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  • Men who don’t post so many pictures are usually the most good looking ones in real life.
    Men who don’t post so many pictures are usually the most good looking ones in real life.
  • isn't it weird how you can look at pictures and remember the story behind them but look at the picture and don't remember the person in them ?
    isn't it weird how you can look at pictures and remember the story behind them but look at the picture and don't remember the person in them ?
  • Dating is not all about the Instagram-worthy moments, cute selfies, and those oh-so-adorable couple.

    Dating is about having the tough conversations.
    You know, the ones that make you squirm a little in your seat. It’s about asking the real, sometimes uncomfortable, questions like, "What’s your stance on finances?" or "How do you handle conflict?" because when life gets messy, those cute pictures aren’t going to help you.

    Dating is for checking compatibility.
    Looks fade, and that lovey-dovey honeymoon phase doesn’t last forever. What’s going to keep you together when you’ve already binged all your favorite shows and life throws some curveballs? Can you actually handle the tough stuff together?

    Dating is about seeing each other at your worst.
    It's easy to love someone when everything's going well But what happens when you’re stressed, or they’re having a bad day?
    Can you handle seeing each other when you’re not at your best? Because dating isn’t just about the highlight reel; it’s about seeing the behind-the-scenes footage too,the stuff that doesn’t always make it onto social media.

    Know this

    Life isn’t always going to be sunshine and rainbows. There will be hard times,whether it's financial struggles, health issues, or just bad days.

    The question is, can you handle those moments together?

    That’s where the real test of compatibility comes in. It’s about being there for each other, even when it’s uncomfortable or not so pretty.

    So, yeah, take those cute pictures, make some memories. But more importantly, ask the hard questions, have the tough conversations, and make sure you’re compatible for the long haul—not just for the ‘gram.
    ❌Dating is not all about the Instagram-worthy moments, cute selfies, and those oh-so-adorable couple. ✅Dating is about having the tough conversations. You know, the ones that make you squirm a little in your seat. It’s about asking the real, sometimes uncomfortable, questions like, "What’s your stance on finances?" or "How do you handle conflict?" because when life gets messy, those cute pictures aren’t going to help you. ✅Dating is for checking compatibility. Looks fade, and that lovey-dovey honeymoon phase doesn’t last forever. What’s going to keep you together when you’ve already binged all your favorite shows and life throws some curveballs? Can you actually handle the tough stuff together? ✅Dating is about seeing each other at your worst. It's easy to love someone when everything's going well But what happens when you’re stressed, or they’re having a bad day? Can you handle seeing each other when you’re not at your best? Because dating isn’t just about the highlight reel; it’s about seeing the behind-the-scenes footage too,the stuff that doesn’t always make it onto social media. Know this 👇 Life isn’t always going to be sunshine and rainbows. There will be hard times,whether it's financial struggles, health issues, or just bad days. The question is, can you handle those moments together? That’s where the real test of compatibility comes in. It’s about being there for each other, even when it’s uncomfortable or not so pretty. So, yeah, take those cute pictures, make some memories. But more importantly, ask the hard questions, have the tough conversations, and make sure you’re compatible for the long haul—not just for the ‘gram.

    If you are invited for a job interview, at the entrance of the gate or within the Organization's premises:

    Avoid or do the following:

    1. Politely greet everybody. I have seen MDs and Managers disguise and stand at the gate to observe interviewees.

    2. Do not go inside and start charging your phone or begin to look for where to charge your phone.

    3. Do not go inside and begin to chat with your phone or make unnecessary calls. Put the phone inside your bag. They could be monitoring you through the camera.

    4. Avoid too much talk with fellow interviewees. Don't go there and begin to argue about the government of the day, escalated food prices,s and even lack of employment opportunities. Just be calm and positive.

    5. Don't start praying and speaking in tongues to demonstrate your religiosity and closeness to God. Pray at home before going.

    6. If they offer you Tea or food, Please reject it politely and thank them. You can take it after the interview. If you take that Tea or food, you are out.

    7. Don't chew gum, biscuit or anything. Go with a book and read it.

    8. Never ever criticize your previous employer.

    9. If you see somebody you know in the Organization, either as a staff or a fellow interviewee, greet him officially. Avoid creating an impression that you know him.

    10. Do not appear too Poor, helpless, or inferior before the interviewer. Forget about Nigeria's problems, your personal and family problems. Focus on the job.

    11. After the interview, put up a smiling face, thank the,m and leave.

    In most cases, interviewers assess and score interviewees by the factors above and not necessarily by the answers they provide on paper. They'll train you eventually to do the job if they employ you.

    I know 75% of you would be focusing on the attached pictures.

