  • Life is unpredictable.live everyday like ur last and stay happy.
    Life is unpredictable.live everyday like ur last and stay happy.
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  • Determination leads to success, so try to be determined in order to get your success.
    #stay motivated
    Determination leads to success, so try to be determined in order to get your success. #stay motivated
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  • After some point, we stop caring about who leaves and who stays and that's okay.
    After some point, we stop caring about who leaves and who stays and that's okay.
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  • Don't compromise your beliefs, stay out.
    Don't compromise your beliefs, stay out.
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  • When you focus on your fears, you end up running into them. When you focus on your goals, you end up achieving them
    #stay motivated
    When you focus on your fears, you end up running into them. When you focus on your goals, you end up achieving them #stay motivated
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  • "The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in times of comfort and convenience, it's where he stands in times of challenges and controversies"- Martin Luther King Jr.
    #Stay Motivated
    "The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in times of comfort and convenience, it's where he stands in times of challenges and controversies"- Martin Luther King Jr. #Stay Motivated
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  • Believe in Yourself
    "Success is not final, failure is not fatal: It is the courage to continue that counts." - Winston Churchill
    Hard Work and Perseverance
    "Don't watch the clock; do what it does. Keep going." - Sam Levenson
    Stay Focused
    "Keep your eyes on the stars, and your feet on the ground." - Theodore Roosevelt
    Overcome Obstacles
    "Success is not about being better than someone else, it's about being better than you were yesterday." - Anonymous
    Stay Motivated
    "I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work." - Thomas Edison
    I hope these quotes inspire you to reach for success!
    Believe in Yourself "Success is not final, failure is not fatal: It is the courage to continue that counts." - Winston Churchill Hard Work and Perseverance "Don't watch the clock; do what it does. Keep going." - Sam Levenson Stay Focused "Keep your eyes on the stars, and your feet on the ground." - Theodore Roosevelt Overcome Obstacles "Success is not about being better than someone else, it's about being better than you were yesterday." - Anonymous Stay Motivated "I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work." - Thomas Edison I hope these quotes inspire you to reach for success!
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  • #evil don't pay stay away from evil, put your trust in God#
    #evil don't pay stay away from evil, put your trust in God#
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    Men, love it when the woman tells him when he wrongs. The problem is many women don't know how to correct. Correct him with love, "Honey, don't you think it would have been better if..."; don't scold him like he is a little boy. Approach and tone is key. Don't attack

    Do greater things on your own, inspire him, expose him to greatness, make progress in your life that he feels he needs to pull up his socks. Don't just sit lazy. A man wants a woman who is hungry for her own personal growth. Challenging him doesn't mean looking down on him or asking why can't he be like other men?

    3. NEED HIM
    Men love feeling needed. Lovingly ask him for help, ask him for advice, "My love, what do you think I should do?". Involve him in your life and when he does help, thank him

    No matter the level of a man's spirituality, prayer is respected and considered sacred. Pray for him, let him hear you pray for him

    The kind of compliments men love are, "You are such a good man", "You make a great dad", "Your mind is incredible", "You have a sexy body", "I love how you touch me", "My honey, I am proud of you". Praise him in private and in public. Don't be that woman who is quick to point out his flaws but rarely highlighs what he does right

    Many women think sex is to be left to the man, so they wait for the man to make advances. They become passive and shy during sex. Lady, your husband will love it sometimes if you are sexually aggressive, ask for his body, reach for his penis. Show him that you know he belongs to you. Make sex an adventure

    Ask him how his day is, his dreams, if he is OK. Most women want the man to show interest but they don't show interest back

    Don't be overly posssessive, demanding him to spend every second with you. Snooping his phone and doubting him when you find nothing, being suspicious of him, chocking his social life, . Be mature, if you push him away, he will keep things friom you then things will get ugly. Most men keep things from their women, not because they are doing something wrong but because their women read too much into everything and pick up fights. This is dangerous. You are his Queen, wear your crown with confidence

    So many women don't even know they complain, they think they are simply expressing their right to speak and get things done properly. But men dislike a complaining woman, if he doesn't do things as you like, if he is not at your level; don't attack and nag. Just simply request him to do things a better way, but as you do so, appreciate the much he has done so far

    This is what we all want when with a person. Peace. Peace at home. No fights, no frustrations, no stress. If your man is spending less time with you, perhaps you're not giving him peace. Men avoid complicated and draining environments. Lady, you complaining every day to him that he doesn't spend much time with you makes things worse. You think you are putting your point across but he feels pushed away. Attract him to you by giving him peace. Some men stay out there, not looking for a woman, but looking for peace

    11. LOOK GOOD
    Dress up, look sexy. Don't look good only when you are outside the home, look good also when it's just you two

    12. TREAT HIM
    Cater to him, cook for him, buy him gifts, treat him like a king, straighten his tie. These simple things mean alot to him, even if not every day, often

