1. Cultivate Hatred
Most people have a very limited understanding of breaking addictions.
They'll tell you to set a date to quit your addiction or to distract yourself. And sure, this may work temporarily. Until the temptations catch you off guard.
And you relapse. Again. And again.
And again. The first step to breaking addiction isn't to avoid it. No, the first step is to cultivate deep hatred towards that activity.
You heard that right. You start by using hate. The people that tell you to use robotic and strict routines to overcome addictions don't truly know what addictions are.
They treat addictions like any other habits.
Listen. Addictions are strong emotionally driven habits.
Loneliness. Boredom. Greed.
Sadness. All these unresolved pain points lead to your addictions. We don't choose to be addicted.
What we choose to do is deny our pain. No one else will tell you this. But the best way to counter your addictions is by cultivating the most powerful emotion against it. Hate.
The reason why no one else ever told you this is because of two reasons. The first reason is because society has a very novice understanding of emotions.
Let alone how to use them to your advantage.
The second reason is that people consider emotions like hatred and anger negative emotions. Which couldn't be further from the truth.
There is a time and a place for every emotion. Even for hatred. Think about it.
If you have a gambling or fapping addiction, love isn't going to rid you of it. Happiness isn't going to destroy your bad habits. When you want to remove weeds in a garden, you need to kill the weeds.
Similarly, to kill a bad habit, you need a powerful destructive emotion. Hatred.
Most people don't know how to use this powerful emotion.
That is why you will see them hating in twitter comments, wasting their energy away.
Understanding when to use certain emotions to your advantage. That is what true power is. And that's the first step to breaking any addiction.
The way to do this is by thinking of as many bad consequences of your addiction. And write them down. For example, if you are addicted to fapping.
Write down how fapping keeps you away from your potential. Because it absorbs your time and energy. And makes you feel shameful.
Write down how pathetic of a father it makes you. And how it destroys your dopamine receptors. Makes you depressed and lowers your testosterone.
These are just examples. But it's preferable that you go much darker than that. You see, by linking all horrible things to your addiction.
You turn that addiction into your enemy. And by reading them daily. You program your subconscious brain to resent those activities.
This way, even when you're caught off guard by temptations. Your subconscious brain is trained to fight against it. Now, before moving on to the next way to break addictions.
I want to remind you of something very important. Every addiction is linked to a strong emotion. Loneliness could lead to fapping.
Greed could lead to gambling. And although hatred is an excellent way to combat these strong emotions. And destroy your addictions.
It doesn't get you to understand the root of the problem. You could destroy an addiction and later start a new addiction. Because you didn't resolve the loneliness problem.
I advise you to start by using hatred to deal with your addiction instantly. But to also come back later to understand why you even had that addiction in the first place.
Most people have a very limited understanding of breaking addictions.
They'll tell you to set a date to quit your addiction or to distract yourself. And sure, this may work temporarily. Until the temptations catch you off guard.
And you relapse. Again. And again.
And again. The first step to breaking addiction isn't to avoid it. No, the first step is to cultivate deep hatred towards that activity.
You heard that right. You start by using hate. The people that tell you to use robotic and strict routines to overcome addictions don't truly know what addictions are.
They treat addictions like any other habits.
Listen. Addictions are strong emotionally driven habits.
Loneliness. Boredom. Greed.
Sadness. All these unresolved pain points lead to your addictions. We don't choose to be addicted.
What we choose to do is deny our pain. No one else will tell you this. But the best way to counter your addictions is by cultivating the most powerful emotion against it. Hate.
The reason why no one else ever told you this is because of two reasons. The first reason is because society has a very novice understanding of emotions.
Let alone how to use them to your advantage.
The second reason is that people consider emotions like hatred and anger negative emotions. Which couldn't be further from the truth.
There is a time and a place for every emotion. Even for hatred. Think about it.
If you have a gambling or fapping addiction, love isn't going to rid you of it. Happiness isn't going to destroy your bad habits. When you want to remove weeds in a garden, you need to kill the weeds.
Similarly, to kill a bad habit, you need a powerful destructive emotion. Hatred.
