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  • Self-respect leads to better habits.

    Better habits lead to better focus.

    Better focus leads to better life.

    Just respect yourself!

    Self-respect leads to better habits. Better habits lead to better focus. Better focus leads to better life. Just respect yourself!
  • Self-respect leads to better habits.

    Better habits lead to better focus.

    Better focus leads to better life.

    Just respect yourself!

    Self-respect leads to better habits. Better habits lead to better focus. Better focus leads to better life. Just respect yourself!
  • Don't get hung up

    Not all problems in life can be solved. Some, such as those related to the weather, the economy, and the words and actions of other people, are beyond our control. Don't worry about them. Focus on your own thoughts and habits and what you can actually improve.

    Infinity ∞ Thoughts
    Don't get hung up Not all problems in life can be solved. Some, such as those related to the weather, the economy, and the words and actions of other people, are beyond our control. Don't worry about them. Focus on your own thoughts and habits and what you can actually improve. Infinity ∞ Thoughts
  • Think less, act more

    Most of us think too much—even those who are not generally inclined to philosophize. About what is happening around right now. About what awaits us in the future. Sometimes this habit plays a cruel joke on us, forcing us to mark time.

    The way out is to act, take at least small steps, “turn on” not only your head, but your body too. At the same time, it is important to remember that stable, measured actions are better than fuss and attempts to burden yourself with a maximum of things. And habits are healthier for the psyche than 24/7 spontaneity. The turtle defeats the rabbit - so it was and so, it seems, will always be.

    Think less, act more Most of us think too much—even those who are not generally inclined to philosophize. About what is happening around right now. About what awaits us in the future. Sometimes this habit plays a cruel joke on us, forcing us to mark time. The way out is to act, take at least small steps, “turn on” not only your head, but your body too. At the same time, it is important to remember that stable, measured actions are better than fuss and attempts to burden yourself with a maximum of things. And habits are healthier for the psyche than 24/7 spontaneity. The turtle defeats the rabbit - so it was and so, it seems, will always be.
  • You are stronger than you give yourself credit for…

    You are doing things you've never done, because you want a life you've never had. . .

    Because you crave attracting the unknown and newness because you are tired of the same cycle replaying.

    You know the only way to have the new is to keep growing, healing, and creating new habits.

    You want to live a life that is so unfamiliar to your past, but feels so familiar to your desire and who you truly are.

    You are stronger than you give yourself credit for… You are doing things you've never done, because you want a life you've never had. . . Because you crave attracting the unknown and newness because you are tired of the same cycle replaying. You know the only way to have the new is to keep growing, healing, and creating new habits. You want to live a life that is so unfamiliar to your past, but feels so familiar to your desire and who you truly are.

    Let’s be honest, we all have things or people in our lives that are holding us back. The wisdom here is knowing what those distractions are and having the courage to cut them off one by one.

    Here’s a simple way to start

    Grab a piece of paper, or open your notes app, and make a list of the things in your life that are getting in the way of your goals. It could be a habit, like spending too much time on social media when you know you should be working on something productive. Or maybe it’s a hobby that doesn’t add any value to your growth, but it’s taking up all your free time.

    Sometimes it’s even deeper than that. It could mean letting go of a friend or two. I know, I know, it sounds harsh.

    But here’s the deal

    Some friends are like weeds. As you grow, they grow too, and instead of helping you bloom, they choke the life out of your dreams. And when life comes through with the challenges and setbacks, you and your “weed-friends” get cut off together, simply because you’re looking too much alike – both stagnant, both unproductive

    We all love to say, "This is who I am," as if it’s some excuse to keep our bad habits or stay in situations that aren’t helping us grow. But guess what

    "This is who I am" won’t take you anywhere if who you are right now isn’t moving towards your goals.

