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  • “Love is like a beautiful flower which I may not touch, but whose fragrance makes the garden a place of delight just the same.”
    “Love is like a beautiful flower which I may not touch, but whose fragrance makes the garden a place of delight just the same.”
  • River Mountain Ocean [10w] + [10w] + {Couplet} Rivers delight in their flow;Mountains savor their snow.But oceans are in concurrencetheir contentment comes from recurrence.
    River Mountain Ocean [10w] + [10w] + {Couplet} Rivers delight in their flow;Mountains savor their snow.But oceans are in concurrencetheir contentment comes from recurrence.
  • Everything shines when it is its time, whether the sun, the moon, the stars or a comet. Take yourself, for example. You don’t put on your house lights during the daytime because it is not the right time. You, too, will shine. Your time is coming soon. Remove your eyes from another person's light. That is how you get blinded. And when someone else's light blinds you, you will never see your own light when it comes. Jealousy prevents you from zealously following your own light. Your admission will come. Don't have fright because you don't have your light yet. Your light will shine at the right time to your delight. You will get that job you have been banking on. Your visa will be approved. The contract will be awarded to you. You will marry. It is a matter of when, not if!
    Everything shines when it is its time, whether the sun, the moon, the stars or a comet. Take yourself, for example. You don’t put on your house lights during the daytime because it is not the right time. You, too, will shine. Your time is coming soon. Remove your eyes from another person's light. That is how you get blinded. And when someone else's light blinds you, you will never see your own light when it comes. Jealousy prevents you from zealously following your own light. Your admission will come. Don't have fright because you don't have your light yet. Your light will shine at the right time to your delight. You will get that job you have been banking on. Your visa will be approved. The contract will be awarded to you. You will marry. It is a matter of when, not if!
  • Proudly a NIGERIAN
    Hausa is one of the most widely spoken indigenous languages in Africa, competing favourably with Swahili. It is the most widely spoken language in Nigeria and Niger republic as well as the dominant indegenous language in West Africa.

    The Hausa people are easy going, generous (sometimes to a fault) and generally trust worthy (aminci).

    Their cuisine is very rich from various types of Tuwo (Shinkafa, Dawa, Masara etc) with accompanying soups to the famous "Suya", Kuli Kuli, dambu, alkubus, biski, gurasa, fate etc.
    They are great farmers and produce onions, rice, ground nut, peppers, tomatoes and many grains in large quantities.
    They are one of the few ethnic groups in Africa that delight in chatting online exclusively in Hausa.
    They are also known to be never ashamed of speaking their language any where in the world. They give their language first place among all languages. Similarly, they give special consideration to whoever attempts to speak in Hausa. Consequently, the language keeps spreading like wild fire.
    It is one of the very few languages in Africa with foreign stations like BBC, VOA, RFI etc broadcasting in their language.

