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    Frequently asked questions on bag of rice
    1.How many paint bucket is in a bag of rice ?
    The answer is between 13 to 12 paint buckets precisely the left over after the 12th bucket may not fill the 13th bucket completely.

    64 dericas equals one bag of rice. because 32 dericas, is equivalent to half bag of rice.

    About 64 derica of rice equal a 50 lb bag of rice depending on long or short grain.
    The number of cups in a 1kg bag of rice is 2 to 3 cups of rice. it varies.

    If you are going to cook half bag of jollof rice or buying ingredients for half bag of rice then slash the measurements into two.


    - 1 basket of fresh tomato( medium sized basket )
    - 3 big Gino tin tomatoes.
    - 2 maggi Packs and one knorr pack.
    - 2 and half big pack of tiger curry
    - small dustbin rubber basket of onions
    - Ginger and garlic fresh #1000.
    nut meg ( about 10 sachet is enough).
    - 2 custard bucket mix of shombo and tatashe.
    - fresh atarodo pepper 2 custard bucket (usage depends on how peppery you want the rice to be )
    - 20 litres of groundnut oil.
    - 2big packs of tiger time
    - Meat stock ( could be beef or chicken )

    1.) 2 Rolls of kitchen glory
    2.) 2 Rolls of benny spice.
    3.) 2 Rolls mevina.
    4.) 4 sachets of delice spice.
    7.)2 big salt packs.


    Grind your tomato, fresh pepper, shombo, tatashe ginger, garlic and some onion.

    Pour your grounded tomato in a pot and set on fire for the water to dry.

    Put your meat in a pot add grounded garlic, ginger, thyme, curry, bayleaf, salt and maggi. Mix properly and add little water. Set it on fire with low heat so that it can absorb spices properly.

    Fry your meat , with one bulb of fresh onion in the oil it adds a nice distinct flavour


    Slice your onion, place your pot on fire, pour in the groundnut oil u used to fry your meat, if is not enough add more, once the oil is hot add sliced onion, add your freshly dried tomato, once its dried add the tin tomato and fry

    Add your spices, maggi, salt, kitchen glory, blended rosemary. Go easy on the spices because too spicy jollof is not really good.
    Add your stock (the meat water is the stock)...cover to boil very well

    Parboil your rice and wash properly

    Add it your mix boiling on fire. if your pots are notified big enough , divide in manageable quantities, do not stir it too often do not use too much heat to cook your rice and do not fret if it gets abit burnt its quite common and usually adds that burnt bottom pot taste.

    How Many People Can Half or One Bag of Rice Feed?

    When cooking for a lot of people, as in weddings and other ceremonies in Nigeria, it can be hard to guestimate the quantity of rice that will be enough. So, how do you know how much rice to cook for a party or wedding guests? Here’s a rough guide to how much rice (quantity) to cook for any number of guests between 25 and 200 people.

    8kg feeds 25 people
    10kg feeds 30 people
    20kg feeds 60 people
    25kg (half bag of rice) feeds 75 people
    30kg feeds 100 people
    40kg feeds 150 people
    50kg (1 bag of rice) feeds 200 people

    I hope this helps....

