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  • “In Paris, where raillery is so quick to throw emotion out the window, silence, in a roomful of clever people after a story, is the most flattering of all marks of success”

    “In Paris, where raillery is so quick to throw emotion out the window, silence, in a roomful of clever people after a story, is the most flattering of all marks of success”
  • Life is not a road map, society and cultures around the world have repeatedly told us what they expect of us from birth:

    Schooling, work, marriage, parenthood, family settlement and retirement.

    But life is not linear; it doesn't always go as planned. The circumstances and realities of life can make it difficult for many people to meet some of these expectations. Plus people want different things.

    This is why it's unethical to pressure or shame anyone for struggling or for making choices that are out of norm. Pressure creates comparison and it leads people to feel left behind in life. Don't let anyone sell you the map to their expectations. Write your own story, create your own map.

    Life is not a road map, society and cultures around the world have repeatedly told us what they expect of us from birth: Schooling, work, marriage, parenthood, family settlement and retirement. But life is not linear; it doesn't always go as planned. The circumstances and realities of life can make it difficult for many people to meet some of these expectations. Plus people want different things. This is why it's unethical to pressure or shame anyone for struggling or for making choices that are out of norm. Pressure creates comparison and it leads people to feel left behind in life. Don't let anyone sell you the map to their expectations. Write your own story, create your own map.✨❤️
  • Life may sometimes seem unfair.

    Look at it this way:⚡️⚡️

    •Some people are born rich, with more connections, while others are born from families that barely feed themselves.

    •Others are born with strong genes and immunity, while others are easily swept by a simple cold.

    •Besides that, we can do nothing about all these conditions. The best action to take is to improve yourself.

    Keep away from complaining, guilt, and comparison.
    | Improve on yourself! |
    🔸Life may sometimes seem unfair. Look at it this way:⚡️⚡️ •Some people are born rich, with more connections, while others are born from families that barely feed themselves. •Others are born with strong genes and immunity, while others are easily swept by a simple cold. •Besides that, we can do nothing about all these conditions. The best action to take is to improve yourself. 🔸Keep away from complaining, guilt, and comparison. 🌟| Improve on yourself! |🌟
  • Here are 7 Lessons From "There Are Moms Way Worse Than You: Irrefutable Proof That You Are Indeed a Fantastic Parent" by Glenn Boozan:

    1. Embrace Imperfection: The book emphasizes that perfection is not attainable in parenting, and striving for it can lead to undue stress. Instead, embrace your imperfections and view them as opportunities to learn and grow. Mistakes are part of the parenting journey, and they can lead to valuable lessons and stronger relationships with your children.

    2. Laugh at Yourself: Finding humor in your parenting mishaps can provide relief from the pressure of getting everything right. Being able to laugh at yourself not only reduces stress but also models resilience and a positive attitude for your children. It can make the journey of parenting more enjoyable and less daunting.

    3. Perspective on Parenting: Boozan uses comparisons with extreme or absurd parenting examples from history and pop culture to give readers a sense of perspective. This allows moms to see that their parenting choices are not as bad as they might fear and that others have made far more questionable decisions. This perspective can provide much-needed reassurance.

    4. Let Go of Comparisons: Constantly comparing yourself to other moms can be damaging to your self-esteem. Instead, focus on your own strengths and unique circumstances. The book encourages moms to stop comparing themselves to others and to concentrate on their own journey and what works best for their families.

    5. Celebrate Small Victories: Parenting is full of small wins, and celebrating them can boost your confidence and motivation. Whether it's a successful bedtime routine or a heartfelt conversation with your child, taking the time to acknowledge these accomplishments can make you feel more capable and accomplished as a parent.

    6. Trust Your Instincts: Moms often possess natural instincts when it comes to raising their children. Trusting your gut feelings can lead you to make decisions that are best for your family. Relying on your intuition can guide you through challenging situations and help you make confident choices.