Most people don't know how to use this powerful emotion.
That is why you will see them hating in twitter comments, wasting their energy away.
Understanding when to use certain emotions to your advantage. That is what true power is. And that's the first step to breaking any addiction.
The way to do this is by thinking of as many bad consequences of your addiction. And write them down. For example, if you are addicted to fapping.
Write down how fapping keeps you away from your potential. Because it absorbs your time and energy. And makes you feel shameful.
Write down how pathetic of a father it makes you. And how it destroys your dopamine receptors. Makes you depressed and lowers your testosterone.
These are just examples. But it's preferable that you go much darker than that. You see, by linking all horrible things to your addiction.
You turn that addiction into your enemy. And by reading them daily. You program your subconscious brain to resent those activities.
This way, even when you're caught off guard by temptations. Your subconscious brain is trained to fight against it. Now, before moving on to the next way to break addictions.
I want to remind you of something very important. Every addiction is linked to a strong emotion. Loneliness could lead to fapping.
Greed could lead to gambling. And although hatred is an excellent way to combat these strong emotions. And destroy your addictions.
It doesn't get you to understand the root of the problem. You could destroy an addiction and later start a new addiction. Because you didn't resolve the loneliness problem.
I advise you to start by using hatred to deal with your addiction instantly. But to also come back later to understand why you even had that addiction in the first place.
1. Cultivate Hatred
Most people have a very limited understanding of breaking addictions.
They'll tell you to set a date to quit your addiction or to distract yourself. And sure, this may work temporarily. Until the temptations catch you off guard.
And you relapse. Again. And again.
And again. The first step to breaking addiction isn't to avoid it. No, the first step is to cultivate deep hatred towards that activity.
You heard that right. You start by using hate. The people that tell you to use robotic and strict routines to overcome addictions don't truly know what addictions are.
They treat addictions like any other habits.
Listen. Addictions are strong emotionally driven habits.
Loneliness. Boredom. Greed.
Sadness. All these unresolved pain points lead to your addictions. We don't choose to be addicted.
What we choose to do is deny our pain. No one else will tell you this. But the best way to counter your addictions is by cultivating the most powerful emotion against it. Hate.
The reason why no one else ever told you this is because of two reasons. The first reason is because society has a very novice understanding of emotions.
Let alone how to use them to your advantage.
The second reason is that people consider emotions like hatred and anger negative emotions. Which couldn't be further from the truth.
There is a time and a place for every emotion. Even for hatred. Think about it.
If you have a gambling or fapping addiction, love isn't going to rid you of it. Happiness isn't going to destroy your bad habits. When you want to remove weeds in a garden, you need to kill the weeds.
Similarly, to kill a bad habit, you need a powerful destructive emotion. Hatred.
Most people don't know how to use this powerful emotion.
That is why you will see them hating in twitter comments, wasting their energy away.
Understanding when to use certain emotions to your advantage. That is what true power is. And that's the first step to breaking any addiction.
The way to do this is by thinking of as many bad consequences of your addiction. And write them down. For example, if you are addicted to fapping.
Write down how fapping keeps you away from your potential. Because it absorbs your time and energy. And makes you feel shameful.
Write down how pathetic of a father it makes you. And how it destroys your dopamine receptors. Makes you depressed and lowers your testosterone.
These are just examples. But it's preferable that you go much darker than that. You see, by linking all horrible things to your addiction.
You turn that addiction into your enemy. And by reading them daily. You program your subconscious brain to resent those activities.
This way, even when you're caught off guard by temptations. Your subconscious brain is trained to fight against it. Now, before moving on to the next way to break addictions.
I want to remind you of something very important. Every addiction is linked to a strong emotion. Loneliness could lead to fapping.
Greed could lead to gambling. And although hatred is an excellent way to combat these strong emotions. And destroy your addictions.
It doesn't get you to understand the root of the problem. You could destroy an addiction and later start a new addiction. Because you didn't resolve the loneliness problem.
I advise you to start by using hatred to deal with your addiction instantly. But to also come back later to understand why you even had that addiction in the first place.
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