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Chili Peppers
Chili peppers have been shown to help lower heart disease risk by improving cholesterol, lowering blood pressure, and enhancing circulation as well as combating obesity. These spicy peppers also contain potent anti-inflammatory compounds and are even linked to extending longevity.

Bonus: fresh or dried hot peppers are a smart way to flavor meals without the need to add salt or sugar. Sprinkle a chopped fresh or some dried chili pepper onto anything from black bean soup to hummus, potatoes, and sautéed veggies
Chili Peppers Chili peppers have been shown to help lower heart disease risk by improving cholesterol, lowering blood pressure, and enhancing circulation as well as combating obesity. These spicy peppers also contain potent anti-inflammatory compounds and are even linked to extending longevity. Bonus: fresh or dried hot peppers are a smart way to flavor meals without the need to add salt or sugar. Sprinkle a chopped fresh or some dried chili pepper onto anything from black bean soup to hummus, potatoes, and sautéed veggies