    Please ignore it.
    LECTURERS WILL NEVER TELL YOU THIS IN THE UNIVERSITY 🤣🤣🤣🤣 If you are invited for a job interview, at the entrance of the gate or within the Organization's premises: Avoid or do the following: 1. Politely greet everybody. I have seen MDs and Managers disguise and stand at the gate to observe interviewees. 2. Do not go inside and start charging your phone or begin to look for where to charge your phone. 3. Do not go inside and begin to chat with your phone or make unnecessary calls. Put the phone inside your bag. They could be monitoring you through the camera. 4. Avoid too much talk with fellow interviewees. Don't go there and begin to argue about the government of the day, escalated food prices,s and even lack of employment opportunities. Just be calm and positive. 5. Don't start praying and speaking in tongues to demonstrate your religiosity and closeness to God. Pray at home before going. 6. If they offer you Tea or food, Please reject it politely and thank them. You can take it after the interview. If you take that Tea or food, you are out. 7. Don't chew gum, biscuit or anything. Go with a book and read it. 8. Never ever criticize your previous employer. 9. If you see somebody you know in the Organization, either as a staff or a fellow interviewee, greet him officially. Avoid creating an impression that you know him. 10. Do not appear too Poor, helpless, or inferior before the interviewer. Forget about Nigeria's problems, your personal and family problems. Focus on the job. 11. After the interview, put up a smiling face, thank the,m and leave. In most cases, interviewers assess and score interviewees by the factors above and not necessarily by the answers they provide on paper. They'll train you eventually to do the job if they employ you. I know 75% of you would be focusing on the attached pictures. 🙄🙄😏😏 Please ignore it.
  • The advantage of taking pictures of the famous is that they get published.
    The advantage of taking pictures of the famous is that they get published.
  • Help people when they are alive not when they die, you start posting there pictures
    Help people when they are alive not when they die, you start posting there pictures

    If you are invited for a job interview, at the entrance of the gate or within the Organization's premises:

    Avoid or do the following:

    1. Politely greet everybody. I have seen MDs and Managers disguise and stand at the gate to observe interviewees.

    2. Do not go inside and start charging your phone or begin to look for where to charge your phone.

    3. Do not go inside and begin to chat with your phone or make unnecessary calls. Put the phone inside your bag. They could be monitoring you through the camera.

    4. Avoid too much talk with fellow interviewees. Don't go there and begin to argue about the government of the day, escalated food prices,s and even lack of employment opportunities. Just be calm and positive.

    5. Don't start praying and speaking in tongues to demonstrate your religiosity and closeness to God. Pray at home before going.

    6. If they offer you Tea or food, Please reject it politely and thank them. You can take it after the interview. If you take that Tea or food, you are out.

    7. Don't chew gum, biscuit or anything. Go with a book and read it.

    8. Never ever criticize your previous employer.

    9. If you see somebody you know in the Organization, either as a staff or a fellow interviewee, greet him officially. Avoid creating an impression that you know him.

    10. Do not appear too Poor, helpless, or inferior before the interviewer. Forget about Nigeria's problems, your personal and family problems. Focus on the job.

    11. After the interview, put up a smiling face, thank the,m and leave.

    In most cases, interviewers assess and score interviewees by the factors above and not necessarily by the answers they provide on paper. They'll train you eventually to do the job if they employ you.

    I know 75% of you would be focusing on the attached pictures.

    Please ignore it.
    LECTURERS WILL NEVER TELL YOU THIS IN THE UNIVERSITY 🤣🤣🤣🤣 If you are invited for a job interview, at the entrance of the gate or within the Organization's premises: Avoid or do the following: 1. Politely greet everybody. I have seen MDs and Managers disguise and stand at the gate to observe interviewees. 2. Do not go inside and start charging your phone or begin to look for where to charge your phone. 3. Do not go inside and begin to chat with your phone or make unnecessary calls. Put the phone inside your bag. They could be monitoring you through the camera. 4. Avoid too much talk with fellow interviewees. Don't go there and begin to argue about the government of the day, escalated food prices,s and even lack of employment opportunities. Just be calm and positive. 5. Don't start praying and speaking in tongues to demonstrate your religiosity and closeness to God. Pray at home before going. 6. If they offer you Tea or food, Please reject it politely and thank them. You can take it after the interview. If you take that Tea or food, you are out. 7. Don't chew gum, biscuit or anything. Go with a book and read it. 8. Never ever criticize your previous employer. 9. If you see somebody you know in the Organization, either as a staff or a fellow interviewee, greet him officially. Avoid creating an impression that you know him. 10. Do not appear too Poor, helpless, or inferior before the interviewer. Forget about Nigeria's problems, your personal and family problems. Focus on the job. 11. After the interview, put up a smiling face, thank the,m and leave. In most cases, interviewers assess and score interviewees by the factors above and not necessarily by the answers they provide on paper. They'll train you eventually to do the job if they employ you. I know 75% of you would be focusing on the attached pictures. 🙄🙄😏😏 Please ignore it.
  • When we delete our pictures were do the go to?
    When we delete our pictures were do the go to?
  • 1. Photosynthesis is the process by which ūgly girls manufacture cute pictures with iPhone in the presence of sunlight after applying makeup.

