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  • Many people post online without thinking of the consequences; This is 2024, everyone ought to realize by now that social media isn't a personal diary
    Many people post online without thinking of the consequences; This is 2024, everyone ought to realize by now that social media isn't a personal diary
  • “I make 5 million every day on TikTok, just from gifts. Nigerians show me love” Peller

    “Every time I go live on TikTok and people gift me, I make about $3,000. I also make money from my YouTube channel and other social media accounts, but TikTok is where I receive the most love. I've bought cars, and soon I'll be traveling to the UK—all because of TikTok. My YouTube channel is growing, and I make good money there too. People gift me cash every day.” Peller

    Peller recently disclosed that he has made over 100 million Naira in less than a year from TikTok livestreams.

    According to the 12-year-old Tiktoker, on an average day he goes live on his TikTok account with over 20,000 people watching, he makes at least 5 million Naira. On days when he plays matches and receives gifts he can surpass 10 million Naira.

    I don't know why virgins are so lucky. They always win in anything. At just 12, Peller is now a millionaire.

    May God bless the person reading this post and may God bless your hustle, Amen🙏🏿
    “I make 5 million every day on TikTok, just from gifts. Nigerians show me love” Peller “Every time I go live on TikTok and people gift me, I make about $3,000. I also make money from my YouTube channel and other social media accounts, but TikTok is where I receive the most love. I've bought cars, and soon I'll be traveling to the UK—all because of TikTok. My YouTube channel is growing, and I make good money there too. People gift me cash every day.” Peller Peller recently disclosed that he has made over 100 million Naira in less than a year from TikTok livestreams. According to the 12-year-old Tiktoker, on an average day he goes live on his TikTok account with over 20,000 people watching, he makes at least 5 million Naira. On days when he plays matches and receives gifts he can surpass 10 million Naira. I don't know why virgins are so lucky. They always win in anything. At just 12, Peller is now a millionaire. May God bless the person reading this post and may God bless your hustle, Amen🙏🏿
  • "OVERTHINKERS", read this:

    1. That story ain't real.

    None of it. That fear, insecurity, and that imaginary story you're obsessing about, it's all in your head. Every time you find yourself in that story, dragggggg yourself to the present.

    2. You don't know

    Accept it. You're going crazy jumping to conclusions about a thing that isn't even there. Sometimes it's okay to just accept and tell yourself "i don't know".

    3. What if, what if

    Overthinking is a longgggg chain of what ifs. What if that happens, what if it doesn't work, what if i fail, what if. Don't complicate it. Take a breath, you'll be fine.

    4. Zoooom out

    In the bigger frame of things, what you're obsessing about doesn't even matter. Try, fail, fall, learn and get back up again. That's life, live it.

    5. "Zen" it out

    Thoughts ain't leaving you? Sit at a quiet place and take 10 long deep breaths. Meditate. It helps.

    6. Do one thing well

    Make a to-do list. Write down two or three things that you need to do. Do them one by one. You don't have to do everything. Just do one thing well. Life is long. You'll make it.

    7. Catch them 'triggers'

    Overthinking is a chain reaction. Like dominos falling. But! there is always that one thought which triggers it all. Find it and fix it.

    8. Talk.

    Sometimes sharing what you're feeling with friends, family, or even on social media can calm you down. Bottled feelings ain't good for you. Spurt 'em out.

    9. Enjoy the ride

    Life is full of ups and downs. Obsessing about every little thing won't fix it. When it's sunshine, have fun. When it's dark and stormy, let it pass. Life is change, keep moving and you'll be ok.

    10. Be Disciplined

    To heal yourself, fix your old toxic patterns and achieve what you choose to focus on.

