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Jaywon is an industry icon, whether or not he's in the spotlight doesn't change; The fact that y'all see no wrong in what Ayra Starr did is sickening. Jaywon is a Nigerian, Future plus other foreigners are n¤t, she should've simply declined the photo request instead of making a mockery of him by treating him differently. What she did was classism, & y'all are applauding it.
Jaywon is an industry icon, whether or not he's in the spotlight doesn't change; The fact that y'all see no wrong in what Ayra Starr did is sickening. Jaywon is a Nigerian, Future plus other foreigners are n¤t, she should've simply declined the photo request instead of making a mockery of him by treating him differently. What she did was classism, & y'all are applauding it.