    7. Self-Care and Boundaries: Taking care of yourself is essential for maintaining your ability to care for your children. This includes setting aside time for rest, hobbies, and social connections. Establishing boundaries, such as setting limits on work hours or household responsibilities, helps protect your well-being and prevent burnout.
    Here are 7 Lessons From "There Are Moms Way Worse Than You: Irrefutable Proof That You Are Indeed a Fantastic Parent" by Glenn Boozan: 1. Embrace Imperfection: The book emphasizes that perfection is not attainable in parenting, and striving for it can lead to undue stress. Instead, embrace your imperfections and view them as opportunities to learn and grow. Mistakes are part of the parenting journey, and they can lead to valuable lessons and stronger relationships with your children. 2. Laugh at Yourself: Finding humor in your parenting mishaps can provide relief from the pressure of getting everything right. Being able to laugh at yourself not only reduces stress but also models resilience and a positive attitude for your children. It can make the journey of parenting more enjoyable and less daunting. 3. Perspective on Parenting: Boozan uses comparisons with extreme or absurd parenting examples from history and pop culture to give readers a sense of perspective. This allows moms to see that their parenting choices are not as bad as they might fear and that others have made far more questionable decisions. This perspective can provide much-needed reassurance. 4. Let Go of Comparisons: Constantly comparing yourself to other moms can be damaging to your self-esteem. Instead, focus on your own strengths and unique circumstances. The book encourages moms to stop comparing themselves to others and to concentrate on their own journey and what works best for their families. 5. Celebrate Small Victories: Parenting is full of small wins, and celebrating them can boost your confidence and motivation. Whether it's a successful bedtime routine or a heartfelt conversation with your child, taking the time to acknowledge these accomplishments can make you feel more capable and accomplished as a parent. 6. Trust Your Instincts: Moms often possess natural instincts when it comes to raising their children. Trusting your gut feelings can lead you to make decisions that are best for your family. Relying on your intuition can guide you through challenging situations and help you make confident choices. 7. Self-Care and Boundaries: Taking care of yourself is essential for maintaining your ability to care for your children. This includes setting aside time for rest, hobbies, and social connections. Establishing boundaries, such as setting limits on work hours or household responsibilities, helps protect your well-being and prevent burnout.
  • Too much:

    Thinking = Anxiety
    Excuses = Laziness
    Comfort = Mediocrity
    Isolation = Loneliness
    Pleasure = Distraction
    Comparison = Depression

    Find your balance.

    Too much: Thinking = Anxiety Excuses = Laziness Comfort = Mediocrity Isolation = Loneliness Pleasure = Distraction Comparison = Depression Find your balance.
  • Reject comparisons always freely
    Reject comparisons always freely
  • Here are seven practical hacks inspired by "Same as Ever" by Morgan Housel:

    1. Cultivate a Long-Term Mindset: Focus on long-term goals rather than short-term gains. Emphasize patience and persistence in your decision-making, whether in investing, career, or personal growth.

    2. Understand the Power of Compounding: Recognize that small, consistent actions can lead to significant results over time. Whether it’s saving, learning, or building relationships, incremental progress compounds into substantial outcomes.

    3. Embrace Uncertainty: Accept that uncertainty is a part of life and investing. Develop a flexible mindset that allows you to adapt to changing circumstances instead of seeking absolute certainty in your decisions.

    4. Prioritize Financial Independence: Focus on building financial independence over wealth accumulation. This means saving and investing wisely to create options and freedom in your life, rather than chasing status or material possessions.

    5. Learn from History: Study historical patterns and behaviors to inform your decisions. Understanding past trends can provide insights into current situations and help you make better choices moving forward.

    6. Avoid Herd Mentality: Resist the temptation to follow the crowd in financial or personal decisions. Develop your own criteria for decision-making based on your values and goals rather than external pressures.

    7. Cultivate Gratitude and Contentment: Practice gratitude for what you have rather than constantly seeking more. Recognizing and appreciating your current situation can lead to greater satisfaction and reduce the urge for unnecessary comparisons.

    These hacks from "Same as Ever" highlight the importance of a long-term perspective, adaptability, and self-awareness in achieving personal and financial success.

