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  • Having teachers that stopped class to tell us about their life stories was peak >>>
    Having teachers that stopped class to tell us about their life stories was peak >>>
  • “So the stories aren't just stories, is what you're saying. They're really secret knowledge disguised as stories." "One could say that of all stories, younger brother.”

    “So the stories aren't just stories, is what you're saying. They're really secret knowledge disguised as stories." "One could say that of all stories, younger brother.”
  • Miracles happen that's true, but many of the stories being told by the Chosen members seems far-fetched & very questionable....
    Miracles happen that's true, but many of the stories being told by the Chosen members seems far-fetched & very questionable....
  • This sh@me too much

    As I was walking out of Shoprite this morning, I saw this very beautiful lady come out of a nice looking Mercedes Benz.
    Mere looking at her you will know she is a millionaire, i was just looking at her s£xy body with tømato skin when She sùddenly ran after this sl!m, short, dark üg|y gúy.
    The lady was būsy shøuting to the man, begging and crying on top of her voice saying, "Please baby, don't leave me,
    "I need you and can't l!ve without you".
    This Bênz and the mansion means nothing without you. I need you honey." The guy just kept walking away and ignøring her. I was like, if this ūg|y and ûsé|ess guy won't take this lady back, I will. The lady continued begging but he just walked away and left her standing there søbbing. I thought to myself, this is my chance☺so I walked to her and tapped on her shoulder. But before I could say anything to her, I just heard a b!g voice behind me say, "Hey, you are øbstructing our câmera.
    We are shøôting a movie."

    Dear reader
    I might not know you,
    But I wish you the best in life. ☺

    More amazing jokes comedies motivations and stories just follow Andrea Theu the writer
    This sh@me too much🙊😭😭😭 As I was walking out of Shoprite this morning🚶‍♂️, I saw this very beautiful lady😃😍 come out of a nice looking Mercedes Benz😋. Mere looking at her you will know she is a millionaire, i was just looking at her s£xy body with tømato skin when She sùddenly ran after this sl!m🤔, short💁‍♂️, dark üg|y gúy😐. The lady was būsy shøuting to the man😕, begging 😯and crying on top of her voice saying, "Please baby😭, don't leave me🙁, "I need you 😪and can't l!ve without you"😫. This Bênz😣 and the mansion means nothing without you😟. I need you honey.😞" The guy just kept walking🚶‍♂️ away and ignøring her😐. I was like😃, if this ūg|y and ûsé|ess guy won't take this lady back, I will😃. The lady continued begging but he just walked away🚶‍♂️ and left her standing there søbbing🤗. I thought to myself, this is my chance☺so I walked 🚶‍♂️to her and tapped on her shoulder👌. But before I could say anything to her😊, I just heard a b!g voice behind me say🙄, "Hey😑, you are øbstructing our câmera💁‍♂️. We are shøôting a movie🙁." 🙆‍♂️🙆‍♂️😂😅😅😂😅😂 Dear reader💞💞 I might not know you, ✋☺ But I wish you the best in life. ☺🌻🌸 More amazing jokes comedies motivations and stories just follow 👉Andrea Theu the writer
  • Evening laughter

    I was in a bus coming back from my girlfriend's house last night.

    My earpiece was tightly plugged to my ear.

    I was shaking my head to the music feeling comfortable in the bus since I will be dropping by the last bus stop.

    Slowly, I slept off in the bus.

    I tried battling the sleep when a passenger's noise jolt me up but it was impossible.

    After sleeping for a short period of time, a loud horn which sounds like that of a truck forcefully jolt me from the sleep.

    I look left and couldn't find anyone, no passenger, the driver and conductor were no where to be found.

    But to my greatest surprise, the bus was moving without anyone controlling the steering wheel.

    I'm in the bus with a ghost, my own don finish, I have been kidnàped, I said silently to myself.

    The bus is already heading to a bush without light. #Naijagist

    I gather all the courage in me and shouted...
    Help... Help..... Help...., I screamed on top of my voice.

    The conductor instantly show up, he was outside beside the bus.

