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That your husband, wife, fiancé or significant other does not post about you on social media does not mean they don’t love you. Love is expressed at home, not on social media. Often, your relationships last longer when you keep them offline. Valuable things are not frequently exposed to the public. The Queen of England wears pieces from the Crown Jewels once a year. Aren't your relationships more valuable than jewels? They don't need to be flaunted on social media daily, or they may lose their value
That your husband, wife, fiancé or significant other does not post about you on social media does not mean they don’t love you. Love is expressed at home, not on social media. Often, your relationships last longer when you keep them offline. Valuable things are not frequently exposed to the public. The Queen of England wears pieces from the Crown Jewels once a year. Aren't your relationships more valuable than jewels? They don't need to be flaunted on social media daily, or they may lose their value