    BOOK: https://amzn.to/3MxIwZJ

    you can get the Audiobook for FREE when you register for Audible Membership through the same link above.
    Here are seven practical hacks inspired by "Same as Ever" by Morgan Housel: 1. Cultivate a Long-Term Mindset: Focus on long-term goals rather than short-term gains. Emphasize patience and persistence in your decision-making, whether in investing, career, or personal growth. 2. Understand the Power of Compounding: Recognize that small, consistent actions can lead to significant results over time. Whether it’s saving, learning, or building relationships, incremental progress compounds into substantial outcomes. 3. Embrace Uncertainty: Accept that uncertainty is a part of life and investing. Develop a flexible mindset that allows you to adapt to changing circumstances instead of seeking absolute certainty in your decisions. 4. Prioritize Financial Independence: Focus on building financial independence over wealth accumulation. This means saving and investing wisely to create options and freedom in your life, rather than chasing status or material possessions. 5. Learn from History: Study historical patterns and behaviors to inform your decisions. Understanding past trends can provide insights into current situations and help you make better choices moving forward. 6. Avoid Herd Mentality: Resist the temptation to follow the crowd in financial or personal decisions. Develop your own criteria for decision-making based on your values and goals rather than external pressures. 7. Cultivate Gratitude and Contentment: Practice gratitude for what you have rather than constantly seeking more. Recognizing and appreciating your current situation can lead to greater satisfaction and reduce the urge for unnecessary comparisons. These hacks from "Same as Ever" highlight the importance of a long-term perspective, adaptability, and self-awareness in achieving personal and financial success. BOOK: https://amzn.to/3MxIwZJ you can get the Audiobook for FREE when you register for Audible Membership through the same link above.
  • No saint was ever popular in his own parish.

    - Breton Proverb
    No saint was ever popular in his own parish. - Breton Proverb
  • "During Regina Daniel's first pregnancy she was na' ked" - Netizens draws attention

    Nollywood actress Ekene Umenwa with her pregnancy outfit has brought in so much attention and comparison between her colleagues and people around her.

    During a comment section bat' tle, online in-laws took out time to compare Regina Daniels first pregnancy and Ekene Umenwa pregnancy outfit.

    According to netizens Ekene is not just a good wife but she's the best when it comes to celebrity dressing without exposure.

    Do you agree with that?
    "During Regina Daniel's first pregnancy she was na' ked" - Netizens draws attention 😳 😳 Nollywood actress Ekene Umenwa with her pregnancy outfit has brought in so much attention and comparison between her colleagues and people around her. During a comment section bat' tle, online in-laws took out time to compare Regina Daniels first pregnancy and Ekene Umenwa pregnancy outfit. According to netizens Ekene is not just a good wife but she's the best when it comes to celebrity dressing without exposure. Do you agree with that?
  • French footballer N'Golo Kanté got married to Jude Littler, a British woman who is 16 years older than him (she is 49 and Kante is 33).

    Jude was previously married to former French footballer Djibril Cissé for eight years. Together, they had three children before eventually divorcing when he retired from professional football, with Jude reportedly taking a significant portion of Cissé's wealth.

    Kanté met Jude in a club in Paris a few years after her divorce, and they married a few months later.

    They have no child of their own together, but Kanté treats all three of her children as his own and loves them dearly.

    Dear men,
    Love knows no age, and the person you choose to love should only make sense to you. A woman with children is still beautiful, and the fact that she faced challenges in a previous marriage does not mean she cannot be a good wife.

    Be like Kanté, and you will find true love.
    French footballer N'Golo Kanté got married to Jude Littler, a British woman who is 16 years older than him (she is 49 and Kante is 33). Jude was previously married to former French footballer Djibril Cissé for eight years. Together, they had three children before eventually divorcing when he retired from professional football, with Jude reportedly taking a significant portion of Cissé's wealth. Kanté met Jude in a club in Paris a few years after her divorce, and they married a few months later. They have no child of their own together, but Kanté treats all three of her children as his own and loves them dearly. Dear men, Love knows no age, and the person you choose to love should only make sense to you. A woman with children is still beautiful, and the fact that she faced challenges in a previous marriage does not mean she cannot be a good wife. Be like Kanté, and you will find true love.
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