Upgrade to Pro

■ Crown:
2 cusps – 1 buccal, 1 lingual
Buccal cusp bigger than the lingual cusp.
The occlusal surface diverges to the lingual surface.
■ Cervical section:
Irregular flattened shape (in mesiodistal direction)
■ Root:
1 root – 1 canal
Lower 1st premolar
Dens praemolaris inferior anterior
■ Crown: 2 cusps – 1 buccal, 1 lingual Buccal cusp bigger than the lingual cusp. The occlusal surface diverges to the lingual surface. ■ Cervical section: Irregular flattened shape (in mesiodistal direction) ■ Root: 1 root – 1 canal Lower 1st premolar Dens praemolaris inferior anterior