    Join me to celebrate them as today, the 26th of August is "Ranar Hausa" - International Hausa Day.
    Proudly a NIGERIAN 🇳🇬🇳🇬🇳🇬 Hausa is one of the most widely spoken indigenous languages in Africa, competing favourably with Swahili. It is the most widely spoken language in Nigeria and Niger republic as well as the dominant indegenous language in West Africa. The Hausa people are easy going, generous (sometimes to a fault) and generally trust worthy (aminci). Their cuisine is very rich from various types of Tuwo (Shinkafa, Dawa, Masara etc) with accompanying soups to the famous "Suya", Kuli Kuli, dambu, alkubus, biski, gurasa, fate etc. They are great farmers and produce onions, rice, ground nut, peppers, tomatoes and many grains in large quantities. They are one of the few ethnic groups in Africa that delight in chatting online exclusively in Hausa. They are also known to be never ashamed of speaking their language any where in the world. They give their language first place among all languages. Similarly, they give special consideration to whoever attempts to speak in Hausa. Consequently, the language keeps spreading like wild fire. It is one of the very few languages in Africa with foreign stations like BBC, VOA, RFI etc broadcasting in their language. Join me to celebrate them as today, the 26th of August is "Ranar Hausa" - International Hausa Day. 💳 #DailyTrust Copied
  • Human marketers and merchandisers know this — it’s why you might see paper towels next to the BBQ sauce or buns and hotdogs together at the store. Humans could enrich “you are buying bread” with the qualitative data point “toppings go on bread” to create a delightful shopping experience. But getting data — even data fed to an AI — to do this is much harder than you’d think.
    Human marketers and merchandisers know this — it’s why you might see paper towels next to the BBQ sauce or buns and hotdogs together at the store. Humans could enrich “you are buying bread” with the qualitative data point “toppings go on bread” to create a delightful shopping experience. But getting data — even data fed to an AI — to do this is much harder than you’d think.
  • Not by appointment do we meet delight Or joy they heed not our expectancy But round some corner of the streets of life they of a sudden greet us with a smile.
    Not by appointment do we meet delight Or joy they heed not our expectancy But round some corner of the streets of life they of a sudden greet us with a smile.
  • Good morning.

    Say this to yourself :

    "My life is amazing. I am doing well. Everything happening now is leading me to something better. I am growing and improving. I believe in sudden blessings and miracles."

    Every breath I take is a reminder that God’s hand is at work in my life. No matter the circumstances, I am anchored in the truth that everything unfolding before me is leading to something greater. With each challenge, I am being refined. With each victory, I am stepping into the fullness of who I am destined to become. I choose to see this journey with eyes of gratitude, acknowledging that even in moments of uncertainty, I am being divinely guided.

    I trust that growth often comes wrapped in unexpected packages. Though I may not always see the way forward, I believe in the power of sudden blessings—those moments when God steps in, shifting the course of my life in beautiful ways. My heart is open to the miracles that await me, the kind that restore hope and remind me that I am never alone in this path.

    Psalm 37:23 says, *"The steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord, and He delights in his way."* This verse is my assurance that each step I take is part of a divine design. God takes delight in my journey, knowing that every twist and turn is shaping me for something incredible. With this in my heart, I walk forward in faith, confident that my story is unfolding in perfect timing.
    Good morning. Say this to yourself : "My life is amazing. I am doing well. Everything happening now is leading me to something better. I am growing and improving. I believe in sudden blessings and miracles." Every breath I take is a reminder that God’s hand is at work in my life. No matter the circumstances, I am anchored in the truth that everything unfolding before me is leading to something greater. With each challenge, I am being refined. With each victory, I am stepping into the fullness of who I am destined to become. I choose to see this journey with eyes of gratitude, acknowledging that even in moments of uncertainty, I am being divinely guided. I trust that growth often comes wrapped in unexpected packages. Though I may not always see the way forward, I believe in the power of sudden blessings—those moments when God steps in, shifting the course of my life in beautiful ways. My heart is open to the miracles that await me, the kind that restore hope and remind me that I am never alone in this path. Psalm 37:23 says, *"The steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord, and He delights in his way."* This verse is my assurance that each step I take is part of a divine design. God takes delight in my journey, knowing that every twist and turn is shaping me for something incredible. With this in my heart, I walk forward in faith, confident that my story is unfolding in perfect timing.
  • The delight of man is in the hands of God
    The delight of man is in the hands of God
  • “Love is like a beautiful flower which I may not touch, but whose fragrance makes the garden a place of delight just the same.”

    “Love is like a beautiful flower which I may not touch, but whose fragrance makes the garden a place of delight just the same.”
  • “Happiest is he who expects no happiness from others. Love delights and glorifies in giving, not receiving. So learn to love and give, and not to expect anything from others.”

    “Happiest is he who expects no happiness from others. Love delights and glorifies in giving, not receiving. So learn to love and give, and not to expect anything from others.”
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