Upgrade to Pro

  • Step into the unknown

    There are times in life when you want to give up everything. Quit your job, move, or end a toxic relationship. At such moments it can be especially scary, because you are used to your old life. New for us in such situations is something scary and unknown, like a leap of faith. Whatever you do, just remember that you will never regret it! This is exactly what you need now.

    Be bolder. Always!

    Step into the unknown There are times in life when you want to give up everything. Quit your job, move, or end a toxic relationship. At such moments it can be especially scary, because you are used to your old life. New for us in such situations is something scary and unknown, like a leap of faith. Whatever you do, just remember that you will never regret it! This is exactly what you need now. Be bolder. Always!
  • Being Brave doesn't mean you are fearless - It means you do what is required despite the scary situation ahead.

    Being Strong doesn't mean you are free from pain - It means you still fight despite the painful situation.

    Normalize doing what is required despite the situation you are in.

    🔸Being Brave doesn't mean you are fearless - It means you do what is required despite the scary situation ahead.✔️ 🔸Being Strong doesn't mean you are free from pain - It means you still fight despite the painful situation.✔️ 🔸Normalize doing what is required despite the situation you are in.✔️📈
  • "Someone said that the path to growth is frightening.

    If the options ahead are scary, it could be a sign that you're on the path to growth.

    Embrace what scares you—there is progress to be made.

    Those options offer learning and personal evolution."

    🔸"Someone said that the path to growth is frightening. 🔸If the options ahead are scary, it could be a sign that you're on the path to growth.📈 🔸Embrace what scares you—there is progress to be made. 🔸Those options offer learning and personal evolution."🚀
  • 8 Habits for Success

    1.Read every day
    2. Focus on high-level tasks.
    3. Make your health a priority.
    4. Learn from people you admire.
    5. Plan your day the night before.
    6. Keep your goals in front of you.
    7. Take action, even when it's scary.
    8. Have a powerful & inspiring "why."