    Credit Owners
    HOW TO COOK ONE BAG OF JOLLOF RICE Frequently asked questions on bag of rice 1.How many paint bucket is in a bag of rice ? The answer is between 13 to 12 paint buckets precisely the left over after the 12th bucket may not fill the 13th bucket completely. 2.HOW MANY DERICA IS IN A BAG OF RICE ? 64 dericas equals one bag of rice. because 32 dericas, is equivalent to half bag of rice. 3. HOW MANY CUPS ARE IN A BAG OF RICE? OR HOW MANY CUPS OF RICE IN A 50KG BAG ? About 64 derica of rice equal a 50 lb bag of rice depending on long or short grain. 4 .1 KG RICE IS HOW MANY CUPS The number of cups in a 1kg bag of rice is 2 to 3 cups of rice. it varies. If you are going to cook half bag of jollof rice or buying ingredients for half bag of rice then slash the measurements into two. INGREDIENT FOR ONE BAG OF JOLLOF RICE - 1 basket of fresh tomato( medium sized basket ) - 3 big Gino tin tomatoes. - 2 maggi Packs and one knorr pack. - 2 and half big pack of tiger curry - small dustbin rubber basket of onions - Ginger and garlic fresh #1000. nut meg ( about 10 sachet is enough). - 2 custard bucket mix of shombo and tatashe. - fresh atarodo pepper 2 custard bucket (usage depends on how peppery you want the rice to be ) - 20 litres of groundnut oil. - 2big packs of tiger time - Meat stock ( could be beef or chicken ) SPICES 1.) 2 Rolls of kitchen glory 2.) 2 Rolls of benny spice. 3.) 2 Rolls mevina. 4.) 4 sachets of delice spice. 7.)2 big salt packs. METHOD: Grind your tomato, fresh pepper, shombo, tatashe ginger, garlic and some onion. Pour your grounded tomato in a pot and set on fire for the water to dry. Put your meat in a pot add grounded garlic, ginger, thyme, curry, bayleaf, salt and maggi. Mix properly and add little water. Set it on fire with low heat so that it can absorb spices properly. Fry your meat , with one bulb of fresh onion in the oil it adds a nice distinct flavour READY TO COOK YOUR PARTY JOLLOF NOW: Slice your onion, place your pot on fire, pour in the groundnut oil u used to fry your meat, if is not enough add more, once the oil is hot add sliced onion, add your freshly dried tomato, once its dried add the tin tomato and fry Add your spices, maggi, salt, kitchen glory, blended rosemary. Go easy on the spices because too spicy jollof is not really good. Add your stock (the meat water is the stock)...cover to boil very well Parboil your rice and wash properly Add it your mix boiling on fire. if your pots are notified big enough , divide in manageable quantities, do not stir it too often do not use too much heat to cook your rice and do not fret if it gets abit burnt its quite common and usually adds that burnt bottom pot taste. How Many People Can Half or One Bag of Rice Feed? When cooking for a lot of😁 people, as in weddings and other ceremonies in Nigeria, it can be hard to guestimate the quantity of rice that will be enough. So, how do you know how much rice to cook for a party or wedding guests? Here’s a rough guide to how much rice (quantity) to cook for any number of guests between 25 and 200 people. 8kg feeds 25 people 10kg feeds 30 people 20kg feeds 60 people 25kg (half bag of rice) feeds 75 people 30kg feeds 100 people 40kg feeds 150 people 50kg (1 bag of rice) feeds 200 people I hope this helps.... Credit Owners
    1) When A Guy Invites A Girl to Restaurant
    AMERICANS: Baby, please Just Forget About the Fòod, I'm not in a Rēlationship With You for Food, I just want you to Adore me as A Queen
    And Show me Affëction And Be available anytime I feel lônely
    AFRICANS: (After Bringing her 17 Friends Along)
    Favour, please tell Emeka That we your Friends Are Hùngry, Because na Only Person Wey don see Fōod Chòp, dey Fàll in Lõve
    2) My Sister, sometimes it's not just Tailor Fáult, You just dón't have the same shápe like the gírl in the magazine
    3).Please Take Nóte ; Not All "Bóos" Are Real Bóos In a Rélationship...
    Some Are TaBOÓ, Some are BÓOshít, Even some are OloriBOÓruku
    And to Make it wórst, some are BOOhári, and to Sëttle the Case, some are Tinuboo
    4) She invited you for Dinner, And you're taking CÕNDÓM along.....
    Brother, is that The SPÒON???????
    Just Be positive for Once naaaa
    5) Chai, I can't Forget Those Times In Primary School when We Nórmally Sing The Lórds Prayer
    "Díe Kingdom Bórn, Yahóo Be Dóne on Eárth, As is it Heaven"
    6) Pastor put #8K as Offering on Sunday in the offering Bõx, and at the Ënd of the service, they Calculated #95 as the Total Offering mòney
    I nēver Knew Our Pastor Fìght than Bus Cōnductor
    7) Wíckedness Started From 1960 Tailors, The Tróusers My Dad Wóre To Snáp Pics then,
    It resembles Bédsheéts
    Please If Pólîce Stóp You For Road, Just Give Thém Mónëy And Go!
    8). The Car , I entered Today Was Stópped By Pólice, And the Drivër Próudly Showed Them All His Licënse and Dócuments;
    As He was Happily Stárting The Car, One Pólice man Just shouted
    "Ogá, Show Us Your Dëath Cērtificate!"
    9). What Favour told me Today Pìerced my Heart, I Will NEVER NEVER make Jëst of her again
    The Motivational Words Favour Gave to me today Was so so Tòuching
    I never Knew Favour was Gifted in Còunseling so so Much
    She told the Fëmales, that Anytime they're in their Periōd, and there's no Påd Avaìlable,
    They shòuld use Ràg

    Cutie, As Long As You LIKE this Amazing Jokes, News Of Dëath Maybe Flying Around, But it Will Never Tõuch your Family Doòrstep, not to Talk of Penëtrating
    You're always my Friend, I'll Always keep on bringing More more, Please Don't Stop Fõllòwïng me to Grèatness

