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  • You were my reason to live, laugh and love. Now you've gone away and I don't know what to do. Is life really worth living without you?
    You were my reason to live, laugh and love. Now you've gone away and I don't know what to do. Is life really worth living without you?
  • Love is blind, but a broken heart sees everything.
    Love is blind, but a broken heart sees everything.
  • I will always cherish the time I spent with you and the dreams I saw with you. What I won't cherish is the way we parted ways, dunking out all memories in the sewer called heartbreak.
    I will always cherish the time I spent with you and the dreams I saw with you. What I won't cherish is the way we parted ways, dunking out all memories in the sewer called heartbreak.
  • Until yesterday, you filled my heart with love and happiness. Today there is nothing but hate and vengeance. I don't want you back, I just want to know the reason why you broke my heart.
    Until yesterday, you filled my heart with love and happiness. Today there is nothing but hate and vengeance. I don't want you back, I just want to know the reason why you broke my heart.
  • I've heard that the easiest way of dealing with heartbreak is moving on. But after you broke my heart, I have reached the end of the world. Where else can I move on?
    I've heard that the easiest way of dealing with heartbreak is moving on. But after you broke my heart, I have reached the end of the world. Where else can I move on?