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Discovering our purpose in life is a journey that requires seeking God's guidance and wisdom. As Christians, we are created for a purpose that goes beyond our own desires and ambitions (Jeremiah 29:11). When we surrender our lives to God and seek His plan, we find a sense of direction and meaning that brings fulfillment and joy. By studying God's Word, praying, and seeking mentorship, we can uncover our unique purpose and live a life that honors God
Discovering our purpose in life is a journey that requires seeking God's guidance and wisdom. As Christians, we are created for a purpose that goes beyond our own desires and ambitions (Jeremiah 29:11). When we surrender our lives to God and seek His plan, we find a sense of direction and meaning that brings fulfillment and joy. By studying God's Word, praying, and seeking mentorship, we can uncover our unique purpose and live a life that honors God