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  • Tourism is estmated to contrbute 2.7% of the state’s GDP in 2021.
    • Enugu is estimated to have received 5% or about 62,000 nternationa tourist arrivals in
    2021, based on its popuation size and reative attractiveness as a destnation.
    • Enugu is estimated to have earned about $13.3 mion from nternational tourism in
    • The domestic hotel market s projected to grow from $10 billion in 2023 to $20 billion
    by 2027, wth a user base of 17.4 milon indviduals. The Enugu market is posed for
    significant expanson in this thrivng landscape.
    • Over 40 film and music production companies and studos are sit
    Tourism is estmated to contrbute 2.7% of the state’s GDP in 2021. • Enugu is estimated to have received 5% or about 62,000 nternationa tourist arrivals in 2021, based on its popuation size and reative attractiveness as a destnation. • Enugu is estimated to have earned about $13.3 mion from nternational tourism in 2021. • The domestic hotel market s projected to grow from $10 billion in 2023 to $20 billion by 2027, wth a user base of 17.4 milon indviduals. The Enugu market is posed for significant expanson in this thrivng landscape. • Over 40 film and music production companies and studos are sit
  • Who remember when we dey secondry sch teachers go say no wearing of short skit , skinny trousers , takin ur shirt , no stylish hair !
    Who remember when we dey secondry sch teachers go say no wearing of short skit , skinny trousers , takin ur shirt , no stylish hair !

  • Tourism is estmated to contrbute 2.7% of the state’s GDP in 2021.
    • Enugu is estimated to have received 5% or about 62,000 nternationa tourist arrivals in
    2021, based on its popuation size and reative attractiveness as a destnation.
    • Enugu is estimated to have earned about $13.3 mion from nternational tourism in
    • The domestic hotel market s projected to grow from $10 billion in 2023 to $20 billion
    by 2027, wth a user base of 17.4 milon indviduals. The Enugu market is posed for
    significant expanson in this thrivng landscape.
    • Over 40 film and music production companies and studos are situated n Enugu.
    Source: WEF, UNWTO, Statista and Afrinvest Research
    • Tourism is estmated to contrbute 2.7% of the state’s GDP in 2021. • Enugu is estimated to have received 5% or about 62,000 nternationa tourist arrivals in 2021, based on its popuation size and reative attractiveness as a destnation. • Enugu is estimated to have earned about $13.3 mion from nternational tourism in 2021. • The domestic hotel market s projected to grow from $10 billion in 2023 to $20 billion by 2027, wth a user base of 17.4 milon indviduals. The Enugu market is posed for significant expanson in this thrivng landscape. • Over 40 film and music production companies and studos are situated n Enugu. Source: WEF, UNWTO, Statista and Afrinvest Research
  • The bond between iPhone users
    And toilet
    mirrors can never be
    The bond between iPhone users And toilet mirrors can never be Broken 🤣🤣🤣
    1) When A Guy Invites A Girl to Restaurant
    AMERICANS: Baby, please Just Forget About the Fòod, I'm not in a Rēlationship With You for Food, I just want you to Adore me as A Queen
    And Show me Affëction And Be available anytime I feel lônely
    AFRICANS: (After Bringing her 17 Friends Along)
    Favour, please tell Emeka That we your Friends Are Hùngry, Because na Only Person Wey don see Fōod Chòp, dey Fàll in Lõve
    2) My Sister, sometimes it's not just Tailor Fáult, You just dón't have the same shápe like the gírl in the magazine
    3).Please Take Nóte ; Not All "Bóos" Are Real Bóos In a Rélationship...
    Some Are TaBOÓ, Some are BÓOshít, Even some are OloriBOÓruku
    And to Make it wórst, some are BOOhári, and to Sëttle the Case, some are Tinuboo
    4) She invited you for Dinner, And you're taking CÕNDÓM along.....
    Brother, is that The SPÒON???????
    Just Be positive for Once naaaa
    5) Chai, I can't Forget Those Times In Primary School when We Nórmally Sing The Lórds Prayer
    "Díe Kingdom Bórn, Yahóo Be Dóne on Eárth, As is it Heaven"
    6) Pastor put #8K as Offering on Sunday in the offering Bõx, and at the Ënd of the service, they Calculated #95 as the Total Offering mòney
    I nēver Knew Our Pastor Fìght than Bus Cōnductor
    7) Wíckedness Started From 1960 Tailors, The Tróusers My Dad Wóre To Snáp Pics then,
    It resembles Bédsheéts
    Please If Pólîce Stóp You For Road, Just Give Thém Mónëy And Go!
    8). The Car , I entered Today Was Stópped By Pólice, And the Drivër Próudly Showed Them All His Licënse and Dócuments;
    As He was Happily Stárting The Car, One Pólice man Just shouted
    "Ogá, Show Us Your Dëath Cērtificate!"
    9). What Favour told me Today Pìerced my Heart, I Will NEVER NEVER make Jëst of her again
    The Motivational Words Favour Gave to me today Was so so Tòuching
    I never Knew Favour was Gifted in Còunseling so so Much
    She told the Fëmales, that Anytime they're in their Periōd, and there's no Påd Avaìlable,
    They shòuld use Ràg

