Here's how Danloaders work
Sign in for free
Select your country
Add all necessary details correctly then wait for your account to be approved.
It takes 48hrs or less for your account to be approved.
So do well to check your mail from time to time.
After approval, add your profile picture, set username just like Facebook.
Follow the steps there.
When you are done.
Start posting
You can post anything.
Each post is #50
You can only post twice a day.
#200 for each referrals
Minimum withdrawal for task #500
Minimum withdrawal is referral #600
You can choose to refer and also choose not to.
Sign in for free
Select your country
Add all necessary details correctly then wait for your account to be approved.
It takes 48hrs or less for your account to be approved.
So do well to check your mail from time to time.
After approval, add your profile picture, set username just like Facebook.
Follow the steps there.
When you are done.
Start posting
You can post anything.
Each post is #50
You can only post twice a day.
#200 for each referrals
Minimum withdrawal for task #500
Minimum withdrawal is referral #600
You can choose to refer and also choose not to.
Here's how Danloaders work
Sign in for free
Select your country
Add all necessary details correctly then wait for your account to be approved.
It takes 48hrs or less for your account to be approved.
So do well to check your mail from time to time.
After approval, add your profile picture, set username just like Facebook.
Follow the steps there.
When you are done.
Start posting
You can post anything.
Each post is #50
You can only post twice a day.
#200 for each referrals
Minimum withdrawal for task #500
Minimum withdrawal is referral #600
You can choose to refer and also choose not to.
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