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    THE BENEFITS OF GRACE 2. We are filled with God's Spirit by grace. Galatians 3:2 Paul's talking, "I'd like to learn just one thing from you. Did you receive the Spirit by observing the Law or by believing what you heard? Are you so foolish after beginning with the Spirit are you now trying to obtain your goal by human effort." v. 14 "He redeemed us in order that the blessing given to Abraham might come to the Gentiles through Christ Jesus so that by faith we might receive the promise of the Spirit." God gives you His Spirit not because you earn it or you deserve it or you've worked out some pattern or formula. He gives you His Spirit. By grace. He saves us by grace. He puts His spirit in our lives by grace. 3. Every miracle is by grace. Galatians 3:5 "Does God give you the Spirit to work miracles among you because you observe the Law? or because you believe what you've heard?" Every miracle that happens, happens because of grace. Why do you think God answers your prayers? Because you deserve it? No. He answers our prayers because of His grace. Because He wants to. He loves us. God works answers in our lives, His miracles, just because He loves us.
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    4. It's free. It's unconditional. It's a gift. You don't earn it. You don't work for it. Romans 3:24 "We are justified freely by His grace." Remember justified means just as if I'd never sinned. That is great news! God makes me just as if I'd never sinned. Because I deserve it? No. Because I earn it? No. But because of grace. It is free. It is a free gift. Titus 3:5 "It's not by works of righteousness which we have done but according to His mercy He has saved us." 5. It can be resisted. Grace can be resisted. You can resist it in your life. How? There are three things that will limit and hinder the grace of God in your life: 1) Hebrew 12:15 says that one of the things that limits God's grace in our life is bitterness. When you get resentful, when you allow bitterness to build up in your life towards another person, that hinders the grace of God in your life. "See to it that no one misses the grace of God and that no bitter root grows up to cause trouble and defile many." Bitterness hinders the grace of God in your life. God warns against it over and over saying, Don't become resentful! 2) Pride hinders the grace of God in your life. James 4:6 "God resists the proud but gives grace to the humble." When you or I get full of pride and think "I can do this on my own. I don't need God. I can make it by myself. I have plenty energy, plenty of time, plenty of ability" then God's grace is frustrated in our lives -- the power and the ability to do God's will. 3) Relying on our own works frustrates the grace of God. This is what the book of Galatians is all about. They had started by walking in the Spirit and then they continued by trying to earn God's pleasure by their good works. 6. It is limitless. God's grace is limitless. If you tried to measure the grace of God you'd face an impossible task. Romans 5:20 "The Law was added so that trespass might increase but where sin increased grace all the more increased." Literally, in the Greek, it says "Where sin increased, God's grace super increased." You cannot out-sin the grace of God. Have you ever heard anybody say, "That guy is hopeless!" But Romans 5:20 says nobody is hopeless. Where sin increased, God's grace super increases. You cannot out-sin God's grace. It is limitless.
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  • Set Limits, not everyone deserves your vibe!
    Set Limits, not everyone deserves your vibe!
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    Life is all about courage and determination. Start now, don't wait for others to succeed before you start, make a successful move and others will take your steps. Why don't you take the step for others to follow you instead of you waiting for them, a successful person can't be successful without trying to be successful, start now and make money with us 100% guaranteed. Remember, delay is a Thief of Tomorrow's Glory, join us today and live a better and fulfilled life you deserve. Be strong and courageous💪 a doubtful man is a double minded man and he cannot receive anything from the Lord🧏👀 🤑🤑🤑 Good Morning Wealth Parthers, how was your night?
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    LIVING UNDER GRACE Grace: The Truth that Transforms Romans 6:14 Rick Warren "For sin shall not be your master because you are not under the Law but under grace." Last week we looked at the Law -- what it means to live under the Law, why the Law was given, and why we're no longer under the Law. Tonight we want to look at that last phrase that says "You are not under the Law but under grace." We're going to do a survey on what grace is all about. Grace is one of the most important words in the Bible and the most important word for your Christian live. It's the secret of Christian living. What does it mean to live by grace? What are the benefits of grace? What are the misunderstandings? This is very important because as we get into Romans 7, 8 we need to understand exactly what the concept of grace is all about. The Bible says "You are not under the Law but under grace." WHAT IS THE MEANING OF GRACE? Definitions. There is no single definition that describes it. Grace is God giving us what we need not what we deserve. Grace is when someone does something for you that you could never deserve or earn or repay. Grace is all that God does for us on the basis of the cross. G-R-A-C-E -- God's Riches At Christ's Expense. What Jesus Christ did on the cross, already pay for it all, God does for us by Grace.