    JOKES TIME 😂😂😂 1) When A Guy Invites A Girl to Restaurant AMERICANS: Baby, please Just Forget About the Fòod, I'm not in a Rēlationship With You for Food, I just want you to Adore me as A Queen And Show me Affëction And Be available anytime I feel lônely AFRICANS: (After Bringing her 17 Friends Along) Favour, please tell Emeka That we your Friends Are Hùngry, Because na Only Person Wey don see Fōod Chòp, dey Fàll in Lõve 2) My Sister, sometimes it's not just Tailor Fáult, You just dón't have the same shápe like the gírl in the magazine 3).Please Take Nóte ; Not All "Bóos" Are Real Bóos In a Rélationship... Some Are TaBOÓ, Some are BÓOshít, Even some are OloriBOÓruku And to Make it wórst, some are BOOhári, and to Sëttle the Case, some are Tinuboo 4) She invited you for Dinner, And you're taking CÕNDÓM along..... 😒 Brother, is that The SPÒON???????😒😕😕 Just Be positive for Once naaaa 😒😒😒😂😂😂😂 5) Chai, I can't Forget Those Times In Primary School when We Nórmally Sing The Lórds Prayer "Díe Kingdom Bórn, Yahóo Be Dóne on Eárth, As is it Heaven" 😳😭😂😂😂 6) Pastor put #8K as Offering on Sunday in the offering Bõx, and at the Ënd of the service, they Calculated #95 as the Total Offering mòney 😳😳😳 I nēver Knew Our Pastor Fìght than Bus Cōnductor 💥😭😂😂😂😂 7) Wíckedness Started From 1960 Tailors, The Tróusers My Dad Wóre To Snáp Pics then, It resembles Bédsheéts😂😂😂💔 Please If Pólîce Stóp You For Road, Just Give Thém Mónëy And Go! 😪🥺🙏🙏 8). The Car , I entered Today Was Stópped By Pólice, And the Drivër Próudly Showed Them All His Licënse and Dócuments; As He was Happily Stárting The Car, One Pólice man Just shouted "Ogá, Show Us Your Dëath Cērtificate!" 😳😳😳😭😭😭😂😂 9). What Favour told me Today Pìerced my Heart, I Will NEVER NEVER make Jëst of her again 😢😔😔 The Motivational Words Favour Gave to me today Was so so Tòuching 😧😢😔😔😔😔 I never Knew Favour was Gifted in Còunseling so so Much 🥺🥺😔😔 She told the Fëmales, that Anytime they're in their Periōd, and there's no Påd Avaìlable, They shòuld use Ràg 💥💥😳😳😭😭😭😂😂😂💔 Cutie😔😔😢, As Long As You LIKE this Amazing Jokes, News Of Dëath Maybe Flying Around, But it Will Never Tõuch your Family Doòrstep, not to Talk of Penëtrating 😔😔😔🙏😔😔 You're always my Friend😔😔, I'll Always keep on bringing More more, Please Don't Stop Fõllòwïng me to Grèatness 😢😔😔🙏😧😢 PLEASE LIKE/FOLLOW ME FOR MORE JOKE 👉 Ayoung Tita
  • His Excellency , Governor Alhaji Ahmed Usman Ododo,
    I write to you as a concerned citizen of Kogi State.
    Looking at the recent increased allocation to State Governors and the biting inflation in our dear country with Kogi State topping the Chart.
    I wish to draw your attention to the fact that the payment of 18k minimum wage to Kogi state Government workers do no longer make any economic sense.
    If you continue paying the oldest minimum Wage, very soon most of the Government workers will no longer be able to afford transport fare to come to their respective offices, not to talk of meeting their needs. I understand that most workers do not know that they deserve their pay, but let me do this Ajayi work on their behalf.
    Just like your counterpart in Edo State and many other Governors have started paying the 70k minimum Wage, I want to let you know that it is doable and you will still have money left for capital projects that the state is in dire need of.
    Do not listen to hanger on in the corridor of power who will tell you to forget what I am telling you.
    Please pay them, it has become a law, it is their right and not a Favor.
    If you can afford to pay thousands of aides, you can afford to pay the new 70k minimum Wage.
    Yours Truly,

    Citizen Nagaziman .

    The Local Tailor writes from Arabian Tea Joint.
    His Excellency , Governor Alhaji Ahmed Usman Ododo, I write to you as a concerned citizen of Kogi State. Looking at the recent increased allocation to State Governors and the biting inflation in our dear country with Kogi State topping the Chart. I wish to draw your attention to the fact that the payment of 18k minimum wage to Kogi state Government workers do no longer make any economic sense. If you continue paying the oldest minimum Wage, very soon most of the Government workers will no longer be able to afford transport fare to come to their respective offices, not to talk of meeting their needs. I understand that most workers do not know that they deserve their pay, but let me do this Ajayi work on their behalf. Just like your counterpart in Edo State and many other Governors have started paying the 70k minimum Wage, I want to let you know that it is doable and you will still have money left for capital projects that the state is in dire need of. Do not listen to hanger on in the corridor of power who will tell you to forget what I am telling you. Please pay them, it has become a law, it is their right and not a Favor. If you can afford to pay thousands of aides, you can afford to pay the new 70k minimum Wage. Yours Truly, Citizen Nagaziman . The Local Tailor writes from Arabian Tea Joint.
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