    Infinity Thoughts
    "OVERTHINKERS", read this: 1. That story ain't real. None of it. That fear, insecurity, and that imaginary story you're obsessing about, it's all in your head. Every time you find yourself in that story, dragggggg yourself to the present. 2. You don't know Accept it. You're going crazy jumping to conclusions about a thing that isn't even there. Sometimes it's okay to just accept and tell yourself "i don't know". 3. What if, what if Overthinking is a longgggg chain of what ifs. What if that happens, what if it doesn't work, what if i fail, what if. Don't complicate it. Take a breath, you'll be fine. 4. Zoooom out In the bigger frame of things, what you're obsessing about doesn't even matter. Try, fail, fall, learn and get back up again. That's life, live it. 5. "Zen" it out Thoughts ain't leaving you? Sit at a quiet place and take 10 long deep breaths. Meditate. It helps. 6. Do one thing well Make a to-do list. Write down two or three things that you need to do. Do them one by one. You don't have to do everything. Just do one thing well. Life is long. You'll make it. 7. Catch them 'triggers' Overthinking is a chain reaction. Like dominos falling. But! there is always that one thought which triggers it all. Find it and fix it. 8. Talk. Sometimes sharing what you're feeling with friends, family, or even on social media can calm you down. Bottled feelings ain't good for you. Spurt 'em out. 9. Enjoy the ride Life is full of ups and downs. Obsessing about every little thing won't fix it. When it's sunshine, have fun. When it's dark and stormy, let it pass. Life is change, keep moving and you'll be ok. 10. Be Disciplined To heal yourself, fix your old toxic patterns and achieve what you choose to focus on. Infinity Thoughts
  • With a federal constitution in place, Dr. Michael Iheonukara Okpara was able to enact one of the economic wonders of his era as the premier of the defunct Eastern Region. That region’s economy alone was ahead of the economies of Singapore, South Korea, Malaysia, and Indonesia, among others. In fact, it was rated as the world’s fastest growing and industrialising economy between 1954 and 1964. Thanks to the visionary leadership of Okpara, which was driven by his principle of “Pragmatic Socialism.”
    With a federal constitution in place, Dr. Michael Iheonukara Okpara was able to enact one of the economic wonders of his era as the premier of the defunct Eastern Region. That region’s economy alone was ahead of the economies of Singapore, South Korea, Malaysia, and Indonesia, among others. In fact, it was rated as the world’s fastest growing and industrialising economy between 1954 and 1964. Thanks to the visionary leadership of Okpara, which was driven by his principle of “Pragmatic Socialism.”

    1. Overthinking🫣

    2. Improper diet

    3. Social media addiction🫥

    4. Making excuses😮‍💨

    5. Gossips

    6. Being too much emotional🥹

    7. Laziness

    7 THINGS TO GIVE UP 1. Overthinking🫣 2. Improper diet🤐 3. Social media addiction🫥 4. Making excuses😮‍💨 5. Gossips🤫 6. Being too much emotional🥹 7. Laziness🥱
  • There is a fundamental shift that social media necessitates in business today - the need to transition from 'Me First' to 'We First' thinking.
    There is a fundamental shift that social media necessitates in business today - the need to transition from 'Me First' to 'We First' thinking.
  • What to do When You Feel Overwhelmed

    1. Unplug from social media and, if possible, switch off your phone.

    2. Try to drop all non-essential commitments.

    3. Make sure you get out of the house. Deliberately change your environment each day.

    4. Make a list of the things you CAN do, and begin by changing at least one of them.

    5. Get a grip of the negative thought patterns. Try to focus on something positive.

    6. Ask for help from someone who is safe, either a professional or someone you know cares.

    What to do When You Feel Overwhelmed✨ 1. Unplug from social media and, if possible, switch off your phone. 2. Try to drop all non-essential commitments. 3. Make sure you get out of the house. Deliberately change your environment each day. 4. Make a list of the things you CAN do, and begin by changing at least one of them. 5. Get a grip of the negative thought patterns. Try to focus on something positive. 6. Ask for help from someone who is safe, either a professional or someone you know cares.
  • Man United sources guarantee that Alejandro Garnacho has not been dropped today due to his social media activity after liking Cristiano Ronaldo comments on ten Hag.
    Man United sources guarantee that Alejandro Garnacho has not been dropped today due to his social media activity after liking Cristiano Ronaldo comments on ten Hag.

    You want to introduce a life partner to your parents, and you’re thinking they’ll trust your choice

    Hope you know that your parents are watching and they haven’t seen you handle the basics of life, but now you're ready to handle marriage

    I mean, you're still living at home,which is fine but have you ever even bought a bag of rice, bread, or some basic provisions

    You earn a salary, but it disappears on yourself alone. Trust me, they’re seeing it all – your carefree lifestyle, your financial irresponsibility, and it’s not going unnoticed.

    And let’s talk about your street credibility (or lack thereof). All the boys on your street have "sampled" you, but somehow you think you’re ready for something as serious as marriage

    Oh, and don't forget, TikTok sees more of you dancing and shaking than your lecturers do in class. You can’t stay in school for one week without complaints flying around, you're repeating classes and failing courses, but you're ready for marriage

    Hmm… interesting.

    One day, you come home and drop the bombshell: “Dad, Mum, I’ve found the one!”

    Are you sure Do you really think they’ll nod in agreement, knowing your track record

    Here’s the thing: marriage isn’t a social media trend or a weekend assignment you can dodge. It’s a lifelong commitment that requires responsibility. You want your parents to take you seriously? Start showing you can handle real-life responsibilities first.

