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  • 60.0%
    With mobile internet penetration
    at over 60.0%, the state s well
    positioned to utilze the power of the
    Mobile Penetration
    nternet in accelerating develop
    60.0% With mobile internet penetration at over 60.0%, the state s well positioned to utilze the power of the Mobile Penetration nternet in accelerating develop
  • Computers and the Internet have made it really easy to rant. It's made everyone overly opinionated.
    Computers and the Internet have made it really easy to rant. It's made everyone overly opinionated.
  • There’s a lot of money on the internet. Don’t just consume contents, produce too, and make money for yourself.
    There’s a lot of money on the internet. Don’t just consume contents, produce too, and make money for yourself.
  • The first Internet worm was created by Robert T.Morris, Jr, and attacked more than 6000 Internet hosts.
    The first Internet worm was created by Robert T.Morris, Jr, and attacked more than 6000 Internet hosts.
  • The first ever banner ad invaded the Internet in 1994, and it was just as bad as today. The ad was part of AT&Ts “you will” campaign, and was placed on the HotWired homepage.
    The first ever banner ad invaded the Internet in 1994, and it was just as bad as today. The ad was part of AT&Ts “you will” campaign, and was placed on the HotWired homepage.
  • If you complaining about unemployment in this age of smartphones & internet, its not because there are NO JOBS out there. It is because you are UNEMPLOYABLE.

    Internet reward skilled people with expertise. JOBS are abundant on the web for the people who deserved it.
    If you complaining about unemployment in this age of smartphones & internet, its not because there are NO JOBS out there. It is because you are UNEMPLOYABLE. Internet reward skilled people with expertise. JOBS are abundant on the web for the people who deserved it.
  • Yesterday was thrilling. I don’t just mean this in a too-online, coconut-pilled, “brat”-memed, collective-internet-hysteria way (though I’m also guilty of this. Please don’t look at my Twitter DMs).
    Yesterday was thrilling. I don’t just mean this in a too-online, coconut-pilled, “brat”-memed, collective-internet-hysteria way (though I’m also guilty of this. Please don’t look at my Twitter DMs).
  • The name of the award given to honor the best sites on the Internet is called 'The Webby Award.'
    The name of the award given to honor the best sites on the Internet is called 'The Webby Award.'
  • Hilarious Jokes

    1. At the age of 25 you cannot cook, wash clothes,
    sweep and you want men to love you for who you
    My sister, please who are you?🤷🏻‍♀️

    2. This morning as I was buttoning my shirt, a button fell off. After that, I picked up my briefcase, and the handle fell off. Then I went to open the door, and the doorknob fell off. I went to get into my car, and the door handle came off in my hand. Now Im afraid to pee

    3. A drunk guy took a cat home to his wife and said: "See... here is the a monkey of the jungle." His wife said laughing, "Thats a CAT ..." He said back to his wife, "I am talking to the cat!"

    4. Today a man knocked on my door and asked for a small donation towards the local swimming pool.
    I gave him a glass of water

    5. Wisdom is when u drop your girlfriend at her place. Her father comes out with cutlass to ask who you are, and u tell him that u are an UBER DRIVER.

    6. Some girls cannot wait for 3yrs for a fresh graduate guy to get a job, but they can wait 12yrs for a guy in America to come back.
    My Sister, ur stupidity is original

    7. I have been looking for a place since yesterday to faint....when I heard a girl telling a guy that she fell down from her bed and broke her virginity

    8. Wikipedia: I know everything! Google: I have everything! Facebook: I know everybody! Internet: Without me you are nothing! Electricity: Keep talking bitches!

    9. That awkward moment when you are sitting beside your crush in church and your mum starts giving testimonies about how god delivered You from bed wetting

    10. Some parents want their daughters to get married but don't allow them to go out. What do they expect them to do? Sit at home and download the husband?

    11. Ehen Someone said "rape is not a sin, it's just a surprise sex , and i commented, "may ur sisters be surprised by men
    He blocked me Did I say anything bad?

    Lemme bê going
    Love u all ❤ juicekingzekielJuiceking Zekiel
    🤣🤣🤣🤣Hilarious Jokes 😂😂😂😂 1. At the age of 25 you cannot cook, wash clothes, sweep and you want men to love you for who you are… My sister, please who are you?🤷🏻‍♀️🙄 2. This morning as I was buttoning my shirt, a button fell off. After that, I picked up my briefcase, and the handle fell off. Then I went to open the door, and the doorknob fell off. I went to get into my car, and the door handle came off in my hand. Now Im afraid to pee😂 3. A drunk guy took a cat home to his wife and said: "See... here is the a monkey of the jungle." His wife said laughing, "Thats a CAT ..." He said back to his wife, "I am talking to the cat!"😂😂 4. Today a man knocked on my door and asked for a small donation towards the local swimming pool. I gave him a glass of water🏃‍♂️😂 5. Wisdom is when u drop your girlfriend at her place. Her father comes out with cutlass to ask who you are, and u tell him that u are an UBER DRIVER. 😂😋 6. Some girls cannot wait for 3yrs for a fresh graduate guy to get a job, but they can wait 12yrs for a guy in America to come back. My Sister, ur stupidity is original 😂😂 7. I have been looking for a place since yesterday to faint....when I heard a girl telling a guy that she fell down from her bed and broke her virginity 😂😂 8. Wikipedia: I know everything! Google: I have everything! Facebook: I know everybody! Internet: Without me you are nothing! Electricity: Keep talking bitches! 🤣🤣 9. That awkward moment when you are sitting beside your crush in church and your mum starts giving testimonies about how god delivered You from bed wetting😂💔 10. Some parents want their daughters to get married but don't allow them to go out. What do they expect them to do? Sit at home and download the husband?😂 11. Ehen Someone said "rape is not a sin, it's just a surprise sex , and i commented, "may ur sisters be surprised by men He blocked me Did I say anything bad?😂 Lemme bê going Love u all ❤ juicekingzekielJuiceking Zekiel
  • 35.6% of internet users are Asia. With average of 389 million of internet surfers each month, Asia is the largest internet crowd among other world regions. In Asia, 10 out of 100 surf the Internet.
    35.6% of internet users are Asia. With average of 389 million of internet surfers each month, Asia is the largest internet crowd among other world regions. In Asia, 10 out of 100 surf the Internet.
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