    2. A small mīstake in a relationship can change ur name from sweetheart to +234.......

    Just be carēful 🤷🏽‍♂️🤷🏽‍♂️

    3. If you nēvēr see ur periød dont worry it could be network prøblem 🏃🏻‍♀️🏃🏻‍♀️🏃🏻‍♀️🏃🏻‍♀️🏃🏻‍♀️🏃🏻‍♀️

    4. Bae swēar I love u, Even if they ask me to choose between u or a trip to America, I promise.
    I'll be thinking about you in the plane.

    5. Shāviñg privāte pārt is outdated. Bøil hot water,pøur it there and be remøving the hair like chicken feather

    6. If you start payīng bīlls, you will understand why the prodīgal son went back to his father’s house.

    7. In the 10 commandments, some of you are only left with "do not mūrdēr".

    8. You are dāting a married man and you are upset cuz he savēd your name with engine oil are you not a sērvice station ?

    Yeeeeeeeeeeepaaaaaa🙆🏾‍♂️🙆🏾‍♂️🙆🏾‍♂️🙆🏾‍♂️ who støned me?

    9. African guys are so wonderful. They can smēll their armpīt and decide Whether to bath or pøstpone it to the next day.

    10. Stop blāming alcøhol inflūence when you hīt your wife why didn't the alcøhol lead you to army barrācks to slāp a soldier

    11. Guys the best way to propøse to a girl, Take her in a boat to the middle of the rīver and say "Marry me or lēāve my boat ". Thank me later.

    12. I think the woman who invented the phrase "All Men Are The Same"was a Chinese woman who løst her husband in the crowd.

    Wisdom won't k!!ll me.

    13. Incase you buy iphone 15 abeg dash me your iphone 14,13, 12, or 11 I just say make i remind you

    Don't go without reacting

    Enjoy your night

    Thumbs up to our girls they really tried

    I post interesting jokes daily don't forget to follow me for more Ayoung Tita
    God bless you abundantly as you do so.
    1. Photosynthesis is the process by which ūgly girls manufacture cute pictures with iPhone in the presence of sunlight after applying makeup.🤣🤣🙆🙆🙄🙄💔 2. A small mīstake in a relationship can change ur name from sweetheart to +234....... Just be carēful 🤷🏽‍♂️🤷🏽‍♂️😁😁😁😁😁 3. If you nēvēr see ur periød dont worry 😒😒 it could be network prøblem 😋😋😋😋😂😂😂😂😂🏃🏻‍♀️🏃🏻‍♀️🏃🏻‍♀️🏃🏻‍♀️🏃🏻‍♀️🏃🏻‍♀️ 4. Bae swēar I love u, Even if they ask me to choose between u or a trip to America, I promise.😒😏 I'll be thinking about you in the plane.😃 5. Shāviñg privāte pārt is outdated. Bøil hot water,pøur it there and be remøving the hair like chicken feather 😂 6. If you start payīng bīlls, you will understand why the prodīgal son went back to his father’s house💔🤣. 7. In the 10 commandments, some of you are only left with "do not mūrdēr".🤣🤣🤣 8. You are dāting a married man and you are upset cuz he savēd your name with engine oil 😀 are you not a sērvice station ? 🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️ #ayoungtita Yeeeeeeeeeeepaaaaaa🙆🏾‍♂️🙆🏾‍♂️🙆🏾‍♂️🙆🏾‍♂️ who støned me? 9. African guys are so wonderful. They can smēll their armpīt and decide Whether to bath or pøstpone it to the next day. 😀😀😀 10. Stop blāming alcøhol inflūence when you hīt your wife🙄🙄 why didn't the alcøhol lead you to army barrācks to slāp a soldier 🤧🤕👅 11. Guys the best way to propøse to a girl, Take her in a boat to the middle of the rīver and say "Marry me or lēāve my boat 😤". Thank me later. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤧 12. I think the woman who invented the phrase "All Men Are The Same"was a Chinese woman who løst her husband in the crowd. 😂😂😂 Wisdom won't k!!ll me. 13. Incase you buy iphone 15 abeg dash me your iphone 14,13, 12, or 11 I just say make i remind you 🤭☺️ Don't go without reacting 🙄❤️ Enjoy your night ❤️😍 Thumbs up to our girls they really tried ❤️✅🫂 I post interesting jokes daily don't forget to follow me for more Ayoung Tita God bless you abundantly as you do so.
  • More Gorgeous Pictures from Nollywood Actress EKENE UMENWA's Baby Shower, Congratulations to the Lovely Nwanyioma .
    More Gorgeous Pictures from Nollywood Actress EKENE UMENWA's Baby🎊🎉 Shower, Congratulations to the Lovely Nwanyioma .
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