The husband must continue Stimûlating the woman's clitøris until she is high before pênêtration.
Eg. He may gently start fondling the clitøris with his tongue or finger, kissing and caressing her lìps, tìghs, buttøcks, clitøris, lãbia and other parts of her bødy until she is sëxually excited.
This will signaled with an increase in vâginâl lubricatiøn to enhance penëtratiøn and sweetness
The husband must continue Stimûlating the woman's clitøris until she is high before pênêtration. Eg. He may gently start fondling the clitøris with his tongue or finger, kissing and caressing her lìps, tìghs, buttøcks, clitøris, lãbia and other parts of her bødy until she is sëxually excited. This will signaled with an increase in vâginâl lubricatiøn to enhance penëtratiøn and sweetness
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