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  • In every girl’s life there is a boy she will never forget. In every boy’s life there is a girl he can never get...
    In every girl’s life there is a boy she will never forget. In every boy’s life there is a girl he can never get...
  • Treat your girl every day the same as you used to do when you were in the process of getting her...
    Treat your girl every day the same as you used to do when you were in the process of getting her...
  • Sometimes, the happiest girl you know is the girl who goes through a lot hard things in life...
    Sometimes, the happiest girl you know is the girl who goes through a lot hard things in life...
  • If you have a good boyfriend, don’t make him pay for the mistakes that other boys made....
    If you have a good boyfriend, don’t make him pay for the mistakes that other boys made....
  • Boys think of girls like books. If the cover does not catch their eyes, they won’t bother to read whats inside...
    Boys think of girls like books. If the cover does not catch their eyes, they won’t bother to read whats inside...