I think every Christian ought to be able to say three things:
1) By the grace of God I'm not what I used to be.
2) And just as legitimately you should be able to say, "By the grace of God I am what I am." That's not a matter of pride or ego. You ought to be proud of what God is doing in your life. Not a self-righteousness pride: "Look what a great Pharisee I am!" But are you grateful for what God is doing in your life? I am! When God uses me I thank Him!
3) By the grace of God I'm not what I'm going to be. God is not through with you. God is in the disciple making business and He is producing character in your life. Romans 5 tells us He even uses suffering and trials to build character in your life.
All of that happens by grace. Why is it that some people grow through trials and some people don't? Why is it that some people get better and some people get bitter? Why is it for some people a stumbling block and for others a stepping stone? It's whether they're using God's grace in their life. Trials do not automatically mature you. I know a lot of people who have gone through a lot of trials and they're still spiritual midgets! They don't rely on the grace of God.
The Benefits of God's grace: We're saved by God's grace. We're filled by God's grace. God answers our prayers by His grace. He does miracles by grace. All of the growth in our life is by grace.
1) By the grace of God I'm not what I used to be.
2) And just as legitimately you should be able to say, "By the grace of God I am what I am." That's not a matter of pride or ego. You ought to be proud of what God is doing in your life. Not a self-righteousness pride: "Look what a great Pharisee I am!" But are you grateful for what God is doing in your life? I am! When God uses me I thank Him!
3) By the grace of God I'm not what I'm going to be. God is not through with you. God is in the disciple making business and He is producing character in your life. Romans 5 tells us He even uses suffering and trials to build character in your life.
All of that happens by grace. Why is it that some people grow through trials and some people don't? Why is it that some people get better and some people get bitter? Why is it for some people a stumbling block and for others a stepping stone? It's whether they're using God's grace in their life. Trials do not automatically mature you. I know a lot of people who have gone through a lot of trials and they're still spiritual midgets! They don't rely on the grace of God.
The Benefits of God's grace: We're saved by God's grace. We're filled by God's grace. God answers our prayers by His grace. He does miracles by grace. All of the growth in our life is by grace.
I think every Christian ought to be able to say three things:
1) By the grace of God I'm not what I used to be.
2) And just as legitimately you should be able to say, "By the grace of God I am what I am." That's not a matter of pride or ego. You ought to be proud of what God is doing in your life. Not a self-righteousness pride: "Look what a great Pharisee I am!" But are you grateful for what God is doing in your life? I am! When God uses me I thank Him!
3) By the grace of God I'm not what I'm going to be. God is not through with you. God is in the disciple making business and He is producing character in your life. Romans 5 tells us He even uses suffering and trials to build character in your life.
All of that happens by grace. Why is it that some people grow through trials and some people don't? Why is it that some people get better and some people get bitter? Why is it for some people a stumbling block and for others a stepping stone? It's whether they're using God's grace in their life. Trials do not automatically mature you. I know a lot of people who have gone through a lot of trials and they're still spiritual midgets! They don't rely on the grace of God.
The Benefits of God's grace: We're saved by God's grace. We're filled by God's grace. God answers our prayers by His grace. He does miracles by grace. All of the growth in our life is by grace.