Stephen Pagliuca and Antonio Percassi --- You didn't represent the club well, we are disappõinted with your speech towards Ademola lookman who's a key player and currently African BEST, you are therefore issuêd 24hrs to tender an public apology to him or resign as the head coach.
Atalanta ōwners has asked Gian Piêro Gasperini to apolōgize to Ademola Lōokman or rêsign in the nēxt 24hrs.
Atalanta ōwners has asked Gian Piêro Gasperini to apolōgize to Ademola Lōokman or rêsign in the nēxt 24hrs.
Stephen Pagliuca and Antonio Percassi 🗣️--- You didn't represent the club well, we are disappõinted with your speech 💬 towards Ademola lookman who's a key player and currently African BEST, you are therefore issuêd 24hrs to tender an public apology to him or resign as the head coach.
Atalanta ōwners has asked Gian Piêro Gasperini to apolōgize to Ademola Lōokman or rêsign in the nēxt 24hrs.
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