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  • Sometimes, in order to get something, it is not necessary to perform any actions, but catch opportunities that destiny brings to us. You can just watch the translation and get digital money for it. It's simple if you think about it.

    Sometimes, in order to get something, it is not necessary to perform any actions, but catch opportunities that destiny brings to us. You can just watch the translation and get digital money for it. It's simple if you think about it.
  • • Grow quantity and quality of
    talent pool
    • Stimulate start-ups, ncl.
    through fundng
    • Attract global R&D, inc.
    in cloud services, energy,
    automotive, health
    • Developing digital nfrastructure
    to transform Enugu to a digital
    hub for Africa
    • Grow quantity and quality of talent pool • Stimulate start-ups, ncl. through fundng • Attract global R&D, inc. in cloud services, energy, automotive, health • Developing digital nfrastructure to transform Enugu to a digital hub for Africa
  • Integrated Economic Transformation Objectives
    A Productive Enugu State is a “magnet” for Investment
    • Judiciary
    • Public Service
    • Security
    • Communty
    • Healthcare
    • Education and
    Human Capita
    • Water Resources
    • Environmental
    • Sports and Youth

    and Agro-allied
    • Energy & Mneral
    • Commerce and
    • Urban And Rural
    • Creative Industries
    • Tourism
    • ICT
    Integrated Economic Transformation Objectives A Productive Enugu State is a “magnet” for Investment • Judiciary • Public Service • Security • Communty Leadership • Healthcare • Education and Human Capita Development • Water Resources • Environmental Sanitation • Sports and Youth Development Green Economy Digitali zation • Agricuture, and Agro-allied Industrialisation • Energy & Mneral Resources • Commerce and Industry • Urban And Rural Infrastructure • Creative Industries • Tourism • ICT KEY SECTORS: INTEGRATED SECTOR-BASED PRODUCTIVITY GROWTH CROSSCUTTING SOCAL SERVICES KEY NSTITUTONS: INCLUSIVE AND TRANSPARENT GOVERNANCE ACCELERATED GDP GROWTH BUSINESS-ENABLING ENVIRONMENT MACROFINANCAL STABILITY
  • Technology Incubators/Business Parks
    Agro-industrial products [Coconuts, Citrus Fruits, Rice, Oil Palm, Maize and Fishery]
    Water Transportation [Ferry Services]
    Ceramics and Glass manufacture
    Information and Communication Technology [Digital Villages, Resource Centres]
    Technology Incubators/Business Parks Agro-industrial products [Coconuts, Citrus Fruits, Rice, Oil Palm, Maize and Fishery] Water Transportation [Ferry Services] Ceramics and Glass manufacture Information and Communication Technology [Digital Villages, Resource Centres]
  • ChatGPT prompts to brainstorm startup ideas:

    1. "Generate startup ideas in the field of sustainable technology and renewable energy."

    2. "I'm looking for innovative startup concepts related to healthcare and wellness."

    3. "Brainstorm startup ideas that leverage artificial intelligence and machine learning."

    4. "What are some unique startup concepts for improving education and online learning?"

    5. "Generate ideas for startups that address challenges in urban mobility and transportation."

    6. "I'm interested in social impact startups. Suggest ideas that can make a positive difference in society."

    7. "Brainstorm startup concepts that focus on the future of remote work and collaboration."

    8. "Provide innovative startup ideas for the food and beverage industry."

    9. "Generate startup concepts for the entertainment and media sector, considering emerging trends."

    10. "I'm looking for startup ideas that cater to the growing market of sustainable and eco-friendly products."

    11. "Brainstorm unique startup ideas for improving mental health and well-being."

    12. "Generate startup concepts that offer solutions for reducing waste and promoting recycling."

    13. "Suggest startup ideas in the field of financial technology (FinTech) and digital banking."

    14. "I'm interested in startups that cater to the aging population. Provide ideas for products or services."

    15. "Brainstorm innovative startup concepts for the travel and tourism industry."

    16. "Generate startup ideas that leverage blockchain technology for various applications."

    17. "I'm looking for startup concepts that focus on personal productivity and time management."

    18. "Suggest ideas for startups that enhance cybersecurity and data privacy."