    Men get attracted to good converations. They want laughter, depth, intelligent conversations. They want to be listened to, to be wowed by a woman's mind. A woman who talks lovey dovey stuff but also about business, investments, social issues, a great vision; that woman is a keeper

    14. EAT WITH HIM
    Men love a good meal. Make it a habit to eat with him. Food brings people together

    Succeed in your personal life, do great things outside your marriage. Shine as a woman. Make him proud to say "That is my wife". Even the Proverbs 31 husband calls his wife "Blessed"

    Don't fight his friends. Find out who his friends are, get to have laughs and talks with them. Support his social life, be good to his family and siblings. If you have an issue with one of them, bring it to his attention without starting a war. Allow to also know your friends. When you both do this, it makes both of you secure

    Find out what he likes and spend time with him once in a while doing that thing. If he loves rugby, watch matches with him sometimes; if he wins an award, go cheer him as he receives it; be his topmost fan in everything.
    Choose wisely
    Making money got easy
    Follow BA YOUTH
    HOW A WOMAN CAN MAKE HER MAN LOVE HER MORE 1. CORRECT HIM Men, love it when the woman tells him when he wrongs. The problem is many women don't know how to correct. Correct him with love, "Honey, don't you think it would have been better if..."; don't scold him like he is a little boy. Approach and tone is key. Don't attack 2. CHALLENGE HIM Do greater things on your own, inspire him, expose him to greatness, make progress in your life that he feels he needs to pull up his socks. Don't just sit lazy. A man wants a woman who is hungry for her own personal growth. Challenging him doesn't mean looking down on him or asking why can't he be like other men? 3. NEED HIM Men love feeling needed. Lovingly ask him for help, ask him for advice, "My love, what do you think I should do?". Involve him in your life and when he does help, thank him 4. PRAY FOR HIM No matter the level of a man's spirituality, prayer is respected and considered sacred. Pray for him, let him hear you pray for him 5. PRAISE HIM The kind of compliments men love are, "You are such a good man", "You make a great dad", "Your mind is incredible", "You have a sexy body", "I love how you touch me", "My honey, I am proud of you". Praise him in private and in public. Don't be that woman who is quick to point out his flaws but rarely highlighs what he does right 6. SEXUALLY MAKE ADVANCES Many women think sex is to be left to the man, so they wait for the man to make advances. They become passive and shy during sex. Lady, your husband will love it sometimes if you are sexually aggressive, ask for his body, reach for his penis. Show him that you know he belongs to you. Make sex an adventure 7. SHOW INTEREST IN HIM Ask him how his day is, his dreams, if he is OK. Most women want the man to show interest but they don't show interest back 8. TRUST HIM, DON'T MICROMANAGE HIM Don't be overly posssessive, demanding him to spend every second with you. Snooping his phone and doubting him when you find nothing, being suspicious of him, chocking his social life, . Be mature, if you push him away, he will keep things friom you then things will get ugly. Most men keep things from their women, not because they are doing something wrong but because their women read too much into everything and pick up fights. This is dangerous. You are his Queen, wear your crown with confidence 9. COMPLAIN LESS So many women don't even know they complain, they think they are simply expressing their right to speak and get things done properly. But men dislike a complaining woman, if he doesn't do things as you like, if he is not at your level; don't attack and nag. Just simply request him to do things a better way, but as you do so, appreciate the much he has done so far 10. GIVE HIM PEACE This is what we all want when with a person. Peace. Peace at home. No fights, no frustrations, no stress. If your man is spending less time with you, perhaps you're not giving him peace. Men avoid complicated and draining environments. Lady, you complaining every day to him that he doesn't spend much time with you makes things worse. You think you are putting your point across but he feels pushed away. Attract him to you by giving him peace. Some men stay out there, not looking for a woman, but looking for peace 11. LOOK GOOD Dress up, look sexy. Don't look good only when you are outside the home, look good also when it's just you two 12. TREAT HIM Cater to him, cook for him, buy him gifts, treat him like a king, straighten his tie. These simple things mean alot to him, even if not every day, often 13. HAVE GOOD CONVERSATIONS Men get attracted to good converations. They want laughter, depth, intelligent conversations. They want to be listened to, to be wowed by a woman's mind. A woman who talks lovey dovey stuff but also about business, investments, social issues, a great vision; that woman is a keeper 14. EAT WITH HIM Men love a good meal. Make it a habit to eat with him. Food brings people together 15. BE ADMIRABLE Succeed in your personal life, do great things outside your marriage. Shine as a woman. Make him proud to say "That is my wife". Even the Proverbs 31 husband calls his wife "Blessed" 16. BE FRIENDLY TO HIS FRIENDS Don't fight his friends. Find out who his friends are, get to have laughs and talks with them. Support his social life, be good to his family and siblings. If you have an issue with one of them, bring it to his attention without starting a war. Allow to also know your friends. When you both do this, it makes both of you secure 17. MAKE AN EFFORT TO UNDERSTAND WHAT HE LIKES Find out what he likes and spend time with him once in a while doing that thing. If he loves rugby, watch matches with him sometimes; if he wins an award, go cheer him as he receives it; be his topmost fan in everything. Choose wisely šŸ˜Œ šŸ˜‰ šŸ‘Œ Making money got easy #highlightseveryone Follow BA YOUTH
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    Marrying someone you can not play or joke around with can make life boring in the marriage. Marriage is not a military ground. It is a place of love, romance and fun.

