Upgrade to Pro

  • If you aren't willing to work for it. Don't complain about not having it.
    If you aren't willing to work for it. Don't complain about not having it.
  • Exercise because you love your body, not because you hate it.
    Exercise because you love your body, not because you hate it.
  • "You cannot be everything to everyone. You
    cannot be nice and kind all the time. You cannot be spot on and right always. There is nothing constant about us as humans and that's okay.

    It's okay if someone finds you irritating, it's okay if you are not cool enough for the party, it's okay if you don't get the joke and it's okay if you have a different sense of humor. Not everyone can see you through the same lens. You might be the universe in someone's eyes and a tiny little star dust to another one. So stop trying to get everyone to like you, stop trying to please everyone and let go of that need.

    You will have to learn to let go of anything that doesn't make you happy or help you grow into a better person."

    "You cannot be everything to everyone. You cannot be nice and kind all the time. You cannot be spot on and right always. There is nothing constant about us as humans and that's okay. It's okay if someone finds you irritating, it's okay if you are not cool enough for the party, it's okay if you don't get the joke and it's okay if you have a different sense of humor. Not everyone can see you through the same lens. You might be the universe in someone's eyes and a tiny little star dust to another one. So stop trying to get everyone to like you, stop trying to please everyone and let go of that need. You will have to learn to let go of anything that doesn't make you happy or help you grow into a better person."
  • Don't be afraid of anything

    The only thing to be afraid of is fear itself. If you are afraid of failure all your life, you will never be able to decide on anything. You must be confident that after going through all the trials, you will find yourself at the pinnacle of success. Use the opportunities that fate gives you. There is no difference between you and Bill Gates. If he could, then why not you try?

    Don't be afraid of anything The only thing to be afraid of is fear itself. If you are afraid of failure all your life, you will never be able to decide on anything. You must be confident that after going through all the trials, you will find yourself at the pinnacle of success. Use the opportunities that fate gives you. There is no difference between you and Bill Gates. If he could, then why not you try?
  • You have one try

    You can't replay life. Erase the past too. All you can do is try to change your present in order to build the future you want. Don't worry if you get rejected or fail. You only have one life, don’t focus on failures – try something different.

    You have one try You can't replay life. Erase the past too. All you can do is try to change your present in order to build the future you want. Don't worry if you get rejected or fail. You only have one life, don’t focus on failures – try something different.
  • Start liking yourself, not everyone else

    Finally, recognize that you don’t have to be good to everyone and like everyone. Object, be confrontational, and say no, but in moderation. Respect your time and don't waste other people's time. Be a real person, and not an illusion that hides a lot of grievances and grievances towards people.

    Start liking yourself, not everyone else Finally, recognize that you don’t have to be good to everyone and like everyone. Object, be confrontational, and say no, but in moderation. Respect your time and don't waste other people's time. Be a real person, and not an illusion that hides a lot of grievances and grievances towards people.
  • “No smile is as beautiful as the one that struggles through tears”
    “No smile is as beautiful as the one that struggles through tears”
  • “Somewhere there's someone who dreams of your smile, And finds in your presence that life is worthwhile, So when you are lonely, remember it's true: Somebody, somewhere is thinking of you”
    “Somewhere there's someone who dreams of your smile, And finds in your presence that life is worthwhile, So when you are lonely, remember it's true: Somebody, somewhere is thinking of you”
  • “When life gives you a hundred reasons to cry, show life you have a thousand reasons to smile”
    “When life gives you a hundred reasons to cry, show life you have a thousand reasons to smile”
  • “This isn't a perfect world, people get hurt, you smile when you feel like crying, you say you are okay when you're falling apart but you got to let go and move on. There's nothing else you can do”
    “This isn't a perfect world, people get hurt, you smile when you feel like crying, you say you are okay when you're falling apart but you got to let go and move on. There's nothing else you can do”