    19. "Brainstorm startup concepts that combine technology and art for creative purposes."

    20. "Provide innovative startup ideas that encourage sustainable agriculture and farming practices."
    ChatGPT prompts to brainstorm startup ideas: 1. "Generate startup ideas in the field of sustainable technology and renewable energy." 2. "I'm looking for innovative startup concepts related to healthcare and wellness." 3. "Brainstorm startup ideas that leverage artificial intelligence and machine learning." 4. "What are some unique startup concepts for improving education and online learning?" 5. "Generate ideas for startups that address challenges in urban mobility and transportation." 6. "I'm interested in social impact startups. Suggest ideas that can make a positive difference in society." 7. "Brainstorm startup concepts that focus on the future of remote work and collaboration." 8. "Provide innovative startup ideas for the food and beverage industry." 9. "Generate startup concepts for the entertainment and media sector, considering emerging trends." 10. "I'm looking for startup ideas that cater to the growing market of sustainable and eco-friendly products." 11. "Brainstorm unique startup ideas for improving mental health and well-being." 12. "Generate startup concepts that offer solutions for reducing waste and promoting recycling." 13. "Suggest startup ideas in the field of financial technology (FinTech) and digital banking." 14. "I'm interested in startups that cater to the aging population. Provide ideas for products or services." 15. "Brainstorm innovative startup concepts for the travel and tourism industry." 16. "Generate startup ideas that leverage blockchain technology for various applications." 17. "I'm looking for startup concepts that focus on personal productivity and time management." 18. "Suggest ideas for startups that enhance cybersecurity and data privacy." 19. "Brainstorm startup concepts that combine technology and art for creative purposes." 20. "Provide innovative startup ideas that encourage sustainable agriculture and farming practices."
  • The Best Business Books all the Time❤

    1:Napoleon hill(think and grow rich)

    2:Rhonda Byrne (the secret)

    3: Robert kiyosaki (Rich dad poor dad)

    4:Benjamin graham(the intelligent investor)

    5:Tony Robbins(money master the game)

    6:Timothy ferris The 4 hour work week

    7:Mj demarco (the millionaire fastlane)

    42:The art of war

    8:The power of habit

    9:any rand Atlas shrugged 

    10:How to win friends and influence people

    11:The $100 dollar start-up

    12:The monk who sold his Ferrari 

    13:E-myth revisited

    14:The 10x rule

    15:Zero to One

    16:Fred factor

    17:The Go-giver

    18:Trump the art of the deal

    19:Keep any promise 

    20:Radicals & visionaries

    21:Bonus three kingdoms

    22:Live is what you make it

    23:Where good ideas come from Steven Johnson 

    24:Moonwalking with Einstein "by Joshua foer

    25:Tap dancing to work "by carol loomis"

    26:Making the modern world "vaclav smil"

    27:The sixth extinction

    28:The man who fed the world 

    29:The Rosie project: A Novel

    30:Business adventures: twelve classic tales

    31:How to lie with statistics

    32:Sapiens: A brief history of humankind


    34:The box

    35:How not to be wrong

    36:The innovators: how a group of hackers, geniuses and geeks created the digital


