Upgrade to Pro

Total supply : 500B $DOGS*
*Sent to binance: 50B $DOGS*
*Sent to bybit : 26B $DOGS*

*Binance Listing Confirmed .

When it comes to listing $Bitget and Binance are the two Cex i prefer .

Pls don’t forget to add Memo/Tag/ comment when sending out your $dogs if not your labour will truly be in vain.
Total supply : 500B $DOGS* *Sent to binance: 50B $DOGS* *Sent to bybit : 26B $DOGS* *Binance Listing Confirmed . When it comes to listing $Bitget and Binance are the two Cex i prefer . Pls don’t forget to add Memo/Tag/ comment when sending out your $dogs if not your labour will truly be in vain.