We must monitor the early warningsignsof potential conflicts both locally and natonaly and take
adequate action to prevent escalation, foster dialogueand cooperation, and ensure compliance
with internatonalhumanitarian andhuman rights law. In this vein, we recognize our responsibilty
to promoteconflict prevention through a focus on dsarmament, reducingmilitary spending, shifting
budget priorities tobetter address the root causesof conflict,and holdng governments to account
–including by challenging their use of emergency powers to wage war.We also need to work
towards the demlitarization of cyberspace and artfcia ntelligence, so that theycan instead be
used to open up spaces for scientific breakthroughs, internationa cooperation and peace.
We must monitor the early warningsignsof potential conflicts both locally and natonaly and take
adequate action to prevent escalation, foster dialogueand cooperation, and ensure compliance
with internatonalhumanitarian andhuman rights law. In this vein, we recognize our responsibilty
to promoteconflict prevention through a focus on dsarmament, reducingmilitary spending, shifting
budget priorities tobetter address the root causesof conflict,and holdng governments to account
–including by challenging their use of emergency powers to wage war.We also need to work
towards the demlitarization of cyberspace and artfcia ntelligence, so that theycan instead be
used to open up spaces for scientific breakthroughs, internationa cooperation and peace.