Never Ever Think Of Stopping The Little Things You Are Doing Now
The Profit Might Be low But Dont Forget That A Tree Might Look DiscouragingAt First, But The Moment Its Fruit Is Out Every One Begins To Rush After It
Just wanted to say "stay positive"
©Coachfavor Cares
The Profit Might Be low But Dont Forget That A Tree Might Look DiscouragingAt First, But The Moment Its Fruit Is Out Every One Begins To Rush After It
Just wanted to say "stay positive"
©Coachfavor Cares
Never Ever Think Of Stopping The Little Things You Are Doing Now
The Profit Might Be low But Dont Forget That A Tree Might Look DiscouragingAt First, But The Moment Its Fruit Is Out Every One Begins To Rush After It
Just wanted to say "stay positive"
©Coachfavor Cares