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    THE MAN EVERY LADY RESPECTS... Real men never open their mouths to ask for respect, they command it naturally. The day you start asking for respect is the day you lose it. If you have it, you won't ask or demand for it! It comes to you effortlessly! Every woman respect men who have these qualities: 1. YOU ARE WISE Nothing makes me bow before a man than wisdom. When you open your mouth and timeless treasures flow out, I stand stunned, dazed, wowed and glued. I want to listen to you over and over again but when you open your mouth and nothing comes out but crap, senseless jokes, stupid words and banter, boy, I duck, no, I pick race. My husband is a man of wisdom. I love listening to him over and over and over again... 2. YOU MAKE MONEY Men who make cool money command ladies' respect effortlessly, call us greedy, that's your business! No woman wants to suffer in marriage! You must carry your two legs out of your house every morning and make good money if you want your wife to respect you. Any man who depends on his wife to eat needs serious deliverance! Forget about yahoo boys and pray for financial success bro! Not every millionaire stole pants for money rituals! Not all CEOs are yahoo boys! Not all business tycoons buried human heads under their businesses! God is a giver of TRUE wealth! The bible says, "The BLESSINGS of the Lord maketh RICH!" Rich men command respect easily, you may hate to hear it, but it is the truth. However, start small and grow big! That is the problem of today's youths. No one wants to start small. Every one wants to ride "Logo Benz" hence the money ritual! You better save yourself and generations unborn from untimely death by steering clear of blood money. Start small, work hard and grow big, that's how to be great. Virtuous women respect hardworking men and will support them when necessary. 3. YOU HAVE SELF CONTROL A man who stares at women's breasts, buttocks and lips is sick! No, admiring a woman is different. Men naturally admire attractive women but if you stare, you STARE like "Eja Ojuyobo", you know that big eyed fish, you need a pychiatrist's attention! Look once and look away, that's okay, that's decent. I know men look so telling you not to look is unrealistic. I'm against staring and drooling! A man who controls his libido commands a woman's respect any day, any time! If you must grab and grope every time you see a woman you are a piss off! Honorable men respect ladies! Men who command women's respect have a clean, pure, bed sheet not wrinkled or stained with lust and premarital sex! 4. THEY ARE GENEROUS Givers are automatic respect commanders! Giving is not about the volume but the condition of heart. Some men are so stingy they must ask for sex in return of a #100 recharge card. What's your problem? Are you so poverty stricken you can't release #500 without asking for sex? Is #500 your God? Is it the end of your life? Will you d1e if you help the daughter of Sarah with just #500? FIVE HUNDRED NAIRA! I rebuke that that stingy, backward, stagnant spirit out of your life in Jesus' name! Givers are respect commanders! Learn to give to God, your family and your parents, blessings will flow into your life effortlessly. 5. THEY LOVE GOD God chasers are automatic respect commanders! When I see a man who loves the Lord,who LOVES the Lord, oh my, oh my, my husband is so so sexy to me, muuuaaah! 6. THEY LOVE THEIR WIVES It is an irresponsible man that will ill treat his wife and expect her to respect him. It is the son of satan that will starve, abuse and even beat his wife and expect her to scream "Yes sir!" To his commands and jumps at his every beck and call! It is a bush man that will neglect his wife and expect her to honour him. Ho- what? You don't deserve honour sir. The Bible says, "Give honour to whom honour is due". Honour is not due to a stingy, irresponsible drunkard and a womanizer! Respect is not commanded Huncle, it is earned! Start earning it from today and you will feel better, love yourself more and achieve more results in your relationships, personal life, career and business. Momma cares! Thanks for reading through. God bless you cheers! © Seun Oladele.
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  • Sometimes you don't have to be extra for people cause some don't deserve it
    Sometimes you don't have to be extra for people cause some don't deserve it
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  • If they don’t respect your time, energy, and emotions, they don’t deserve a spot in your life. Choose someone who values you as much as you value them.
    If they don’t respect your time, energy, and emotions, they don’t deserve a spot in your life. Choose someone who values you as much as you value them. 💕
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    An uncomfortable truth: Sometimes, the person we want the most is the one who is least right for us. The more we chase the unavailable, the more we block the love we truly deserve. Shift your energy toward those who see your worth-because real love doesn't require a chase. #chase #love #reallove #truth #sometimes #energyhealing #positiveenergy #deserve #inspire #inspiration #motivation #motivational #motivationalquotes
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  • If you can dream with a damaged mind and love with a broken heart, you deserve this world and all all of it's treasures
    If you can dream with a damaged mind and love with a broken heart, you deserve this world and all all of it's treasures
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