You must laugh
1. ST!NGY:- Is when someone asks you for salt and you said your mom counted it
2. CONFŮS!ON:- Is when you stėal meat from your mother's pot and you forget whether the spoon was placed upwards or downwards
3. SH0CK:- Is when you touch your pocket and you didn't feel your phone
4. CAŮSE TR0UBLE:- Is when you enter a restaurant and you discover that all the guys there are with their ladies and you decide to make a făke call will your Ch!na phone:
"Hello, my man, I saw your wife with a man in a restaurant, come quick quick" after that, you turn your back only to discover that all the ladies has dis@ppeared�
5. WAHALA:- Is after you have been pun!shed by a sold!er and you climbed ur bike and shøut "Thûnděr f!re you" and then, your bike refuses to start
6. KASALA DON BŮRST:- Is when you take your girlfriend to a bar and order for Andre( wine), as a vill@ge girl, she says; "pre@se make it spicy"
7. W!TCHCR@FT:- Is after standing for one hour in a queue under the sun just to withdraw money, and when it's finally your turn, you notice you were with ur Voter's Card not ur ATM
8. HE@RT @TTACK:- Is when your girlfriend pregnant and your wife is pregnant
9. Wickėdness ÷ is wen u finish reading this post and didn't share and follow Ndubisi Peace and Ike Eze
1. ST!NGY:- Is when someone asks you for salt and you said your mom counted it
2. CONFŮS!ON:- Is when you stėal meat from your mother's pot and you forget whether the spoon was placed upwards or downwards
3. SH0CK:- Is when you touch your pocket and you didn't feel your phone
4. CAŮSE TR0UBLE:- Is when you enter a restaurant and you discover that all the guys there are with their ladies and you decide to make a făke call will your Ch!na phone:
"Hello, my man, I saw your wife with a man in a restaurant, come quick quick" after that, you turn your back only to discover that all the ladies has dis@ppeared�
5. WAHALA:- Is after you have been pun!shed by a sold!er and you climbed ur bike and shøut "Thûnděr f!re you" and then, your bike refuses to start
6. KASALA DON BŮRST:- Is when you take your girlfriend to a bar and order for Andre( wine), as a vill@ge girl, she says; "pre@se make it spicy"
7. W!TCHCR@FT:- Is after standing for one hour in a queue under the sun just to withdraw money, and when it's finally your turn, you notice you were with ur Voter's Card not ur ATM
8. HE@RT @TTACK:- Is when your girlfriend pregnant and your wife is pregnant
9. Wickėdness ÷ is wen u finish reading this post and didn't share and follow Ndubisi Peace and Ike Eze
You must laugh😁😂😂😂
1. ST!NGY:- Is when someone asks you for salt and you said your mom counted it 😂
2. CONFŮS!ON:- Is when you stėal meat from your mother's pot and you forget whether the spoon was placed upwards or downwards 😂
3. SH0CK:- Is when you touch your pocket and you didn't feel your phone🙄
4. CAŮSE TR0UBLE:- Is when you enter a restaurant and you discover that all the guys there are with their ladies and you decide to make a făke call will your Ch!na phone:
"Hello, my man, I saw your wife with a man in a restaurant, come quick quick" after that, you turn your back only to discover that all the ladies has dis@ppeared😂�
5. WAHALA:- Is after you have been pun!shed by a sold!er and you climbed ur bike and shøut "Thûnděr f!re you" and then, your bike refuses to start🙄😂
6. KASALA DON BŮRST:- Is when you take your girlfriend to a bar and order for Andre( wine), as a vill@ge girl, she says; "pre@se make it spicy" 🙄😳
7. W!TCHCR@FT:- Is after standing for one hour in a queue under the sun just to withdraw money, and when it's finally your turn, you notice you were with ur Voter's Card not ur ATM😂
8. HE@RT @TTACK:- Is when your girlfriend pregnant and your wife is pregnant 😫
9. Wickėdness ÷ is wen u finish reading this post and didn't share and follow 👉 Ndubisi Peace and Ike Eze
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