“Adam and Eve ate nothing, they didn’t eat anything. Were you there? You cannot be a sinner by eating something, Alcohol is not a sin, cigar is not a sin. But, you should have sense that, cigar can cut short your life and you could find yourself in gutter after taking alcohol”- Apostle Abel Damina
👉🏻 Remember, I posted about this food few days ago about eating Christmas or Sallah food and that, food doesn't make one a sinner? But, I don't agree with him on the issue of Garden of Eden. It may not really be due to whatever they ate, it may be due to disobedience of the Direct Order - "Thou shall not eat"e
👉🏻 Remember, I posted about this food few days ago about eating Christmas or Sallah food and that, food doesn't make one a sinner? But, I don't agree with him on the issue of Garden of Eden. It may not really be due to whatever they ate, it may be due to disobedience of the Direct Order - "Thou shall not eat"e
“Adam and Eve ate nothing, they didn’t eat anything. Were you there? You cannot be a sinner by eating something, Alcohol is not a sin, cigar is not a sin. But, you should have sense that, cigar can cut short your life and you could find yourself in gutter after taking alcohol”- Apostle Abel Damina
👉🏻 Remember, I posted about this food few days ago about eating Christmas or Sallah food and that, food doesn't make one a sinner? But, I don't agree with him on the issue of Garden of Eden. It may not really be due to whatever they ate, it may be due to disobedience of the Direct Order - "Thou shall not eat"✅e
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