with the tongue, but we would believe sincerely from the core of our hearts that "We belong to Allaah and to none else." Thus, if anything is sacrificed in the way of Allaah, it is spent rightly because it has gone to His service to Whom it really belonged. For these set of people that were slain in the cause of Allaah, life passed away from them in this world, but they have already arrived at eternal life in the end. They are in truth living in all kinds of special gifts from Allaah. They knew that out of the numerous way to secure ones' hereafter, this is certainly one of it. Let us all ask ourselves, in what are we striving that the word of Allaah prevail in all that we do ? What is our intention behind all the supposedly acts of kindness that we do ? This could be your last Ramadan too, would you want people to actually say you are dead when you are no more or you want to continue to be alive after death has taken you away ?
إلهي سيدي ربّي أغثني..... فخذ بيدي ومن بعد أجرني
Oh My Lord And My Master, Salvage Me, Hold My Hand then Save Me.
May Allah affirm Our Feet On His Path. May He Make Practising His Religion in the best way easy for us. May He accept all that We plan to put forth to Him as a rewardable act. May He grant us all our innermost desires. May He grant us the strength to maximise all the reward in Ramadan.
Suuratul Baqorah 2:154
وَلَا تَقُولُوا لِمَن يُقْتَلُ فِي سَبِيلِ اللَّهِ أَمْوَاتٌ بَلْ أَحْيَاءٌ وَلَٰكِن لَّا تَشْعُرُونَ
And do not speak of those who are slain in Allaah's way as dead; nay, (they are) alive, but you do not perceive.
They were slained in Allaah's way because they already had the intention from the onset that, if not Allaah's way, no other way. Why the very powerful decision ? because they knew the reward that was awaiting them, they knew then that it was an opportunity for them to secure their final abode. They had no idea what could happen in the next minute. So they had to put all their strength and energy in making sure Allaah's will come to reality with their limited resources. We should be aware that it is forbidden to refer to those who are martyred for Allaah's sake as "dead" because the very word "death" and its thought can be discouraging, and kills the spirit of self-sacrifice and the urge to fight in the way of Allaah. Instead, the Muslims are told to believe that those who fall martyrs in the way of Allaah in fact enjoy eternal life. This is a reality that revitalises and keeps alive the spirit of courage and valour. This belief are not just to be uttered merely with the tongue, but we would believe sincerely from the core of our hearts that "We belong to Allaah and to none else." Thus, if anything is sacrificed in the way of Allaah, it is spent rightly because it has gone to His service to Whom it really belonged. For these set of people that were slain in the cause of Allaah, life passed away from them in this world, but they have already arrived at eternal life in the end. They are in truth living in all kinds of special gifts from Allaah. They knew that out of the numerous way to secure ones' hereafter, this is certainly one of it. Let us all ask ourselves, in what are we striving that the word of Allaah prevail in all that we do ? What is our intention behind all the supposedly acts of kindness that we do ? This could be your last Ramadan too, would you want people to actually say you are dead when you are no more or you want to continue to be alive after death has taken you away ?
إلهي سيدي ربّي أغثني..... فخذ بيدي ومن بعد أجرني
Oh My Lord And My Master, Salvage Me, Hold My Hand then Save Me.
May Allah affirm Our Feet On His Path. May He Make Practising His Religion in the best way easy for us. May He accept all that We plan to put forth to Him as a rewardable act. May He grant us all our innermost desires. May He grant us the strength to maximise all the reward in Ramadan.
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