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Today, decide to live life before life leaves you. You do not know when you will die. But you know how much money you have. So, do this. Work a lot. Chop a little. Work a lot. Chop a little. If you live your life like this, you will have fewer regrets. The purpose of life is to enjoy it. Don't make enduring life your own purpose. Remember, how well you live is more important than how long you live. Because, no one lives forever!
Today, decide to live life before life leaves you. You do not know when you will die. But you know how much money you have. So, do this. Work a lot. Chop a little. Work a lot. Chop a little. If you live your life like this, you will have fewer regrets. The purpose of life is to enjoy it. Don't make enduring life your own purpose. Remember, how well you live is more important than how long you live. Because, no one lives forever!