    And that whole “These people have been with me since day one” speech? Great, but what have they actually contributed

    Sometimes loyalty is just an excuse for keeping around people who aren't serving any purpose in your life. Day-one friends are great, but are they helping you get to where you need to be

    There’s always a price to pay for the prize. You can’t avoid it. And how much you’re willing to pay determines how much success you’ll get in return. It's common sense, but somehow, it’s not that common!

    So, what’s your next move

    What’s one thing or one person you know you need to let go of to reach your goals

    Who or what is that "weed" in your life, and are you ready to pull it out
    HERMOSA'S INSIGHTS 007💜 Let’s be honest, we all have things or people in our lives that are holding us back. The wisdom here is knowing what those distractions are and having the courage to cut them off one by one. Here’s a simple way to start 👇 Grab a piece of paper, or open your notes app, and make a list of the things in your life that are getting in the way of your goals. It could be a habit, like spending too much time on social media when you know you should be working on something productive. Or maybe it’s a hobby that doesn’t add any value to your growth, but it’s taking up all your free time. Sometimes it’s even deeper than that. It could mean letting go of a friend or two. I know, I know, it sounds harsh. But here’s the deal 👇 Some friends are like weeds. As you grow, they grow too, and instead of helping you bloom, they choke the life out of your dreams. And when life comes through with the challenges and setbacks, you and your “weed-friends” get cut off together, simply because you’re looking too much alike – both stagnant, both unproductive 😔 We all love to say, "This is who I am," as if it’s some excuse to keep our bad habits or stay in situations that aren’t helping us grow. But guess what❓ "This is who I am" won’t take you anywhere if who you are right now isn’t moving towards your goals. And that whole “These people have been with me since day one” speech? Great, but what have they actually contributed❓ Sometimes loyalty is just an excuse for keeping around people who aren't serving any purpose in your life. Day-one friends are great, but are they helping you get to where you need to be ❓ There’s always a price to pay for the prize. You can’t avoid it. And how much you’re willing to pay determines how much success you’ll get in return. It's common sense, but somehow, it’s not that common! So, what’s your next move❓ What’s one thing or one person you know you need to let go of to reach your goals❓ Who or what is that "weed" in your life, and are you ready to pull it out❓
  • Here are five things you can start doing now to make yourself mentally stronger

    Practice labeling your emotions. ...

    Establish healthy ways to deal with uncomfortable emotions. ...

    Identify and replace unhealthy thought patterns. ...

    Take positive action. ...

    Give up the bad habits that rob you of mental muscle.

    Here are five things you can start doing now to make yourself mentally stronger Practice labeling your emotions. ... Establish healthy ways to deal with uncomfortable emotions. ... Identify and replace unhealthy thought patterns. ... Take positive action. ... Give up the bad habits that rob you of mental muscle.
  • Here are five things you can start doing now to make yourself mentally stronger

    Practice labeling your emotions. ...

    Establish healthy ways to deal with uncomfortable emotions. ...

    Identify and replace unhealthy thought patterns. ...

    Take positive action. ...

    Give up the bad habits that rob you of mental muscle.

    Here are five things you can start doing now to make yourself mentally stronger Practice labeling your emotions. ... Establish healthy ways to deal with uncomfortable emotions. ... Identify and replace unhealthy thought patterns. ... Take positive action. ... Give up the bad habits that rob you of mental muscle.
  • Build good habits,Changing habits will change your life!You cannot change your future,but you can change your habits,and surely your habits will change your future.

    Build good habits,Changing habits will change your life!You cannot change your future,but you can change your habits,and surely your habits will change your future. #Psychology
  • In just one year, your commitment to personal growth can transform your life.

    Set bold goals.

    Embrace daily habits that elevate you.

    Build a supportive network.

    Celebrate every milestone.

    ⚡️Stay focused. Stay silent.

    - If you believe so..

    ♦️In just one year, your commitment to personal growth can transform your life. ▫️Set bold goals. 🔸 Embrace daily habits that elevate you. ▫️Build a supportive network. 🔸Celebrate every milestone. ⚡️Stay focused. Stay silent. 👍- If you believe so..
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