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You don't have to believe in prayers. You don't have to pray either.
No one is forcing you to. Most of you just know how to make a big deal out of nothing.

Talmbout "prayer is begging", "i don't pray, i command".

Since you have been commanding what have you achieved?.

You see, the earlier many of you realize that it is your ego that is keeping you from having a true spiritual experience, the earlier you take a step back and reevaluate your beliefs.

Mind does not follow matter. It is matter that follows Mind.

What this also means is that ego follows Spirit.
By universal design ego is subject to Spirit.

But you can keep exercising the freewill you claim to have, that doesn't exist. If you have freewill why is your spirit always dictating your reality despite your egotistical resistance of its supremacy.

With all your freewill, tell me one thing that has gone exactly how you planned it.
I mean "exactly", not 90%, not even 99%. I mean 100%.

You can keep holding on to your egotistical beliefs of prayers and see how far you go.

Y'all just accept anything you hear without giving it any thought.
There are so many pseudo western mysticism flying around and most of you are just accepting it without giving it much thought.

Spirit will always be above ego.
The earlier you stop resisting this truth the earlier your suffering ends.

You cannot beat a river into submission. You have to surrender to it's current and use it's power as your own.

Silence your ego, and your power will rise!
You don't have to believe in prayers. You don't have to pray either. No one is forcing you to. Most of you just know how to make a big deal out of nothing. Talmbout "prayer is begging", "i don't pray, i command". Since you have been commanding what have you achieved?. You see, the earlier many of you realize that it is your ego that is keeping you from having a true spiritual experience, the earlier you take a step back and reevaluate your beliefs. Mind does not follow matter. It is matter that follows Mind. What this also means is that ego follows Spirit. By universal design ego is subject to Spirit. But you can keep exercising the freewill you claim to have, that doesn't exist. If you have freewill why is your spirit always dictating your reality despite your egotistical resistance of its supremacy. With all your freewill, tell me one thing that has gone exactly how you planned it. I mean "exactly", not 90%, not even 99%. I mean 100%. You can keep holding on to your egotistical beliefs of prayers and see how far you go. Y'all just accept anything you hear without giving it any thought. There are so many pseudo western mysticism flying around and most of you are just accepting it without giving it much thought. Spirit will always be above ego. The earlier you stop resisting this truth the earlier your suffering ends. You cannot beat a river into submission. You have to surrender to it's current and use it's power as your own. Silence your ego, and your power will rise!