Upgrade to Pro

The best approach to opportunity recognition is to identify a product or service that people need and are willing to buy, not one that an entrepreneur wants to make and sell. Barringer and Ireland (2012) opine that opportunity has four important qualities. It is (1) attractive (2) durable (3) timely and (4) anchored in a product, service, or business that creates or adds value for its buyer or end user. In order for an entrepreneur to take advantage of an opportunity, its window of opportunity must be available.
The best approach to opportunity recognition is to identify a product or service that people need and are willing to buy, not one that an entrepreneur wants to make and sell. Barringer and Ireland (2012) opine that opportunity has four important qualities. It is (1) attractive (2) durable (3) timely and (4) anchored in a product, service, or business that creates or adds value for its buyer or end user. In order for an entrepreneur to take advantage of an opportunity, its window of opportunity must be available.