    Cutie, As Long As You LIKE this Amazing Jokes, News Of Dëath Maybe Flying Around, But it Will Never Tõuch your Family Doòrstep, not to Talk of Penëtrating
    You're always my Friend, I'll Always keep on bringing More more, Please Don't Stop Fõllòwïng me to Grèatness

    JOKES TIME 😂😂😂 1) When A Guy Invites A Girl to Restaurant AMERICANS: Baby, please Just Forget About the Fòod, I'm not in a Rēlationship With You for Food, I just want you to Adore me as A Queen And Show me Affëction And Be available anytime I feel lônely AFRICANS: (After Bringing her 17 Friends Along) Favour, please tell Emeka That we your Friends Are Hùngry, Because na Only Person Wey don see Fōod Chòp, dey Fàll in Lõve 2) My Sister, sometimes it's not just Tailor Fáult, You just dón't have the same shápe like the gírl in the magazine 3).Please Take Nóte ; Not All "Bóos" Are Real Bóos In a Rélationship... Some Are TaBOÓ, Some are BÓOshít, Even some are OloriBOÓruku And to Make it wórst, some are BOOhári, and to Sëttle the Case, some are Tinuboo 4) She invited you for Dinner, And you're taking CÕNDÓM along..... 😒 Brother, is that The SPÒON???????😒😕😕 Just Be positive for Once naaaa 😒😒😒😂😂😂😂 5) Chai, I can't Forget Those Times In Primary School when We Nórmally Sing The Lórds Prayer "Díe Kingdom Bórn, Yahóo Be Dóne on Eárth, As is it Heaven" 😳😭😂😂😂 6) Pastor put #8K as Offering on Sunday in the offering Bõx, and at the Ënd of the service, they Calculated #95 as the Total Offering mòney 😳😳😳 I nēver Knew Our Pastor Fìght than Bus Cōnductor 💥😭😂😂😂😂 7) Wíckedness Started From 1960 Tailors, The Tróusers My Dad Wóre To Snáp Pics then, It resembles Bédsheéts😂😂😂💔 Please If Pólîce Stóp You For Road, Just Give Thém Mónëy And Go! 😪🥺🙏🙏 8). The Car , I entered Today Was Stópped By Pólice, And the Drivër Próudly Showed Them All His Licënse and Dócuments; As He was Happily Stárting The Car, One Pólice man Just shouted "Ogá, Show Us Your Dëath Cērtificate!" 😳😳😳😭😭😭😂😂 9). What Favour told me Today Pìerced my Heart, I Will NEVER NEVER make Jëst of her again 😢😔😔 The Motivational Words Favour Gave to me today Was so so Tòuching 😧😢😔😔😔😔 I never Knew Favour was Gifted in Còunseling so so Much 🥺🥺😔😔 She told the Fëmales, that Anytime they're in their Periōd, and there's no Påd Avaìlable, They shòuld use Ràg 💥💥😳😳😭😭😭😂😂😂💔 Cutie😔😔😢, As Long As You LIKE this Amazing Jokes, News Of Dëath Maybe Flying Around, But it Will Never Tõuch your Family Doòrstep, not to Talk of Penëtrating 😔😔😔🙏😔😔 You're always my Friend😔😔, I'll Always keep on bringing More more, Please Don't Stop Fõllòwïng me to Grèatness 😢😔😔🙏😧😢 PLEASE LIKE/FOLLOW ME FOR MORE JOKE 👉 Ayoung Tita
  • But Democratic leaders have to keep going. Back to design systems for a moment: Design is not simply what users see. It’s a process, tested and refined, for identifying and solving collective problems.
    But Democratic leaders have to keep going. Back to design systems for a moment: Design is not simply what users see. It’s a process, tested and refined, for identifying and solving collective problems.
  • Android users, what's one thing Android can do that iPhone still can't?
    Android users, what's one thing Android can do that iPhone still can't?
  • Additionally, having the image generation tools directly integrated into Figma is incredible. There are already plug-ins that do this — think user profile photos — but having this built right in will provide a more integrated experience, and that I like.
    Additionally, having the image generation tools directly integrated into Figma is incredible. There are already plug-ins that do this — think user profile photos — but having this built right in will provide a more integrated experience, and that I like.
  • It doesn’t mean we’re forgetting the user, it means that the user has to come with dollar signs attached to them.
    It doesn’t mean we’re forgetting the user, it means that the user has to come with dollar signs attached to them.
  • 35.6% of internet users are Asia. With average of 389 million of internet surfers each month, Asia is the largest internet crowd among other world regions. In Asia, 10 out of 100 surf the Internet.
    35.6% of internet users are Asia. With average of 389 million of internet surfers each month, Asia is the largest internet crowd among other world regions. In Asia, 10 out of 100 surf the Internet.
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