    So, here’s the big question

    What’s one responsible thing you’ve done lately that shows you’re ready for the next stage in life?

    Think about it, and let’s hear it because trust me, they’re watching.
    HERMOSA'S INSIGHTS 005 💜 You want to introduce a life partner to your parents, and you’re thinking they’ll trust your choice❓ Hope you know that your parents are watching and they haven’t seen you handle the basics of life, but now you're ready to handle marriage❓ I mean, you're still living at home,which is fine but have you ever even bought a bag of rice, bread, or some basic provisions❓ You earn a salary, but it disappears on yourself alone. Trust me, they’re seeing it all – your carefree lifestyle, your financial irresponsibility, and it’s not going unnoticed. And let’s talk about your street credibility (or lack thereof). All the boys on your street have "sampled" you, but somehow you think you’re ready for something as serious as marriage❓ Oh, and don't forget, TikTok sees more of you dancing and shaking than your lecturers do in class. You can’t stay in school for one week without complaints flying around, you're repeating classes and failing courses, but you're ready for marriage❓ Hmm… interesting. One day, you come home and drop the bombshell: “Dad, Mum, I’ve found the one!” 😂 Are you sure❓ Do you really think they’ll nod in agreement, knowing your track record❓ Here’s the thing: marriage isn’t a social media trend or a weekend assignment you can dodge. It’s a lifelong commitment that requires responsibility. You want your parents to take you seriously? Start showing you can handle real-life responsibilities first. So, here’s the big question 👇 What’s one responsible thing you’ve done lately that shows you’re ready for the next stage in life? Think about it, and let’s hear it because trust me, they’re watching.
  • Dating is not all about the Instagram-worthy moments, cute selfies, and those oh-so-adorable couple.

    Dating is about having the tough conversations.
    You know, the ones that make you squirm a little in your seat. It’s about asking the real, sometimes uncomfortable, questions like, "What’s your stance on finances?" or "How do you handle conflict?" because when life gets messy, those cute pictures aren’t going to help you.

    Dating is for checking compatibility.
    Looks fade, and that lovey-dovey honeymoon phase doesn’t last forever. What’s going to keep you together when you’ve already binged all your favorite shows and life throws some curveballs? Can you actually handle the tough stuff together?

    Dating is about seeing each other at your worst.
    It's easy to love someone when everything's going well But what happens when you’re stressed, or they’re having a bad day?
    Can you handle seeing each other when you’re not at your best? Because dating isn’t just about the highlight reel; it’s about seeing the behind-the-scenes footage too,the stuff that doesn’t always make it onto social media.

    Know this

    Life isn’t always going to be sunshine and rainbows. There will be hard times,whether it's financial struggles, health issues, or just bad days.

    The question is, can you handle those moments together?

    That’s where the real test of compatibility comes in. It’s about being there for each other, even when it’s uncomfortable or not so pretty.

    So, yeah, take those cute pictures, make some memories. But more importantly, ask the hard questions, have the tough conversations, and make sure you’re compatible for the long haul—not just for the ‘gram.
    ❌Dating is not all about the Instagram-worthy moments, cute selfies, and those oh-so-adorable couple. ✅Dating is about having the tough conversations. You know, the ones that make you squirm a little in your seat. It’s about asking the real, sometimes uncomfortable, questions like, "What’s your stance on finances?" or "How do you handle conflict?" because when life gets messy, those cute pictures aren’t going to help you. ✅Dating is for checking compatibility. Looks fade, and that lovey-dovey honeymoon phase doesn’t last forever. What’s going to keep you together when you’ve already binged all your favorite shows and life throws some curveballs? Can you actually handle the tough stuff together? ✅Dating is about seeing each other at your worst. It's easy to love someone when everything's going well But what happens when you’re stressed, or they’re having a bad day? Can you handle seeing each other when you’re not at your best? Because dating isn’t just about the highlight reel; it’s about seeing the behind-the-scenes footage too,the stuff that doesn’t always make it onto social media. Know this 👇 Life isn’t always going to be sunshine and rainbows. There will be hard times,whether it's financial struggles, health issues, or just bad days. The question is, can you handle those moments together? That’s where the real test of compatibility comes in. It’s about being there for each other, even when it’s uncomfortable or not so pretty. So, yeah, take those cute pictures, make some memories. But more importantly, ask the hard questions, have the tough conversations, and make sure you’re compatible for the long haul—not just for the ‘gram.
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