Upgrade to Pro

  • Life takes on meaning when you become motivated, set goals and charge after them in an unstoppable manner.
    Life takes on meaning when you become motivated, set goals and charge after them in an unstoppable manner.
  • You have the right...

    You have the right to leave any situation in which you do not see yourself

    You have the right to leave any situation in which you do not see yourself.

    You have the right to leave any life story in which you don’t like yourself.

    You have the right to leave the city that dims your light instead of allowing you to shine brighter, you have the right to pack your bags and start over somewhere else, you have the right to change your life.

    You have the right to leave a job you hate, even if the whole world is telling you not to. You have the right to look for what motivates you to get out of bed every day for the rest of your life.

    You have the right... You have the right to leave any situation in which you do not see yourself You have the right to leave any situation in which you do not see yourself. You have the right to leave any life story in which you don’t like yourself. You have the right to leave the city that dims your light instead of allowing you to shine brighter, you have the right to pack your bags and start over somewhere else, you have the right to change your life. You have the right to leave a job you hate, even if the whole world is telling you not to. You have the right to look for what motivates you to get out of bed every day for the rest of your life.
  • Motivate yourself

    Being motivated does not mean feeling excited or excited. Motivation is just one or more reasons why you do something. And these reasons must be found.

    Remember that you can always find a reason to move forward. The main thing is to focus on the result, and not focus on the task itself.

    Motivate yourself Being motivated does not mean feeling excited or excited. Motivation is just one or more reasons why you do something. And these reasons must be found. Remember that you can always find a reason to move forward. The main thing is to focus on the result, and not focus on the task itself.
  • Motivate yourself

    Being motivated does not mean feeling excited or excited. Motivation is just one or more reasons why you do something. And these reasons must be found.

    Remember that you can always find a reason to move forward. The main thing is to focus on the result, and not focus on the task itself.

    Motivate yourself Being motivated does not mean feeling excited or excited. Motivation is just one or more reasons why you do something. And these reasons must be found. Remember that you can always find a reason to move forward. The main thing is to focus on the result, and not focus on the task itself.
  • There are two things in life that motivate you, the fear of pain and the desire for pleasure.
    There are two things in life that motivate you, the fear of pain and the desire for pleasure.
  • My only relationship goal is to be with someone who motivates me to become a better person and show me the potential I don't see in myself.
    My only relationship goal is to be with someone who motivates me to become a better person and show me the potential I don't see in myself.
  • Don't be afraid to dream

    People around you may be unsure of their abilities and, because of this, ridicule any bold goals of others. But this is no reason to be modest. Dream big and believe in your capabilities. This will keep you motivated to succeed and inspire others to take action.

    Don't be afraid to dream People around you may be unsure of their abilities and, because of this, ridicule any bold goals of others. But this is no reason to be modest. Dream big and believe in your capabilities. This will keep you motivated to succeed and inspire others to take action.
  • “A successful job does not always come to the person most qualified, but instead to the one who is most motivated.”
    “A successful job does not always come to the person most qualified, but instead to the one who is most motivated.”
  • I choose to live by choice, not by chance. To make changes, not excuses. To be motivated, not manipulated. To be useful, not used. To excel, not compete. I choose self-esteem, not self pity. I choose to listen to my inner voice, not the random opinions of others.
    I choose to live by choice, not by chance. To make changes, not excuses. To be motivated, not manipulated. To be useful, not used. To excel, not compete. I choose self-esteem, not self pity. I choose to listen to my inner voice, not the random opinions of others.

    1. “Let obstacles be stepping stones to something greater”.

    2. “You are the only one who can define your success”.

    3. “A thousand miles is just a thousand one miles. The trick is to look at one mile at a time”.

    4. “Don’t compare your journey with anybody else’s. You walk different paths”.

    5. “Ten years later, you would wish you had started today”.

    6. “Don’t compare yourself to another. This is your life, it’s about you, not them”.

    7. “If there is no road, carve it yourself”.

    8. “It’s just priority. What you prioritize is what will thrive”.

    9. “What you are searching for is searching for you”.

    10. “There will always be haters but their opinion aren’t more important or more accurate".
    10 QUOTES TO MOTIVATE YOU TODAY 💡 1. “Let obstacles be stepping stones to something greater”. 2. “You are the only one who can define your success”. 3. “A thousand miles is just a thousand one miles. The trick is to look at one mile at a time”. 4. “Don’t compare your journey with anybody else’s. You walk different paths”. 5. “Ten years later, you would wish you had started today”. 6. “Don’t compare yourself to another. This is your life, it’s about you, not them”. 7. “If there is no road, carve it yourself”. 8. “It’s just priority. What you prioritize is what will thrive”. 9. “What you are searching for is searching for you”. 10. “There will always be haters but their opinion aren’t more important or more accurate". -
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