    Play isn’t just for kids! Play is an essential part of maintaining a happy, healthy long-term relationship, especially in today’s world.

    Playing together increases bonding, reduces stress, improves communication, enhances intimacy, conflict resolution, and relationship satisfaction

    1. As a married couple,
    Play romantic games with your wife.
    The couple that plays together stays together.
    2. Tickle your wife.
    3. Go out for a date. Go to the beach. Take her out for dinner, just the two of you, and enjoy yourself.
    4. Go to a cinema and watch films together
    5. Plan a mini honeymoon when both of you can spend quality time together.
    6.Visit Beach & Cinema Together
    7. Play a board game
    Make your own board game
    8. Play ball and table tennis together
    9. Take a cooking or baking class
    10. Try something new in the bedroom
    11. Romance Together,
    12. Rejoice Together,
    13. Attend Special Events Together,
    14. Laugh together,
    15. *Take A Stroll Together,
    16. *Dance together (Dancing helps us to release happy hormones.Try Dancing with your partner.
    17. Sing together,
    18. Eat together,
    19. Bath together. It enhances your friendship: as it brings you closer. It makes you free with each othe
    20. Spend quality time together,
    21. Do exercise together,
    22. Play football together,
    23. Sleep Together,
    24. Kiss Together,
    25. Do House Chore Together,
    25. Plan Together,
    26. Celebrate together
    27. Enjoy Regular S*x Together with your spouse.

    Doing These Keep Your Marriage Fresh And Lively.
    Treat Your Spouse As Your Best Friend And A Treasure Not As Your Enemy.”

    Love your spouse like there is no tomorrow, and if tomorrow comes, wake up and do it over again. Marriage Is A True Test Of Love!

    āœCredit to the rightful author

    #relationship #modernlifestyle #highlightseveryone #highlights2024 #followerseveryone #everyonehighlightsfollowerseveryonehighlightsfollowerseveryone #highlights2025 #highlightseveryone #everyoneć‚·ć‚š #highlights2025followers #everyoneć‚·ć‚šviralć‚·highlight #followerseveryonehighlightseveryone #fbpost2025 #followerseveryone #highlightseveryonefollowers2025
    PLAYING WITH YOUR WIFE šŸ¤  Marrying someone you can not play or joke around with can make life boring in the marriage. Marriage is not a military ground. It is a place of love, romance and fun. Play isn’t just for kids! Play is an essential part of maintaining a happy, healthy long-term relationship, especially in today’s world. Playing together increases bonding, reduces stress, improves communication, enhances intimacy, conflict resolution, and relationship satisfaction 1. As a married couple, Play romantic games with your wife. The couple that plays together stays together. 2. Tickle your wife. 3. Go out for a date. Go to the beach. Take her out for dinner, just the two of you, and enjoy yourself. 4. Go to a cinema and watch films together 5. Plan a mini honeymoon when both of you can spend quality time together. 6.Visit Beach & Cinema Together 7. Play a board game Make your own board game 8. Play ball and table tennis together 9. Take a cooking or baking class 10. Try something new in the bedroom 11. Romance Together, 12. Rejoice Together, 13. Attend Special Events Together, 14. Laugh together, 15. *Take A Stroll Together, 16. *Dance together (Dancing helps us to release happy hormones.Try Dancing with your partner. 17. Sing together, 18. Eat together, 19. Bath together. It enhances your friendship: as it brings you closer. It makes you free with each othe 20. Spend quality time together, 21. Do exercise together, 22. Play football together, 23. Sleep Together, 24. Kiss Together, 25. Do House Chore Together, 25. Plan Together, 26. Celebrate together 27. Enjoy Regular S*x Together with your spouse. Doing These Keep Your Marriage Fresh And Lively. Treat Your Spouse As Your Best Friend And A Treasure Not As Your Enemy.” Love your spouse like there is no tomorrow, and if tomorrow comes, wake up and do it over again. Marriage Is A True Test Of Love! āœCredit to the rightful author šŸŽØPinterest Ccto #relationship #modernlifestyle #highlightseveryone #highlights2024 #followerseveryone #everyonehighlightsfollowerseveryonehighlightsfollowerseveryone #highlights2025 #highlightseveryone #everyoneć‚·ć‚š #highlights2025followers #everyoneć‚·ć‚šviralć‚·highlight #followerseveryonehighlightseveryone #fbpost2025 #followerseveryone #highlightseveryonefollowers2025
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