Upgrade to Pro

Life is going to do what life does. It’s going to rise. It’s going to fall. It’s going to be beautiful. It’s going to be tragic. It’s going to be mundane. It’s going to be chaotic. It’s going to be full of joy and it’s going to be full of grief.

Time is going to do what time does. It’s going to move slowly. It’s going to move at lightning speed. There will be moments where you feel like you have too much time on your hands and there will be other moments where you don’t have nearly enough.

People are going to do what people do. They’re going to breathe life into you. They’re going to knock the wind out of you. They’re going to disappoint. They’re going to excite. They’re going to surprise you—in the best ways and in the worst.

But God is also going to do what God does. He’s going to guide. He’s going to comfort. He’s going to direct. He’s going to lead. He’s going to sustain. He’s going to forgive. He’s going to heal. And he’s going to love.

Copied from Amy
Life is going to do what life does. It’s going to rise. It’s going to fall. It’s going to be beautiful. It’s going to be tragic. It’s going to be mundane. It’s going to be chaotic. It’s going to be full of joy and it’s going to be full of grief. Time is going to do what time does. It’s going to move slowly. It’s going to move at lightning speed. There will be moments where you feel like you have too much time on your hands and there will be other moments where you don’t have nearly enough. People are going to do what people do. They’re going to breathe life into you. They’re going to knock the wind out of you. They’re going to disappoint. They’re going to excite. They’re going to surprise you—in the best ways and in the worst. But God is also going to do what God does. He’s going to guide. He’s going to comfort. He’s going to direct. He’s going to lead. He’s going to sustain. He’s going to forgive. He’s going to heal. And he’s going to love. Love, Amy Copied from Amy