This is the 2001 movie I Am Sam, which tells the story of Sam Dawson, who has a developmental disability. Sam works at Starbucks and lives independently with the help of his friends, including a neighbor named Annie. Sam's life changes when he becomes the father of a child with a homeless woman named Lucy. He becomes a devoted single father and raises Lucy with the help of his friends, but when Lucy turns seven, she starts to surpass her father's intellectual abilities
This is the 2001 movie I Am Sam, which tells the story of Sam Dawson, who has a developmental disability. Sam works at Starbucks and lives independently with the help of his friends, including a neighbor named Annie. Sam's life changes when he becomes the father of a child with a homeless woman named Lucy. He becomes a devoted single father and raises Lucy with the help of his friends, but when Lucy turns seven, she starts to surpass her father's intellectual abilities https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_jf9X3McSS8
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