    8 Habits for Success 1.Read every day 2. Focus on high-level tasks. 3. Make your health a priority. 4. Learn from people you admire. 5. Plan your day the night before. 6. Keep your goals in front of you. 7. Take action, even when it's scary. 8. Have a powerful & inspiring "why."
  • Trump Is Scary. Cynicism Is Worse
    This level of cynicism is dangerous to any democracy. It’s fatal for a country like America, one of the few countries in the world whose national myth is predicated on the future — the U.S. is a young country with a short history and multiple origin stories, but what brings us together is an agentic sense of the future. We look ahead, out of a desire and belief that we have a chance to build the best days of our collective lives. In other words: We have hope.
    Trump Is Scary. Cynicism Is Worse This level of cynicism is dangerous to any democracy. It’s fatal for a country like America, one of the few countries in the world whose national myth is predicated on the future — the U.S. is a young country with a short history and multiple origin stories, but what brings us together is an agentic sense of the future. We look ahead, out of a desire and belief that we have a chance to build the best days of our collective lives. In other words: We have hope.
  • Exercise 7
    Score yourself on each tip. 1 being weak and 5 being strong.
    ____Being of service, even in the smallest way is empowerment.
    ____Being kind, even to a stranger is empowerment.
    ____Being generous, even when we don’t have much is empowerment.
    ____Being truthful, even when it is scary is empowerment.
    ____Being committed, even when it is difficult is empowerment.
    ____Being forgiving, even if it takes time is empowerment.
    ____Being compassionate, even to those who have hurt us is empowerment.
    ____Being aware, even of the tiniest details is empowerment.
    ____Being conscious, even of things that bring us despair is empowerment.
    ____Being loving, even to those who don’t deserve it is empowerment.
    ____Being respectful, even to all living things is empowerment.
    ____Being understanding, even to those we don’t comprehend is empowerment.
    ____Being contemplative, even in the midst of freneticism is empowerment.
    ____Being different, even when others just want to be accepted is empowerment.
    ____Being rational, even when others are irrational is empowerment.
    ____Being joyful, even when others will be jealous is empowerment.
    Tips to Empowerment
    ____Being grateful, even for the fact that we have life
    Exercise 7 Score yourself on each tip. 1 being weak and 5 being strong. ____Being of service, even in the smallest way is empowerment. ____Being kind, even to a stranger is empowerment. ____Being generous, even when we don’t have much is empowerment. ____Being truthful, even when it is scary is empowerment. ____Being committed, even when it is difficult is empowerment. ____Being forgiving, even if it takes time is empowerment. ____Being compassionate, even to those who have hurt us is empowerment. ____Being aware, even of the tiniest details is empowerment. ____Being conscious, even of things that bring us despair is empowerment. ____Being loving, even to those who don’t deserve it is empowerment. ____Being respectful, even to all living things is empowerment. ____Being understanding, even to those we don’t comprehend is empowerment. ____Being contemplative, even in the midst of freneticism is empowerment. ____Being different, even when others just want to be accepted is empowerment. ____Being rational, even when others are irrational is empowerment. ____Being joyful, even when others will be jealous is empowerment. Tips to Empowerment ____Being grateful, even for the fact that we have life
  • Exercise 7
    Score yourself on each tip. 1 being weak and 5 being strong.
    ____Being of service, even in the smallest way is empowerment.
    ____Being kind, even to a stranger is empowerment.
    ____Being generous, even when we don’t have much is empowerment.
    ____Being truthful, even when it is scary is empowerment.
    ____Being committed, even when it is difficult is empowerment.
    ____Being forgiving, even if it takes time is empowerment.
    ____Being compassionate, even to those who have hurt us is empowerment.
    ____Being aware, even of the tiniest details is empowerment.
    ____Being conscious, even of things that bring us despair is empowerment.
    ____Being loving, even to those who don’t deserve it is empowerment.
    ____Being respectful, even to all living things is empowerment.
    ____Being understanding, even to those we don’t comprehend is empowerment.
    ____Being contemplative, even in the midst of freneticism is empowerment.
    ____Being different, even when others just want to be accepted is empowerment.
    ____Being rational, even when others are irrational is empowerment.
    ____Being joyful, even when others will be jealous is empowerment.
    Tips to Empowerment
    ____Being grateful, even for the fact that we have life is
    Exercise 7 Score yourself on each tip. 1 being weak and 5 being strong. ____Being of service, even in the smallest way is empowerment. ____Being kind, even to a stranger is empowerment. ____Being generous, even when we don’t have much is empowerment. ____Being truthful, even when it is scary is empowerment. ____Being committed, even when it is difficult is empowerment. ____Being forgiving, even if it takes time is empowerment. ____Being compassionate, even to those who have hurt us is empowerment. ____Being aware, even of the tiniest details is empowerment. ____Being conscious, even of things that bring us despair is empowerment. ____Being loving, even to those who don’t deserve it is empowerment. ____Being respectful, even to all living things is empowerment. ____Being understanding, even to those we don’t comprehend is empowerment. ____Being contemplative, even in the midst of freneticism is empowerment. ____Being different, even when others just want to be accepted is empowerment. ____Being rational, even when others are irrational is empowerment. ____Being joyful, even when others will be jealous is empowerment. Tips to Empowerment ____Being grateful, even for the fact that we have life is
  • Angel Gomes has suffered head injury with scary moments on the pitch…

    …now he’s been carried out, with fans singing his name.

    Get well soon, Angel
    Angel Gomes has suffered head injury with scary moments on the pitch… …now he’s been carried out, with fans singing his name. Get well soon, Angel ❤️✨
  • It's so scary how well people pretend.
    It's so scary how well people pretend.
  • There's nothing scary about choice. Scary is when you don't have choice.
    There's nothing scary about choice. Scary is when you don't have choice.
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