    38:Unlimited power

    39:How to friends and influence people 

    40:The millionaire next door

    41:The richest man in Babylon 

    43:Start with why

    44:Losing my virginity 

    45:Tools of Titans & tribe of mentors 

    46:Principles: life and work

    47:Crushing it! By Gary vaynerchuck

    48:Outliers: the story of success

    49:Elon mask: tesla,spaceX, and the Quest

    50:for a fantastic future

    51:The hard thing about hard things

    52:Billion dollar app

    53:Solve for happy 
    📚The Best Business Books all the Time❤ 1:Napoleon hill(think and grow rich)✔️ 2:Rhonda Byrne (the secret) ✔️ 3: Robert kiyosaki (Rich dad poor dad)✔️ 4:Benjamin graham(the intelligent investor) 5:Tony Robbins(money master the game) 6:Timothy ferris The 4 hour work week✔️ 7:Mj demarco (the millionaire fastlane)✔️ 42:The art of war ✔️ 8:The power of habit 9:any rand Atlas shrugged  10:How to win friends and influence people✔️ 11:The $100 dollar start-up 12:The monk who sold his Ferrari  13:E-myth revisited 14:The 10x rule 15:Zero to One 16:Fred factor 17:The Go-giver 18:Trump the art of the deal 19:Keep any promise  20:Radicals & visionaries 21:Bonus three kingdoms 22:Live is what you make it 23:Where good ideas come from Steven Johnson  24:Moonwalking with Einstein "by Joshua foer 25:Tap dancing to work "by carol loomis" 26:Making the modern world "vaclav smil" 27:The sixth extinction 28:The man who fed the world  29:The Rosie project: A Novel 30:Business adventures: twelve classic tales 31:How to lie with statistics 32:Sapiens: A brief history of humankind 33:Outliers 34:The box 35:How not to be wrong 36:The innovators: how a group of hackers, geniuses and geeks created the digital 37:revolution  38:Unlimited power 39:How to friends and influence people  40:The millionaire next door 41:The richest man in Babylon  43:Start with why 44:Losing my virginity  45:Tools of Titans & tribe of mentors  46:Principles: life and work 47:Crushing it! By Gary vaynerchuck 48:Outliers: the story of success 49:Elon mask: tesla,spaceX, and the Quest 50:for a fantastic future 51:The hard thing about hard things 52:Billion dollar app 53:Solve for happy 
  • Democrats have the urgent, exciting challenge to produce good visions for the future, and to re-establish these stories as shared goals with the American public. Every candidate hopeful is now on the hook to make pitches, and good ones, about who we are and who we want to be. Give us the dream, the appetite for beautiful ends. And then give us policy objectives as goals we strive for to help get us there. Americans are desperate for compelling stories about how to make sense of our moment, and how to best share life with our neighbors at a national, state, local, residential, ecological, and global digital communities-scale. Give us reasons to be excited and hopeful again!
    Democrats have the urgent, exciting challenge to produce good visions for the future, and to re-establish these stories as shared goals with the American public. Every candidate hopeful is now on the hook to make pitches, and good ones, about who we are and who we want to be. Give us the dream, the appetite for beautiful ends. And then give us policy objectives as goals we strive for to help get us there. Americans are desperate for compelling stories about how to make sense of our moment, and how to best share life with our neighbors at a national, state, local, residential, ecological, and global digital communities-scale. Give us reasons to be excited and hopeful again!
  • At the end of the COVID-19 pandemic, many companies did just that, a decision that later proved problematic.

    All you need to know about this is looking at the chart above published by Indeed. Profits soared and perceived digital transformation accelerated. Technology companies experienced a surge in demand for their products and services.
    At the end of the COVID-19 pandemic, many companies did just that, a decision that later proved problematic. All you need to know about this is looking at the chart above published by Indeed. Profits soared and perceived digital transformation accelerated. Technology companies experienced a surge in demand for their products and services.
  • 10 Digital Marketing skill techniques that are essential for running a successful business.

    Business Boosters✅️
    10 Digital Marketing skill techniques that are essential for running a successful business. 💼Business Boosters✅️
  • Hosting: Healing design jams. We gather others for interdisciplinary digital workshops, bringing together scientists and science researchers, designers, healing practitioners (from social workers to therapists), and storytellers (from filmmakers to poets), to collectively consider evidence-based indicators for healing, share professional expertise and personal experience, and together build ideas for resources across a range of healing circumstances and audiences. These real-time events allow people to put their personal experiences of loss to “use” in service of others; and allow professional experts to use their expertise in collective, interdisciplinary, pro-social ways they may not have befor
    Hosting: Healing design jams. We gather others for interdisciplinary digital workshops, bringing together scientists and science researchers, designers, healing practitioners (from social workers to therapists), and storytellers (from filmmakers to poets), to collectively consider evidence-based indicators for healing, share professional expertise and personal experience, and together build ideas for resources across a range of healing circumstances and audiences. These real-time events allow people to put their personal experiences of loss to “use” in service of others; and allow professional experts to use their expertise in collective, interdisciplinary, pro-social ways they may not have befor
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