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Alax has now increased the price of his fish pie from N200 to N1000 per one after going viral.

People now travel long distances just to come buy and take pictures with him.

This couldn’t happen if Alax was ashamed of his job. In this life, whatever you are doing please put in your best. Don’t be ashamed of your work. Alex sold his fish pie happily and singing with a very cute voice. He went viral and everyone wants to meet him now.

Moral lesson : Even if you do hook up don’t be ashamed of it. Try and promote yourself. The Internet is the fastest way to promote your business.
Alax has now increased the price of his fish pie from N200 to N1000 per one after going viral. People now travel long distances just to come buy and take pictures with him. This couldn’t happen if Alax was ashamed of his job. In this life, whatever you are doing please put in your best. Don’t be ashamed of your work. Alex sold his fish pie happily and singing with a very cute voice. He went viral and everyone wants to meet him now. Moral lesson : Even if you do hook up don’t be ashamed of it. Try and promote yourself. The Internet is the fastest way to promote your business.