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A wife who causes strife between you and your mother, especially when she harbours love for her own mother, is a wife who is after your life. You and your siblings are the branches. Your mother is the root of the tree whose branches you are. If you cut off the branch from the root, it will slowly but surely wither away, and all that you worked for will become the property of that wife who will use it to sustain her mother and her siblings after depriving you of yours. Please keep all your relationships intact as much as it depends on you. However, if you are put in a position where one must go, it is better to break up a marital relationship than sever an umbilical one. You can get another wife. But you cannot get another mother!
A wife who causes strife between you and your mother, especially when she harbours love for her own mother, is a wife who is after your life. You and your siblings are the branches. Your mother is the root of the tree whose branches you are. If you cut off the branch from the root, it will slowly but surely wither away, and all that you worked for will become the property of that wife who will use it to sustain her mother and her siblings after depriving you of yours. Please keep all your relationships intact as much as it depends on you. However, if you are put in a position where one must go, it is better to break up a marital relationship than sever an umbilical one. You can get another wife. But you cannot get another mother!