Humanity faces an "existential crisis" caused by its rapacious destruction of life-sustaining nature, *UN chief Antonio Guterres has warned delegates at a biodiversity summit in Colombia* .
_"Every day, we lose more species. Every minute, we dump a garbage truck of plastic waste into our oceans, rivers and lakes. Make no mistake. This is what an existential crisis looks like,"_ Guterres told delegates at the *COP16 summit in Cali* .
Delegates were warned they have *five years to meet the 23 UN targets* -- which include placing 30% of land, water and ocean under protection by 2030 — if they want to _"halt and reverse"_ nature's destruction.
_"Every day, we lose more species. Every minute, we dump a garbage truck of plastic waste into our oceans, rivers and lakes. Make no mistake. This is what an existential crisis looks like,"_ Guterres told delegates at the *COP16 summit in Cali* .
Delegates were warned they have *five years to meet the 23 UN targets* -- which include placing 30% of land, water and ocean under protection by 2030 — if they want to _"halt and reverse"_ nature's destruction.
Humanity faces an "existential crisis" caused by its rapacious destruction of life-sustaining nature, *UN chief Antonio Guterres has warned delegates at a biodiversity summit in Colombia* .
๐ _"Every day, we lose more species. Every minute, we dump a garbage truck of plastic waste into our oceans, rivers and lakes. Make no mistake. This is what an existential crisis looks like,"_ Guterres told delegates at the *COP16 summit in Cali* .
โ ๏ธ Delegates were warned they have *five years to meet the 23 UN targets* -- which include placing 30% of land, water and ocean under protection by 2030 — if they want to _"halt and reverse"_ nature's destruction.
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