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Avoid dating liability.

If she can’t manage her own transport to visit you, she’s not a good match.

A woman who expects the world from you on her special days but can’t reciprocate is not adding value.

If she only ever flashes your phone, constantly requests data and airtime, she’s draining, not contributing.

Relationships aren’t jobs where only one person should benefit. Don’t be with someone who sees it that way.

Beauty is nice, but look for substance. Choose a woman who brings value to your life.

A true partner manages and multiplies what you give her, not just consumes it.

She doesn’t have to be rich, but she should be capable of supporting you when times get tough.

Class dismissed
Gentlemen, Avoid dating liability. If she can’t manage her own transport to visit you, she’s not a good match. A woman who expects the world from you on her special days but can’t reciprocate is not adding value. If she only ever flashes your phone, constantly requests data and airtime, she’s draining, not contributing. Relationships aren’t jobs where only one person should benefit. Don’t be with someone who sees it that way. Beauty is nice, but look for substance. Choose a woman who brings value to your life. A true partner manages and multiplies what you give her, not just consumes it. She doesn’t have to be rich, but she should be capable of supporting you when times get tough. 🙏 Class dismissed 🥂