Before you insult him just remember that he's also facing life challenges but you won't notice because your eyes are glued on your own happiness, and you're too focused on how he should make you happy and spoil you, men go through a lot too, if you love him ,learn to understand him and also avoid friends that advices you to put pressure on your man
Simply because their boyfriends are doing better than yours. Appreciate little things that comes with respect & love let's respect our partners.
Before you insult him just remember that he's also facing life challenges but you won't notice because your eyes are glued on your own happiness, and you're too focused on how he should make you happy and spoil you, men go through a lot too, if you love him ,learn to understand him and also avoid friends that advices you to put pressure on your man
Simply because their boyfriends are doing better than yours. Appreciate little things that comes with respect & love let's respect our partners.
Before you insult him just remember that he's also facing life challenges but you won't notice because your eyes are glued on your own happiness, 😢and you're too focused on how he should make you happy and spoil you, men go through a lot too, if you love him ,learn to understand him and also avoid friends that advices you to put pressure on your man
Simply because their boyfriends are doing better than yours. Appreciate little things that comes with respect & love let's respect our partners.