    Oga, weting happen? he asked in pigin.

    Why is the car moving without anyone driving it? I asked.

    Can't you see the car is faulty, we are pushing it off the road, the driver said from other end.

    Where are other passengers? I asked..

    They enter another bus, you are the only one sleeping like múmu!
    Chaiii , see disgrace

    Please don't skip kindly follow me so you won't miss any of my interesting jokes stories and meme _
    Evening laughter 😁😁 I was in a bus coming back from my girlfriend's house last night. My earpiece was tightly plugged to my ear. I was shaking my head to the music feeling comfortable in the bus since I will be dropping by the last bus stop. Slowly, I slept off in the bus. I tried battling the sleep when a passenger's noise jolt me up but it was impossible. After sleeping for a short period of time, a loud horn which sounds like that of a truck forcefully jolt me from the sleep. I look left and couldn't find anyone, no passenger, the driver and conductor were no where to be found. But to my greatest surprise, the bus was moving without anyone controlling the steering wheel. I'm in the bus with a ghost, my own don finish, I have been kidnàped, I said silently to myself. The bus is already heading to a bush without light. #Naijagist I gather all the courage in me and shouted... Help... Help..... Help...., I screamed on top of my voice. The conductor instantly show up, he was outside beside the bus. Oga, weting happen? he asked in pigin. Why is the car moving without anyone driving it? I asked. Can't you see the car is faulty, we are pushing it off the road, the driver said from other end. Where are other passengers? I asked.. They enter another bus, you are the only one sleeping like múmu! 😂😂😂 Chaiii 😁, see disgrace Please don't skip kindly follow me so you won't miss any of my interesting jokes stories and meme 🙏 _

    This is a story about four people named Everybody, Somebody, Anybody and Nobody.

    There was an important job to be done and Everybody was sure that Somebody would do it.

    Anybody could have done it, but Nobody did.

    Somebody got angry about this, because it was Everybody's job.

    Everybody thought Anybody could do it, but Nobody realized that Everybody wouldn't do it.

    It ended up that Everybody blamed Somebody when Nobody did what Anybody could have done!

    More amazing jokes comedies motivations and stories just follow Andrea Theu the writerAndrea Theu the writerAndrea Theu the writer
    CAN I PUT A SMILE ON YOUR FACE😂😂😂😂 This is a story about four people named Everybody, Somebody, Anybody and Nobody. There was an important job to be done and Everybody was sure that Somebody would do it. Anybody could have done it, but Nobody did. Somebody got angry about this, because it was Everybody's job. Everybody thought Anybody could do it, but Nobody realized that Everybody wouldn't do it. It ended up that Everybody blamed Somebody when Nobody did what Anybody could have done! 🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂 More amazing jokes comedies motivations and stories just follow 👉Andrea Theu the writerAndrea Theu the writerAndrea Theu the writer
  • Follow my profile to be fully entertained with
    Interesting jokes
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    Follow my profile to be fully entertained with Interesting jokes Comedy stories Funny stories
  • I believe that being successful means having a balance of success stories across the many areas of your life. You can't truly be considered successful in your business life if your home life is in shambles.
    I believe that being successful means having a balance of success stories across the many areas of your life. You can't truly be considered successful in your business life if your home life is in shambles.
  • You can't skip chapters, that's not how life works. You have to read every line, meet every character. You won't enjoy all of it. Hell, some chapters will make you cry for weeks. You will read things you don't want to read, you will have moments when you don't want the pages to end. But you have to keep going. Stories keep the world revolving. Live yours, don't miss out.

    You can't skip chapters, that's not how life works. You have to read every line, meet every character. You won't enjoy all of it. Hell, some chapters will make you cry for weeks. You will read things you don't want to read, you will have moments when you don't want the pages to end. But you have to keep going. Stories keep the world revolving. Live yours, don't miss out.
  • Your first instinct is always right. So, always go with your first instinct. Even if it's a bad idea because bad ideas make good stories.
    Your first instinct is always right. So, always go with your first instinct. Even if it's a bad idea because bad ideas make good stories.
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