Upgrade to Pro

  • You can’t trust anybody these days…you think you have a good friend till you turn around and realize they have the knife 6 inches deep in your back....
    You can’t trust anybody these days…you think you have a good friend till you turn around and realize they have the knife 6 inches deep in your back....
  • If the earth is really rotating why am I still in Africa
    If the earth is really rotating why am I still in Africa 😓🤣
  • My first time in AMERICA I was like wow who is this Angel flying
    My first time in AMERICA I was like wow who is this Angel flying 💰
  • Mine: 32
    No lie oo
    Let me bring my chair
    Mine: 32 No lie oo 🤣🤣🤣🤣 Let me bring my chair