Upgrade to Pro

  • I finally got fuel, came back home & now they are telling me gas has finished.
    I finally got fuel, came back home & now they are telling me gas has finished.
  • The attempt to criminalize protest in Nigeria is absurd
    The attempt to criminalize protest in Nigeria is absurd
  • “E go beta”
    “E go beta”

    “E go beta” “E go beta” When?????😩
  • I'm proud of you for getting through tough times, even when others don't see what you're going through
    I'm proud of you for getting through tough times, even when others don't see what you're going through
  • so much congratulations i kept to myself and so much losses i drank water to
    so much congratulations i kept to myself and so much losses i drank water to
  • That your husband, wife, fiancé or significant other does not post about you on social media does not mean they don’t love you. Love is expressed at home, not on social media. Often, your relationships last longer when you keep them offline. Valuable things are not frequently exposed to the public. The Queen of England wears pieces from the Crown Jewels once a year. Aren't your relationships more valuable than jewels? They don't need to be flaunted on social media daily, or they may lose their value
    That your husband, wife, fiancé or significant other does not post about you on social media does not mean they don’t love you. Love is expressed at home, not on social media. Often, your relationships last longer when you keep them offline. Valuable things are not frequently exposed to the public. The Queen of England wears pieces from the Crown Jewels once a year. Aren't your relationships more valuable than jewels? They don't need to be flaunted on social media daily, or they may lose their value
  • You need friends that will always tell you the truth even when it’s not what you want to hear.
    You need friends that will always tell you the truth even when it’s not what you want to hear.
  • Everybody don use style go back to cooking at home.
    Everybody don use style go back to cooking at home. 😂
  • A wife who causes strife between you and your mother, especially when she harbours love for her own mother, is a wife who is after your life. You and your siblings are the branches. Your mother is the root of the tree whose branches you are. If you cut off the branch from the root, it will slowly but surely wither away, and all that you worked for will become the property of that wife who will use it to sustain her mother and her siblings after depriving you of yours. Please keep all your relationships intact as much as it depends on you. However, if you are put in a position where one must go, it is better to break up a marital relationship than sever an umbilical one. You can get another wife. But you cannot get another mother!
    A wife who causes strife between you and your mother, especially when she harbours love for her own mother, is a wife who is after your life. You and your siblings are the branches. Your mother is the root of the tree whose branches you are. If you cut off the branch from the root, it will slowly but surely wither away, and all that you worked for will become the property of that wife who will use it to sustain her mother and her siblings after depriving you of yours. Please keep all your relationships intact as much as it depends on you. However, if you are put in a position where one must go, it is better to break up a marital relationship than sever an umbilical one. You can get another wife. But you cannot get another mother!
  • You o
    Your babe o
    Una Dey Craze
    You o Your babe o Una Dey Craze