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  • Without you in my life, a minute seems like an hour and days seem like weeks. How do you think I am going to spend the rest of my life without you?
    Without you in my life, a minute seems like an hour and days seem like weeks. How do you think I am going to spend the rest of my life without you?
  • I become sad when I think about how you broke up with me – not because you broke my heart but because our beautiful relationship couldn't go the distance.
    I become sad when I think about how you broke up with me – not because you broke my heart but because our beautiful relationship couldn't go the distance.
  • I always thought we were invincible, but I was wrong. Everything that goes up has to come down and so did our relationship. I am happy that I had a chance to share a little bit of my life with a beautiful person like you. But I am sad you threw me away like a rag doll.
    I always thought we were invincible, but I was wrong. Everything that goes up has to come down and so did our relationship. I am happy that I had a chance to share a little bit of my life with a beautiful person like you. But I am sad you threw me away like a rag doll.
  • I will always cherish the time I spent with you and the dreams I saw with you. What I won't cherish is the way we parted ways, dunking out all memories in the sewer called heartbreak.
    I will always cherish the time I spent with you and the dreams I saw with you. What I won't cherish is the way we parted ways, dunking out all memories in the sewer called heartbreak.
  • When the twain shall meet again, we may be able to create the spark of our romance once more.
    When the twain shall meet again, we may be able to create the spark of our romance once more.