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Virginity na old school! Who e help?

This is what the 21st century think about a lady who have decided to keep herself till marriage. The world has condemned this set of people to the point that they no longer see the need of being sexually pure.

In this generation everyone is out to satisfy themselves. Our ladies have fallen into the trap of immorality. Few days ago I was conversing with a lady and she said it is impossible for a guy to be in a relationship with a lady and not have sex. I replied her " it is very possible when you set boundaries".

When you're in a relationship with someone, please set boundaries in other not to loose your dignity. Boundaries helps you not to go beyond your morals.

Dear lady, it is very possible to be sexually pure.
It is very possible to keep yourself till marriage.
It is very possible to live a holy life.
It is a choice.

Thus heed not to what the world will say about you keeping yourself.
Give a deaf ear to it.
Follow your heart and follow God.
To hell with what men say!

Virginity na old school! Who e help? This is what the 21st century think about a lady who have decided to keep herself till marriage. The world has condemned this set of people to the point that they no longer see the need of being sexually pure. In this generation everyone is out to satisfy themselves. Our ladies have fallen into the trap of immorality. Few days ago I was conversing with a lady and she said it is impossible for a guy to be in a relationship with a lady and not have sex. I replied her " it is very possible when you set boundaries". When you're in a relationship with someone, please set boundaries in other not to loose your dignity. Boundaries helps you not to go beyond your morals. Dear lady, it is very possible to be sexually pure. It is very possible to keep yourself till marriage. It is very possible to live a holy life. It is a choice. Thus heed not to what the world will say about you keeping yourself. Give a deaf ear to it. Follow your heart and follow God. To hell with what men say! #inaddytomyhumbleself #August27