Upgrade to Pro

  • Your closest friend can be your greatest enemy...
    Your closest friend can be your greatest enemy...
  • Close friends love you for who you are, not what they want you to be....
    Close friends love you for who you are, not what they want you to be....
  • Friendship is like wetting your pants.Everybody can see it but only you can feel the warmth Enjoy your friends while you have them!They wont be around forever!...
    Friendship is like wetting your pants.Everybody can see it but only you can feel the warmth Enjoy your friends while you have them!They wont be around forever!... 😙😙
  • Making millions of friends is not an achievement,the achievement is to make a friend who stands with you when millions are against you....
    Making millions of friends is not an achievement,the achievement is to make a friend who stands with you when millions are against you....
  • A true friend is someone you can talk to after years apart and there is no distance or awkwardness at all....
    A true friend is someone you can talk to after years apart and there is no distance or awkwardness at all....